This drama has been out for a while but I just watched it and I was glued to the TV. I fell in love with Kim Min Gue. He did such an exceptional performance. I enjoy watching feel good dramas that are absolutely not tear jerkers. Being the person I am, I did tear up in some of the scenes in which the character couple were met with so many challenges in the relationship. The loving relationship between the two main characters was strongly felt thru their performances. I have to say that the baby in the drama was just absolutely beautiful. The drama gave me such a warm happy feeling with the ending. Great work, thanks to all of the work that went into this entertaining drama. I will definitely watch again.Was this review helpful to you?
Do not waist youre time!!!
I watched the first episode of this drama but I just could not get interested. The filming is very dark in the beginning and maybe something is lost in the translation--I’m not sure. It seems okay but something is a little off. I'm not a fan of this drama. I didn't like the writing. The actor who played the prince was on point with his acting, but the actress who played the queen her acting is pedestrian at best. I do not why she still found employment that is how bad she is at acting. ...If you wanna lose your time with a boring, unrealistic and super predictable drama. This one is for you.I love historical dramas I guess I’ll have to try again later.
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After King killed her father she fall for him
In whole drama it was clear that king order FL father to be killed but will never once our FL will blame him for her fathers death which was clearly was a choice between his criminal mother and innocent father in lawi already know she is going to be His majesty's woman no matter whT he does he fail to protect his first wife he killed her father himself and how she was able love that man no matter what his circumstances
how a daughter can understand her fathers killer,
You can watch how Ha Ji Won played same dilemma when she was clearly in love with Emperor but decided to kill him for her fathers revenge
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Awal niat nonton ini karena ada liat cuplikan nya di instagram, di cuplikannya tentang ujian2 yang harus dilalui untuk menjadi Ratu (Istri Raja).. Makanya jadi penasaran, karena biasa kalo nonton drama historical, cuma tau kalo ada Queen sama Consort aja. Temen group juga pada bahas drama ini. Akhirnya mulai nonton. Awal nonton langsung tertarik sih, karena agak berbeda dari drama biasanya, walaupun tetep aja ada penghianat,dll. Buru2 marathon nonton, eh tau taunya waktu itu belom tamat. Jadi nonton nya ada jeda nya (kegantung). Huhuuu ;( Tapi uda kelar nonton kok.Mantap deh pokokny, Pengen ada episode tambahan. 16 eps doang kayak ga cukup gitu. Untuk ending uda bagus sih, tapi kalo bisa ditambahin beberapa scene lagi, kan jadi lebih bagus dan meyakinkan. HAHAHA
Dan lagi, Aktor nya GANTENG donggg, aktris nya juga CANTIK banget! jadi makin semangat nonton. LOL
Overall bagus, POLL!!! cuma kurang suka di music nya aja, terlalu melow, sedih banget dengernya. *ku bukan tipe org yg suka denger lagu melow, tergantung mood sih.
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Previsível - "Predictable"
Uma mocinha principal que parece forte mais não é, está sempre sendo perseguida ou injustiçada , todos conspiram contra ela mas não se preocupe temos o mocinho principal que é um rei literalmente falando que está sempre ao seu lado cuidando dela , quando não é ele tem o segundo protagonista maslculino que está sempre lá para salva-la.Temos também muitas cospirações e intrigas para prejudicar o reinado do mocinho porém fica cansativo depois de um tempo e bem previsível. Com certeza você já viu muitos enredos parecidos por aí, então nada aqui é novo e o show se torna arrastado por isso entre outros motivos.
Se você está procurando algo para passar seu tempo sem muitas expectativas então recomendo esse drama para você.
A main girl who seems strong but is not, is always being persecuted or wronged, everyone conspires against her but don't worry we have the main guy who is a king literally speaking who is always by her side taking care of her, when he is not he has the second male protagonist who is always there to save her.
We also have a lot of conspiracies and intrigues to undermine the reign of the good guy, but it gets tiring after a while and very predictable. Surely you've seen many similar plots out there, so nothing here is new and the show becomes dragged by that among other reasons.
If you are looking for something to spend your time without too many expectations then I recommend this drama to you.
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Soy fanática de los doramas históricos y que en cierto modo lleven algo de fantasía pero este dorama aparte de todo eso, lleva una historia detrás con bastante mas peso que otros doramas históricos y con fantasía que he visto anteriormente, quizá habrá gente que diga que los hay mejores, claro, siempre se puede mejorar.
Me alegro de ver caras nuevas (al menos para mi) en los doramas, es cierto que muchas veces el mismo actor o actriz y en el mismo año está en distintos doramas, no está mal pero creo que es una buena oportunidad para los nuevos de darse a conocer al menos en este tipo de doramas. Quizá me equivoque y mucha gente ya haya visto a los dos actores principales en muchos otros lugares.
100% recomendado por mi parte.
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