Omnibus film consisting of three short subjects, directed by three newcomers. Produced and partially written by Jang Jin, it shares the quirky comic tone of his directorial efforts such as The Spy Lee Cheol-jin (1999) and Guns & Talks (2001). The main attraction for this feature is its colorful all-star cast: Ryu Seung-bum, Jeong Jae-yung, Im Won-hee and Shin Ha-kyun all play radically different characters in the three chapters, ably assisted by veteran supporting actors from stage and TV. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: 묻지마 패밀리
- Also Known As: Mudjima Family , No Comment Family
- Screenwriter: Jang Jin
- Director: Lee Hyun Jong
- Genres: Comedy, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Ryu Deok HwanMyeong Jin [Young]Main Role
- Park Sun Young[Big Sister]Main Role
- Jung Jae Young[Boyfriend trying to blow the house]Main Role
- Shin Ha Kyun Main Role
- Kim Il Woong Main Role
- Ryu Seung Beom{Man In The Movie}Support Role
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