6 people found this review helpful
Aug 30, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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An honest review

When I first hear of this new drama, I was anticipating it's release. But since I wasn't familiar with how long new episodes come out, I'd opted to wait for the whole drama to finish first.

When I first read the synopsis I really really liked it. I don't know why but sometimes I do like me some shallow love-hate relationships, a cute rom-com to brighten my day. True enough when I watched it, it was somewhat what I expected it to be.

First things first, I really really liked the main leads. Their chemistry is off the roof. Glad they were the ones who portrayed the leads.

Now for the plot. Okay, don't get me wrong a cute love-hate relationship/ co-habitation/ contract marriage plot is really really one of my favourites!!! BUT, what I didn't really like about this was how much of a jerk the ML was to the FL. First, he sent her to his mortal enemy. ALONE. in a car. Like WTH right? But it just gets worst from there. What really really didn't sit well with me was the part when he drugged her and attempted to rape his wife. Like hello?!!! There's a thing called marital rape. I know you did it because you love her and you don't want her to divorce you BUT more so reason to not rape her. WTH. RAPE IS RAPE. period. And then, at the end they showed that the ML started liking the FL wayyyyy back during their high school days. It's sweet I know but it's one of the biggest loophole in the story. If you've been liking someone for that long how the hell can you still be a jerk to her. You're saying this but what you're doing is going against what you're saying??? I don't know it's so confusing. Why not just prove your love to her, reassure your wife of your feelings. It's seemed the most rational thing to do.

Another thing that confused me while watching was the transition of scenes. Like OMG it was so all over the place that I gave up trying to analyze what was happening and just decided to go with the flow. Like in the first few episodes, where the FL hacked the data of the company. It just came out of nowhere. It took sometime to figure out what was happening. And honestly, that wasn't the only one. There was so much that I really can't name everything.

I'm a fan of cliches in romcom but here, it was just too much honestly. If you just focus on the main plot it's a cute simple story. I'm sure this is not for everyone but still don't regret watching it. It was okay.

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Jun 16, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This drama is perfect for me. Among Mark Prin's dramas, this one truly did showcase his emotions to the utmost. The delivery of the lines was definitely the best.
The casts gave their best to give justice to the story. I should say that the couple here Mark as P'Thien and Mew as Muey were totally perfect in terms of chemistry. Their collaboration in this drama was so strong that will drive your sanity to have them pair up for the next drama.
Indeed, my interest was captured. I could attest that I'm Mark Prin's avid fan and thus, this drama aside from pope rak-really justified myself Mark Prin's fan.
Among the actresses of whom Mark Prin was being to, Mew is the best (forgive me Kim).
Kudos to the writer,staffs and to the director for the job well done.
And to you (future viewer)-please do prepare a tissue paper. Why?It's a secret hahaha. You watch it so that you will have an idea hahaha.
Ps. khapunka Muse for the subtitles???

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Thien Likes Being in Control *SPOILERS*

I admit when beginning to watch this, it was a little boring. But I knew I would like it if I continued, which I did. I do like how persistent Muey was in trying to win Thien's heart, even if he didn't like her. The one thing I like about this lakorn is the hidden story plots, like how (SPOILER) Thien didn't know that Muey was the one who saved him when he drowned or when it was later shown that (SPOILER AGAIN) Thien has loved Muey the whole time, even before Muey with all of the parallel scenes. But I don't really believe that Thien has loved Muey for this whole time, ever since high school. The way he handled the situation of Muey being undercover and being left in the dark shows that he didn't like Muey being smarter than him. A woman like Muey, a ditz and a clutz in his eyes, is way more intelligent than he thought and can deceive a smart man like Thien. You can argue he was upset that Muey hid this from him because he trusted and loved her, but Thien reacted differently. He wants the control. Even with his friends, you can tell Thien is the leader of this group and that his friends will just follow. His coworkers didn't even like him because he was too controlling. Even though Thien did redeem himself Sawan Biang style, it proves that he wants to be in control, with the reason that he loves Muey. Such as when (SPOILER ONCE AGAIN) Thien begs for the doctor to not tell Muey of her condition and does what he thinks is best for Muey, but he should've just told her in the first place. But this is a lakorn. So when Thien redeemed himself I loved it hahaha.

I tend to like Mark's lakorns where he acts like a jerk lmaoo. I really like his portrayal of Sathit in Kluen Cheewit. And in MHIL, Mark portrays Thien well, a very successful, handsome, and intelligent jerk. I found myself not liking Thien when watching this, so it proves that Mark can act. I also love his crying and angry scenes, as he does well in those departments. When I watched Mew's past lakorns, I feel like she's stiff or shows the same emotions. But I think Mew does well in light heart comedies. Portraying the playful and optimistic Muey was a great choice. Mew has improved greatly. Mark has great chemistry with any of his actresses and Mew is no different. I love their chemistry as it looked so effortless and it looked genuine.

I love this OST, especially the ending credit song and SIN's song. Overall, it's been hard to watch lakorns recently. These lakorns haven't caught my attention and it'd be like one or two that I like. But I really enjoyed this lakorn and I've had my share of laughs and tears. I almost dropped this lakorn but I'm happy I didn't.

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tibha xoxo an
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 27, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
One of the best Romantic dramas and certainly the best Thai drama in my watching history.

Oh so hot!! The chemistry was beyond my expectation. The attraction towards the drama took birth since the telecast of the first trailer. Even my 'not so drama watching friends' were lured towards it.

It started typically with a arrogant boy and sweet loving girl. I loved the theme of a pure romance without the prevailing slap-kiss environment of Thai dramas. The development of love between Muey and Thien looked very realistic. The set lightings were fantastic. It gave a dream like effect to our characters. Even though Thien was rich and Muey poor, however, it was refreshing, not to see money hungry women around Thien and plotting against Muey. Infact, thank god their were no extra side stories or characters. In this entire story, their is one and only one situation where Thien will gradually fall in love with Muey. Loved it. Loved it.

Their makeup to costumes were so relatable. Totally like what a common person would wear and feel. The most interesting and applaudable thing is design of the characters. Muey is hopelessly in love with Thien and do anything for his happiness but mind it that she is not a pushover. Thien is arrogant but not indifferent to other's emotions. There are many aww moments but not one that would be called cheesy. It was perfect. Thien and Muey were perfect.

Oh god, this drama was totally awesome. A mustttttttt watch. Watch it for the story. Watch it for the romance. And definitely watch it for the 'Sizzling chemistry'. Clearly the best Thai couple of till date. No doubt. No regret.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5
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Insane Chemistry

I haven’t seen many lakorns so maybe this is why this felt so refreshing to me, but I absolutely loved it!

Not sure you can call this spoiler, but I want to share how I felt about the characters (without much facts/details tho).

Let’s start talking about our leads. And not gonna lie that Mark smirk was my first love attack. I mean, the man is gorgeous, the smile, the body, gestures, damn, the man is FIRE and I was completely seduced HAHAHA. Lost count of the many times I re-watched him eating that apple. If you know, you know. And yes, shameless me!

But at the same time his personality started to disappoint me to a point that I wanted to strangle him with my own hands multiple times. Whenever I thought "ok, now we're good", he'd take 3 steps back, argh. How could you mess with my heart in this love-hate roller coaster?

In the other hand, Mew’s character started as another sweet girl but she kept bringing new faces of herself and was a constant growth in my heart. She simply became one of my favorite f. leads in dramaland. She's gorgeous, she's smart, she's sweet, strong, loyal, she loves and treasures her love with her all, without losing herself. A real diva, ladies and gentlemen!

Only the bravest heart could win that stubborn man, lol.
And just let me tell you something, * THEIR CHEMISTRY IS INSANE *. That's it. Believe me!

Our supportive mommies also felt different. The fact that Thien’s mother was always there to protect Moei, the fact that Moei’s mother always supported her daughter, respected her decisions no matter what… Best mommies!

Thien’s friends were hilarious, I loved whenever they mocked his personality lol
And I loved the message that love doesn’t come for being male/female. You . just . love. ^^

If you start watching it and aren’t sure if you’re liking it, please don’t drop it from the beginning, wait the first big change of events before deciding it! I won’t say more. HA!

Brief, highly recommend, hope you have fun! Gonna miss them so much!

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3 people found this review helpful
Dec 29, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Nice story

Mark Prin is really the maste rof arrogant and Bully. Wow! From Waves of life to Husband in law to My forever my sunshine. You can really be annoyed with him. Thein and Muey, I really like the chemisty. Watching them you can really feel that they are in love. Esp Muey. Her acting is good! You know, the “I’m hurt but I really love you.” I hope they can make another series.
Nice secondary characters. I like Thein’s Mom and his whole family and of course Muey’s
Mom. Thein’s team vs Muey’s team.
Episode 10 from there you can really feel the love between them. Its cute and sweet and sad. But over all, I really like the whole series.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jul 19, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5

Wild Chemistry!!!

WOW!!! That’s all I can say about the 2 leads. Their chemistry was so HOT and REAL that I searched for other series where they’re a couple. I was disappointed to find out that this is the first lakorn they are acting as a couple. I find that Mark Prin always has a good chemistry with his female lead co-star but it was different in this series. Here it was like they’re a real couple. If they didn’t have their own partners already I would have shipped them in real life!
The story is not that original but would re-watch it if only to see the lead couple again. Here’s wishing they will work together again and soon.

Addendum: SPOILER ahead, stop reading now if you don't like spoilers!!!
So I have decided to re-watch this series and I'm seeing more details that I kinda missed the first time I saw this lakorn.
In the last few episodes, Thien said that he has loved Muey since they were young. The first time I watched it, I thought this didn't go with the first part of the story. But now that I'm re-watching, yes, there were signs that he did care for her since the beginning. He was actually very protective of her: like buying her ointments when she got hurt, stopping his friends when they start hitting on her (jealous much), jumping in front of the car to protect her, following her to Myanmar (and pretending he was forced to go there) and the most telling was the reason he didn't want to be forced to marry her (the same reason he didn't want others to know they're married) because he didn't want her reputation getting tarnished.
I really can't get over this couple, even if its only on-screen. The sexual tension was so palpable, how did they bring that onscreen? Are they really that good in acting?

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3 people found this review helpful
Aug 29, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Love it so much!!

I loved this drama so much!! So let me get started...

I loved the story, it is very interesting in that the main male character (Thien) "has to" marry the main female character (Muey) to keep out of trouble. I've never seen this done in any of the dramas I've watched before and I liked it. The rest of the story goes on as one would expect, Muey is unbelievably in love with Thien, I do not completely understand it, since he loves to tease her and does not pay her any attention, to the point where he knows almost nothing about her. But there you have it, the mysteriousness of love, we never know why we fall in love with someone, so this is true to life.

Story-wise it can be dived in 4 parts: early marriage, hacking phase, Myanmar construction and noble idiocy/pregnancy. I will start by mentioning that I did not enjoy the hacking phase at all, not because of its relevance to the story, I do believe it fits and it is quite understandable, what I did not like was Thien's reaction and action towards Muey. I find he was too cruel and hurtful to her, so much so that I seriously considered dropping the drama altogether. I mean, I know he was mad, since he thought she was doing corporate espionage, but it was uncalled for the way that he played with her feelings in one of the scenes. I also understand that he did not know Muey at all, so he really thought bad of her, but for god's sake he's lived with her for years and knows she is in love with him, would she really damage him?? Of course not!!

The early marriage and Myanmar construction phases were highly entertaining and I love them. This is where the romantic comedy genre could be felt, it brought so much levity and lightness to the show before/after dark hacking phase and the drama of noble idiocy/pregnancy phase. I particularly enjoyed the Myanmar construction phase, because there were so many laugh out loud moments, just watching Muey using so many cringe worthy phrases to hit on Thien was a joy to watch and her invading his personal space.... Thien's reactions were priceless!! He was always affected by her, but since he had early on labeled her sister thanks to his mom, his mind refuse to countenance any other possibilities. Although, his labeling her sister didn't stop him from feeling jealous of Kob numerous times, even before he admitted to himself that he loved her.

Now I've read some reviews where they complain that Muey changes her mind to much, that when Thien finally wants to be with her, she surprisingly doesn't. But I do not feel that way, because he never mentions how he feels about her, he is just too arrogant and narcissistic to communicate his love, he just wants her to follow his lead and that's it. He continues to tease her and is not clear to her, while this would have work in the early marriage phase by the Myanmar construction phase it is no longer feasible, because by this point she is completely convinced that he does not love her and will never love her. She needs reassurance, which he does not provide and at the end of this phase, after Thien discovers all that she did for him, he unilaterally decides that he must leave her without speaking to her about it. I totally understand her reticence to accept him in the noble idiocy/pregnancy phase, which was enjoyable because finally we see Thien begging and going after her, being loving to her, which is a HUGE change. I could have done without the kidney drama, which I believe was not relevant at all, I think they could have found another way to prove that Thien now loves her more than his own life and more than she does him, but it kind of worked.

Now the last episode was weird, the editing seemed so odd, since they interspersed a lot of scenes from the past between present ones. I could not follow the story of this chapter, but since the story was consistent for much of the drama, I will not hold it against it and only deduct a half point for it.

The main actors, Mark Prin and Mew Nitta were great in their portrayal of their characters. I especially loved Mark, because in his case, Thien goes through many changes and does experience personal growth that is tangible to the viewer. Unlike Mew's character Muey, I believe she is consistently nice, shiny, bright and lovable in the course of the story, so we do not experience nor see any of the drastic changes that Thien goes through. The rest of the cast was great, I especially love Thien's and Muey's mothers, both in their own way loved their children and wanted the best for them. What I didn't much like were Thien's and Mueys's friends, I found them to be too cartoonish and loud in their portrayal, I don't know if it is a cultural thing, but there it is.

I loved the music, especially the opening song and the cover that Mark Prin made, my god, the man has such an amazing voice. I still keep listening to these songs even after finishing the drama!!

Rewatch value:
Really high!! Like seriously, I still keep watching this drama even after finishing it. I admit though, that I haven't watched it from beginning to end again, but from episode 8 to 15... of which I am a total fan!! I so enjoy it and have found out little things I hadn't noticed before.

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Umai Wahed
3 people found this review helpful
Jun 19, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
I have been waiting for this lakorn for a year. Im Mewnittha and Mark Prin fans and when i knew they will have lakorn together, i was happy but i was scared at the same time as im afraid they will not have a great chemistry. But i was wrong Mark Mew has one of the best chemistry ever. Their acting looked real and there was a moment, i think im not sure watching a drama. The plot and cast are good and although it was some kind of rom com but you will feel a lot of emotions while watching. You will have some kind of roller coaster ride emotions cause when you smile because of the cute scenes , in a blink you can feel sad or angry. I wish mark mew will have another lakorn soon. All the cast are good and they make this lakorn more colourful. Totally recommended ??

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3 people found this review helpful
Dec 15, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0


Does this have any plot? No.
Is this worth watching? HELL YES!

This is one of those dramas that is driven purely by good acting and likeable characters. There are times when the plot doesn't make sense and you don't fully understand what is going on, but if you can leave your brains aside and just watch this, you will love it. This is one of those dramas that you either hate or love, and I loved it.

The leads are absolutely adorable and their chemistry is absolutely believable. It's the same for majority of the characters of the drama. It is a light drama that never drags too much or takes itself too seriously (minus the twist in the 2nd last episode)

Watch this for a good time without thinking too much. Give it a chance and you'll find yourself surprisingly addicted to the world of Thien & Muey.

I laughed, cried and fangirled over the leads, especially Mark Prin who plays Thien.

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3 people found this review helpful
Dec 15, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 5.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
I started because I thought it'd be interesting and fun to watch a marriage agreement story. I had fun most of the time watching this drama. Both the actors had generally good chemistry and were great at playing their roles. The first half of the drama was especially engaging to me.

However, I kind of got a bit turned off once some events occurred. I know lakorn generally include a lot of abusive/unethical/controlling or just generally bad behavior by male leads, which I was already somewhat prepared for. However, once one of the events happened which led to the female lead's pregnancy, I was really turned off. Even if I prefer there to be none in the first place, there is a limit to how much bad behavior by the male lead can be accepted or handled. I felt that this limit was crossed at a point. If that one part was not included, I would've had little problem with this show.

Getting her drunk and having sex with her because you don't want her to get a divorce - huh??? This is literally illegal, it is rape. She can't consent if she's drunk.. and they know this because they even mention it in the drama a few times. His mother tells him to not force her into marriage or sex before he does exactly that, and even the female protagonist says at one point that it was cruel of him to do what he did. No, they didn't show him physically forcing her to do anything and no she wasn't shown to be unconscious, but that doesn't make it any less wrong because she was drunk and consent was Not given. He clearly knew he was raping her as well, and she literally became pregnant due to this, so how are we supposed to skim over this?? This isn't just illegal, it's immoral and disgusting. And to top it all off, they played this off as him doing this for "love."

Honestly I was able to handle a lot of uncomfortable/borderline unethical things being shown, but once you show them having sex without her consent it was over for me. I couldn't really like the drama or take it seriously anymore.

I genuinely didn't understand or like how these characters would do unethical or pretty much illegal things in the name of "love" and all the wrong things they do are somehow justified or at least forgiven easily with little consequences. And of course the reactions to characters doing wrong things differs by gender too. If a women does something bad or even something the male lead doesn't like and receives some sort of backlash or consequence, it's all deserved, and it "makes sense" for the man to be angry at her, but if a man rapes a girl, it's all for love and he doesn't deserve to be punished.
I feel like this doesn't just give a really bad message, but it perpetuates the idea that a man can do even something illegal to a woman and still not be in the wrong for most.

I did like the last few episodes because the male lead changed his behavior and the chemistry was very nice, but there is no point in suddenly making the male lead so "nice" and sweet after they've already done all of the bad things they could. The effect on others of the male lead's bad behavior is already present, so what does "being nice" suddenly do?

The story overall seemed okay at best, and it could have flowed much smoother in many instances. Also, using rape as a way to further the storyline and the supposed love between the main characters was not very convincing to me.

The placement of and transition between the background music was not very smooth. Many times, in the same scene, the music would change from very tense to very playful. This makes it confusing for views to know how to interpret certain scenes.

Overall, this is a drama which shouldn't be taken too seriously and watched to kill time. There are a lot of fun and enjoyable instances. However, it has to be said that their portrayal of raping someone to be an act of "love" for someone is not only unnecessary but genuinely deplorable. How could you show him doing such a thing and still somehow gaining the love of the protagonist fairly easily without consequences? I feel that it's important for directors to think much much harder about what they're releasing to the public and what type of message they're giving. Normalizing or justifying rape is never acceptable, no matter what circumstance.

The only reason I didn't give this drama a lower score is only because of the good acting and more enjoyable first half. But I cannot like this drama because of the things portrayed shown in the later episodes.

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Sidhika Trisha
2 people found this review helpful
Oct 27, 2020
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Broken the prejudice regarding thai drama

•The most adorable, the most cutest and most amazing story till now of all the thai dramas that I have watched. This was just wonderful. It had romantic, thriller, action story where you cant stop praising the writers and cast.I had this biased thought regarding thai dramas but it broke my prejudice and gave me a complete entertainment.
•I cried when during many of the scenes especially when during the last reunion scene in the hospital. That scene was really heart breaking for me.
•Both the leads were great as a couple. Mark prin just stole the drama for me with his playboy turned good husband role. Mew nittha was really great with her facial expression.
•Music as in i liked mark prin yesterday. It was beautiful. I dont really go for thai music but this one catches the heart
•Rewatch ofcourse yes.

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