3 people found this review helpful
Feb 23, 2023
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A man, his shower and his imaginary friend done fun

This is of course a commercial dressed as a series, and it is a really good one at that...

This a story about a man who misses his ex girlfriend a lot, and though he can probably fool the people around him his imaginary friend in the shower knows better....

The man or dare I say men in his shower are actually quite a few that come and go. Luckily the mans shower is pretty big so he has room for all of them as well as some dancing, odd props oh and of course water the other tar of this show.

While I admit that some of the guest appearances acting in this could be better the idea and execution of this drama about a man and what looks like a bunch of mostly men but actually is a man and his inner dialog is actually pretty good. The humour was ok the duo of the man and the friend had a really good dynamic of bubbly and cold.

So is this a masterpiece: NO
Is it good: I do not really know

But I enjoyed it and found it kind of refreshing and different... To watch this you must enjoy watching shower scenes, and be ok with seeing an undressed man get wet. You must also not mind body hair and bubbles

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Man in the Shower (2017) poster



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