1 people found this review helpful
Jul 23, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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Strong start, headed south for the Winter.

Honestly, this series started off really promising. I mean sure, I wasn't a fan of how the whole 'extreme-makeover' situation was handled, but with a cast like that, I was HYPED-- And then, the Fire Nation attacked.
Characters and entire sub-plots were built up, only to be dropped at a moment's notice; nothing made sense, and the plot soon started to feel repetitive and dull-- I mean, is it just me, or does 'murder' kinda lose its edge after the 8th resurrection? At times, I truly did feel like I was watching Dragonball Z again...

Let's take, for example, the character of Hee-jin. Remember how, at one point, she was in pretty much every other scene? That is, until her mother's body got thrown into the sea as part of Oh Tae-jin's 'Pro-gamer move' (which felt both anticlimactic and pointless). After that, we didn't see her again until the very last episode- and that too, only in the drama equivalent of 'you won't believe what they're doing now' clickbait! Seriously, there were so many plot-holes and unanswered questions: how did Cha Min come back? What happened to the real Ji-Uk in the end? WHY WAS SEO IN-GUK A DOG???

I guess what I'm saying is, if you take your drama with milk, sugar or actual resolution, maybe you should skip this one.

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Crazy about Asian dramas
1 people found this review helpful
Nov 12, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.5
This review may contain spoilers

Concept was good but story was weak

Abyss ,a marble which gives life back but it changes the face of the person to whom it gives life .with this concept they could make an interesting ,funny along with little romance . There is a romance but they took the story into a murder mystery Which after sometime felt like bored .
Starting of the drama would increase the interest level except the first episode but story increase the drama mystery much and not clear as well or I could say not properly executed which made the stary was bored.
The reason I watched full drama because of the acting of the actors . Each character acting was too good . Songs were good but story was weak . Even the ending .

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 21, 2022
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 2.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

the plot was pretty obvious and to have 16 episodes of this is just testing your patience

you have 2 pretty well establish actors for I can see is a pretty decent budgeted Drama. BUT what we got was a royal mess that even plucking your eyes out wont do it justice!

The script writer must have been really out of their elements trying to figure out where to focus. ROMCOM or murder mystery or supernatural

unless you are HUGE fan of the ML and FL..... Please save your time and life by NOT indulging in BS like this. Nothing can save you from wasting your time if you NEVER decide this is even worth your time or not
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1 people found this review helpful
Nov 10, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers
Went into this looking past the reviews and while there are positives to Abyss, I found myself mostly confused after watching the whole thing. The story is interesting on paper and the drama even starts out grabbing your attention immediately, but the more it went on the more I found myself only wanting the romance portion and not the murder-abyss mystery.

The two leads and the romance story are what kept me going to completion. I thought about dropping it a few times throughout my watch through, but I'm glad that I pushed to get to the very end. If it wasn't for them and their acting + scenes, I wouldn't have been interested. I didn't really care for any of the other back stories at all, plus the villain is easy to guess from the beginning.

The plot holes are always a little crazy in fantasy dramas, but this one seemed to be on another level to me. Some of the questions you are left with are huge and the way the story progresses can seem a little messy. A huge one for me is how everyone just moves past that they brought themselves back to life. Not just 1 person, 3.. and everyone moves past it and continues on like they didn't die and come back looking entirely different. If you truly look at how their relationship starts it's so messy and toxic. How he was pining after her during his previous relationship, how he still is pulling both girls along for most of the drama while knowing who he truly wants to be with.. I do wish we could've gotten more scenes of how she liked him with his previous face. That is the downfall to these Ugly-to-Hot dramas for me.. they are still the same person they were before, but everyone treats them differently and suddenly realizes their true feelings or wants to express them after they are Hot v. Not.

Good for cute romance scenes, but the story wasn't one that kept me hooked or satisfied.

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1 people found this review helpful
Aug 31, 2023
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

action combined with romance

the action combined with romcom is my favorite type of kdrama, so that's why i absolutely loved it. the storyline is so evenly split between action and romance that i just kept watching. the main actress in abyss also plays in other kdrama's with this sort of vibe and she fits right in. i can't really think of any negative stuff to say, except that it could probably become a little boring at times.

i sincerely recommend this to anyone who loves a little thrill both because of the storyline and the romance! it's also a very good kdrama for beginners to watch.
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Dropped 7/16
7 people found this review helpful
Jul 7, 2019
7 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers
No matter how good the acting can be, the overall story and plot can really make it look worse than it is. I love Park Bo Young, I'm a huge fan of her work and have generally loved all of the stuff she's been in. Werewolf Boy, Oh My Goddess, Scandal Makers to a name a few, I think her as an actress has a special air of charisma about her and that's why I like her so much. Ahn Hyo Seop also does a great job in this and I heavily believe that the acting is the only thing good about this show. But unfortunately, I'm a firm believer of "the acting is only as good as the story" and that part is where this entire show falls apart.. and it really didn't take long to show the worst part.

This show has tons of promise and has a great premise to capture viewer's attention. A mystical alien orb that right off the bat revives the main character and his love interest! Not only that, but also revives the main antagonist! This happened ALL IN ONE EPISODE. So it's no wonder I got instantly hooked by this show! I'm now on episode 7 but I'm already growing tired of the plot. The abyss' power is already being abused non-stop, elements of the shows or sequences don't make sense or aren't powerful enough to push my interest further.

Why should I care that Oh Yeong cheol tries to kill the same person 3 times? Why should I care that the characters don't seem interested in the Abyss' power more? Why should I care that almost everything each character does is almost inconsequential? Cha Min's big reveal happens early on but his family just completely accepts it within a couple of scenes. It's bizarre! Why should I care about Cha Min's creepy character depicted in the flashbacks that all of a sudden turned gorgeous that somehow resulted in his demeanor and attitude doing a 180? He's no longer a stalker and no longer does creepy things toward his love interest further driving home the idea to its audience that ugly people are creepy and beautiful people are perfect.

There are a plethora of issues that leave me disappointed and hard-pressed to continue watching this and the only reason I've continued thus far is because of Bo Young's amazing acting ability, though even with her ability, I don't think I can finish Abyss. The biggest losers in this show are the actors/actresses, I think they've done a good job all things considered, but their performance is heavily hampered most likely by the director and the script.

Trust me, I wanted to love this show as I've been waiting for it ever since it was announced Bo Young was going to star in it.. but this gets an abysmal 4/10.

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2 people found this review helpful
Dec 28, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 8.0
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 5.0
first I'm going to talk about what I liked about this drama: I love park boyoung, I find her very adorable so of course, I'm going to add her presence in the drama as my first good point. Second of all, I think that the scenario of this drama was very cool, it even sometimes gave me kind of a w vibe. I also loved the second female a lot, and it doesn't happen very often, I especially loved her relationship with the main leads, I think they have a unique and very cool bond.
What I didn't like: Even though I previously said that the scenario was nice I think that sometimes the drama didn't exploit it well enough and sometimes I feel like it's hard to understand certain points. Would I recommend this drama? Yes, especially if it's your first fantasy drama, would I watch this drama again? I don't think so, maybe to understand some parts I didn't otherwise no.

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2 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2020
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
This is my very first time writing a review. This drama is not an ordinary one most kdrama nowadays if its not a similar it would be a same plot . This is one of the best drama I've already watch Park Bo Young always amaze me with her acting skill also it is my first time to get to know Ahn hyo seop and I stan him from now on. Kudos to all the cast you did it all well. It would be boring if its not exceed your expectation ang genre so for me its a masterpiece. I enjoyed it so much the music, intense scene, and mostly the chemistry of the leading. All in all I will rate it 8.5

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Dropped 6/16
12 people found this review helpful
Jun 3, 2019
6 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
I loved the main leads so I decided to give it a chance. Shortly after the first episode, which was good, the series mixed a lot of issues together and the chemistry between the protagonists was lost. Engaging a lot of things together kept me from bonding with any of the characters. A villain appears out of the blue which was bland at the beginning. With regards to the plot itself, the thing is that although nothing was truly hidden the story appeared to the viewers as involving a mystery to be solved. Boring. It's a shame.. because I loved the main leads.
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Jordan Chalmers
3 people found this review helpful
Jun 27, 2019
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
What a great little drama. I do love supernatural romantic crime dramas. Not to mention I am a huge fan of Park bo Young, let's add Ahn Hyo Seop to that list now. The drama had a great storyline with plenty of romance and suspense. You will definitely fall in love with the characters.

The serial killer line was really good but the romance between the 2 main characters was what really made this drama special. You just need to watch it to see what I mean.

I do have one gripe, the last episode seemed a bit rushed and left a few holes but it could be I just wanted more and didn't want to see it end.

I definitely recommend.

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Dropped 8/16
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 8, 2020
8 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 4.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Good Idea - Awful Execution

This is the first drama I have ever dropped unfortunately, as I do not continue watching a drama if it falls below a 5/10.
Now, what went wrong, for me at least? The idea was inventive and I liked it. But how should I explain Abyss in the most honest way possible?

Abyss is simply boring.

I don't care about the characters or what happens to them later on in this series. A 1 hour episode honestly feels like 2/3 hours long. Cringe script writing, awful acting at parts, mega-slow pacing at parts, too.

I welcome people to still try out Abyss, but don't say I didn't warn you. I feel you'll find yourself dropping it too.

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1 people found this review helpful
Apr 4, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.5

too much stuff going on

I didn't /hate/ this drama but i think there was too much going on, really.

The fantasy stuff wasn't explained well which was a bummer... the ? aliens ? you see in episode one? well that's it! But the thing I didn't like the most is that the plot went on because of really dumb stuff which most of the time didn't really make sense??
Also, side note, but I really didn't get why they showed so many times scenes of domestic violence with *REDACTED*, most of the time always the same one replayed over and over... I don't think that was really necessary.

What I liked about this drama is the acting. I think that Park Boyoung did a fantastic job and I can't believe we're supposed to believe she is ""ugly"" or not pretty like... have you seen her.... True Beauty who... anyways! Her character is kind of annoying, especially at the beginning but I think in a way that's her charm lmao.

The main couple is cute even tho I'm not a big fan of the "I pinned after you for x years to the point I looked kind of obsessed" but I think they played it well in the late episodes.
A special mention to Kwoon Soohyun, he was crazy good! I really didn't recognise him from Record of Youth like whaaat... acting... wow... hope to see more of him, hopefully with a lead role.

In conclusion the main plot is really messy and the show is carried by the amazing cast, I think it's fun if you watch it with friends so you can laugh about the plot holes together + the funny scenes are actually really funny.

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Abyss (2019) poster



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