This fictional television series follows the lives of two women whose separate and contrasting lives cross paths on one desperate day when wrong choices and a tragic incident change their lives forever. Sonya Alipio, a low income single mother of two who works hard for her family, deposits a portion of her hard earned money every month into a financial educational plan sold by an established company called Educare to ensure her sons Paco and Domeng have the funds for their college or university. On that fateful day, Paco collapses from a fatal heart disease that requires immediate surgery, but Sonya is not able to cash out her investments because Educare has declared bankruptcy. She confronts Educare’s president Edward Lamoste who tells her he has nothing left to give her except his Rolex watch, but he asks her to assist his suicide. Sonya refuses and a struggle for the gun ensues and then Edward is shot. Sonya is certain she never fires a shot. The incident happens quickly, but an old friend and cemetery caretaker witnesses the struggle. Frightened and ignorant about due process, Mang Asyong urges her to run away while he disposes of the gun. Back at the hospital, her son’s operation is successful, and her entire neighborhood including the surgeon contribute to help her pay the bills. Edward is also rushed to the hospital and declared dead on arrival. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Hanggang Saan
- Also Known As: Until Where
- Director: Jeffrey Jeturian, Topel Lee, Mervyn Brondial, Paco Sta. Maria
- Genres: Romance, Crime, Drama, Family
Where to Watch A Mother's Guilt
Cast & Credits
- Sylvia Sanchez Main Role
- Arjo AtaydeFranscisco Alipio / "Paco"Main Role
- Ariel RiveraJacob MontecilloMain Role
- Yves FloresDominic Garibay-Alipio / "Domeng"Main Role
- Sue Ramirez Main Role
- Sue PradoMarjorieSupport Role