This sitcom revolves around the adventures and misadventures in the life of Dr. Aga, a young veterinarian who has inherited his brother's children. Dr. Aga has just opened his animal clinic in a middle-class subdivision and plans on a successful career. He lives with his best friend and "kinakapatid" Godo in the duplex that is in a compound owned by Don Berto Makunatan a.k.a. Babsy. His duplex unit doubles up as his vet office while the other unit is used by Babsy and his three children, Paolo, Alex, and Toni. Aga was leading a normal single life and was quite enjoying his bachelorhood when his brother-in-law lost his job. Because of this unfortunate situation, his brother-in-law is forced to take on a job abroad which required him to bring his wife. Being the only relative who has a respectable status, Aga is stuck with the responsibility of caring for his sister's two children, Camille and Fonzie. This cuts short his life as a bachelor and catapults him into the status of a father and mother. (Source: Wikipedia) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: Oki Doki Dok
- Also Known As: Okidoki Doc , Okidoki Dok
- Screenwriter: John-D Lazatin
- Genres: Comedy, Medical, Sitcom
Cast & Credits
- Aga Muhlach Main Role
- Agot IsidroAlexMain Role
- BabaluDon RobertMain Role
- Claudine BarrettoToniSupport Role
- Paolo ContisPaoloSupport Role
- Carmina VillarroelGeorge / DyordsSupport Role