The story unfolds in Lireo, the kingdom where Ynang Reyna (Queen Mother) Minea lives with her daughters Amihan, Alena, Danaya, and Pirena. The four Sangg'res are tasked to be the new keepers of the brilliantes. Their skills in war and their powers as the royalty of the deities are believed to be the strength of Lireo. As long as the gemstones are kept properly, the balance of nature in Encantadia remains. But everything changed when Pirena, the oldest of the four Sang'gre's consumed by her greed and jealousy, plotted the downfall of her own sister Amihan who succeeded their mother as Queen. This resulted into the War of the four Gems, or the war between the Kingdom of Hatoria and the rest. With this situation, Lira, the lost daughter of Amihan returned to Encantadia and tried to fulfill her mission of mending the broken relationships of the strong-willed gemstone keepers. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Encantadia
- Also Known As:
- Screenwriter: Suzette Doctolero, Don Michael Perez, Annette Gozon, RJ Nuevas, Jules Katanyag, Dode Cruz, Anna Aleta-Nadela, Renato Custodio Jr.
- Director: Mark A. Reyes, Gil Tejada Jr.
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Romance, Fantasy
Cast & Credits
- Dingdong Dantes Main Role
- Sunshine DizonSang'gre PirenaMain Role
- Iza Calzado Main Role
- Diana ZubiriDanayaMain Role
- Jennylyn Mercado Main Role
One of the best fantaserye of the Philippines
Been watching this show, for at least once a year it seems. Its a bit a long, filled with a lot of adventures and some filler episodes. The makers of the show, created a whole new world with this one. Started with Encantadia, Eteria and then Encantadia: Pag-ibig Hangang Wakas. Followed by a remake a few years later.Actors of the show made their mark and simply became iconic themselves. They made televiewers love and hate certain characters. Some scenes from the human world, I can do without but all in all, its still quite good.
I feel that the ending was a bit forced. Anyway maybe its just me and well, they had their version of happy ending so Im also good with it.