Naomi Necro
25 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
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Honest Review to Rise Above the Angry Chatter

I got very frustrated with MyDramaList and the reviews/comments on this show because it seems *very* one-sided, so allow me to include my own opinion of the show. I hope this is helpful for those like me who are looking for actual reviews and not angry, short tirades.

**First Impressions of the ML & FL
ML - Actor: Shawn Dou (insert major heart eyes here, because WOW)- Xia Bei Chen - He's charismatic, charming, beautiful, and immature. I can tell his arc will include a lot of growth, and I'm excited about it. He is the spoiled son of a father in high power, and he lost his mother at a young age which, I feel, has both scarred him and impeded his emotional maturity. He has chemistry with his FL in a childish, teasing-bullying way (like kids in a playground), and I can sense a long journey for them both as they mature and experience hardships individually and together.

**FL- Actress: Chen Du Jing- Lin Hang Jing- She's aloof, mysterious, headstrong, and has a low tolerance for Xia Bei Chen's bullshit. I LOVE that; I think it's very complimentary to their dynamic because he needs someone who won't take his bratty attitude and who will also elevate him as he gets his act together. They fit well because I can see how they'll bring out each other's best traits together. I see a lot of hate toward her character, and I'm immensely curious if I'll eventually board the hate train. So far, I like them as individuals and their chemistry as a future couple. As of right now, she's dealing with an impetuous child (Bei Chen) who keeps bullying her to like him while she spends her energy writing articles about abandoned children needing homes. I'd be irritated too.

"But let me ask you, do you even have a dream for your life, society, country, loved ones, or even just for yourself? That's why I said I look down on you."

**Plot: It's very engaging so far. I can sense A N G S T in the future, and I'm ready for it.

**Episode 1:
The episode has a disjointed first half where it's clear (at least to me) that the editors aren't sure how they want to leave their first impressions, so both the music and the scenes start and end a bit jarringly, and it pulls me out of the scene a few times. Set design, costumes, and Shawn Dou's visuals kept me pulled in, though, and I'm glad because the episode finds its footing in the 2nd half of the episode, and I found myself easily engaged.

***Episode 6 Update:
The plot has been interesting so far, and I like the dynamics between the ML and FL. A few episodes ago, a moment in the garden was a clear turning point for the ML in his feelings toward HangJing. However, she is still very much locked in the mindset that BeiChen is just a pompous bully who meddles in her life when he doesn't get his way, so I totally understand why she's standoffish and suspicious of him when he does something noble. How would she know? Only we, as the viewers, understand his mind clearly. Still, when ***SPOILER** his friends take it upon themselves to have her kidnapped, and he's disciplined for it, she defends him; then later, when their group is attacked, her first instinct is to block him from harm, and I can see her eyes softening toward him. There is a much slower but still obvious transition happening for her as well. His friends are dumb and make it difficult for BeiChen to come off likable when they often do fairly despicable things to manipulate HangJing into doing his bidding. She's obviously assuming BeiChen is the reason behind it all, so I'd be irritated too. Despite that, they meet up anyway (she was coerced, and he was tricked) for the first time in a solo outing at the Lantern Festival and have the *cutest* time together. Their chemistry is really fun to watch here, and the lighting makes them both look so beautiful.

***Episode 14 Update:
I love the father/son relationship. It's complex, full of unspoken words, and it's undoubtedly full of love. As imperfect as he is, I think his father really cherishes BeiChen. There has been a time jump of several years, and I like the maturity BeiChen has gained while still being his usual silly self at home. I still have no problem sensing the chemistry between him and HangJing. She admires him and finds him attractive; it's easy to see in her lingering expressions and body language. If anyone is threatened by her relationship with Zi Zheng, I find that pretty ridiculous. He's been kind toward her from the start and has been working with her at the newspaper these years Beichen has been gone. As far as I can tell, she doesn't reciprocate Zi Zheng's feelings (at least not on the same level) and is only reciprocating his kindness. Relax, y'all. I find both the plot and the revolving changes within BeiChen and Hang Jing to be very interesting.

***Episode 20 Update:
The series has had a few major developments in its storyline from each major aspect. The ML/FL doesn't have any shortage of misunderstandings between them. Any forward momentum in their relationship has required some kind of misunderstanding/fight to occur first, and it can be frustrating for anyone watching who can't see the forest for the trees. I think, on a very basic level, the initial misunderstandings occurred because the ML is insecure and emotionally immature within their relationship when conflict arises, and the FL is too passive and prideful (what a terrible combo) to admit her faults or address the misunderstanding. These misunderstandings then spiral into stretches of time where they'll avoid each other and avoid any solution. For example, their argument over the kite in her room could have been quickly smashed had she insisted on explaining her side instead of angrily clamming up and letting him walkout. It's an interesting parallel to watch with Beichen since he holds such a respectable, high position within the military that requires him to see the bigger picture and know how to strategize properly, but when it comes to love, he's still very immature and hotheaded. I'm glad both sides have revealed true feelings, and they understand there is true love and care there. We've also been introduced to the secondary foil (the first being Zi Zheng), the MLs childhood friend (who's also deeply in love with him and wholly toxic as a character), so we'll get more misunderstandings and unnecessary fighting in the future. Still, I'm enjoying this series.

***Finish. Overall final thought:

* This series isn't nearly as bad as some of these commentators make it out to be.
* Shawn Dou as Bei Chen isn't just a delicious snack, he's a whole meal. Not just visually, but as a very impressive and emotive actor. I only wish we could have heard this real (very attractive) voice instead of the dub, especially for his more emotional scenes since I believe there is nuance lost when a voice is dubbed over.
* Chen Du Ling as Hang Jing *really isn't as bad as everyone makes her out to be*. Throughout the misunderstandings, I never suspected that she didn't love Bei Chen. Did she make a lot of unnecessary decisions? Definitely. Could she have been more vocal about her love for him, especially considering he's the type of person that *needs* that vocal confirmation? Most definitely.
* I didn't like the ridiculous amount of death at the very end and Bei Chen losing pretty much everyone around him.
* The series sometimes had a soap opera-y feel to it that I wasn't a huge fan of, but when I was in those thoughts, I just stared at Shawn Dou's face and felt better.
* The music is the most jarring aspect of the series IMO. It starts and ends so abruptly mid-scene to indicate to the viewer a shift in tone, but it's so unnecessary and always throws me off. The selections are also sometimes so melodramatic and corny.
That said, Zhou Shen's song, Shining Galaxy is gorgeous. I also really love the instrumental version of it that's played in scenes with the ML and FL.
* The ending is not open-ended in my opinion. It's very clearly a happy ending for our ML and FL - there's even a photo of them reunited online that was eventually cut, but it exists so I'm firmly rooted in that they end up together as a family at the end.
*I would have liked more lovey-dovey scenes between the ML and FL to at least help counterbalance all of the fighting and misunderstandings. I would have also liked to see a little bit more emotional growth toward each other since their fighting throughout all the years together never seem to improve tremendously.

* TLDR: I wouldn't watch this series again but I don't regret having watched it, and I really hope to see Shawn Dou in more leading roles because he's truly an extraordinary actor and a very, very, beautiful person to watch on screen. His BTS is also super cute to watch, he seems to be a silly and charismatic person in real life, so that's fun to look up if you're into behind-the-scenes footage. I also found it interesting to see Chen Du Ling behind the scenes because their chemistry is even better there. Her dubbing and the way her character is written certainly don't help her much in terms of likeability, but as I said earlier, she's nowhere near as bad as most of these reviews have said.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I loveeeeee it!

OMG! Don’t really know how to review it here since i’m not good in English, my native language isn’t included in the list, but i try.. :D I love this kind of drama, have already rewatched it twice.. Believe me, it’s worth watching, especially if you wanna have a good cry (i cried more in Siege in Fog, love that drama too). At least here, the couple had more sweet memorable times together compared to the couple in SIF, not to forget those 2 awesome sidekicks, love their brotherhood,.. and the OST, it’s so beautiful, i just can’t get enough.. ❤️❤️ For me, all the actions and behaviors of the characters in this drama are understandable, everyone has their own character, personality, obsession, pride, lack/wrong guidance that have made them irrational. They’re not as rational as us, the viewers :p .. so just enjoy the drama, and start appreciate and be grateful for what we’ve had now, be it love, freedom, peace, etc.. :D❤️

I wish they had bonus scene for their reunion, give them happiness after all the suffering...

Give it a try.. :D❤️

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Cierra McCauley
7 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

High Angst, A Love worth fighting for

I binged this drama as soon as it was finished. I love the actor who plays the male lead. I loved it. The drama is insane! Sooooo much angst between the ml and fl, they fighting against everything, so many misunderstandings. I was screaming sooo much. The villainess of this show did such a wonderful job, I absolutely hated her lol she was the worst and she lasted till the very end. the ml's sister showed great character progress, she really changed and very much won me over. The war time and all that was incorporated into the show was so wonderfully done I felt the characters passion and cried with so many of the sacrifices that were made. The Male Lead grew up well, you really see just how far he came and matured throughout the show. I most definitely recommend this drama. It is an emotional rollercoaster but the love was really special. the only reason I didn't give 10/10 was the ending. I think it was really rushed that last 2minutes with our FL, they could have given us another minute or two of a reunion.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jun 5, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0
Read the synopsis and then started the drama at episode 22 onwards.
Why no start at the beginning?
I was watching another ongoing drama when episode 1-21 was broadcasted.
Thus there were many spoilers in facebook/youtube.
Got a rough idea what was the storyline during this duration.

King of Cdrama OST Zhou Shen sang the ending theme, thus it brings all kind of feels. This was the main reason why i watched this drama.
After finishing the final episode, the ending was a cliffhanging ending.
Was there HEA or not? leaving me in a limbo. This is why I am 50/50 to recommend this drama.
There's no novel that i know of, to follow up on the actual ending.

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Dropped 31/43
30 people found this review helpful
May 17, 2022
31 of 43 episodes seen
Dropped 3
Overall 2.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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OK story, bad scripts.

I am surprised that I am the first to write a review for this drama.

This could have been a good drama, the story has lots of potentials......But, not so....

This drama has the stupidest dialogues. The characters in this drama has a way of always insulting themselves.

Xiao Bei Chen
If you cannot live without Lin no matter what she does, then why get mad? ??? No matter what, you are willing to take her back........Don't you have any back bones? Dump her!!!!

Lin Hang Jing- The worst of all...she is a joke
"Xiao, why don’t you believe and trust me???" How many times had she repeated this line? Then turned around, she always choose to believe in other's gossips and never have any faith in Xiao.

She is always leaving him for some reason or another….her marriage with Xiao is like a revolving door.

She knows Mu is one of the major problems. Yet, she is always in the middle of his involvements…..Then, repeated like a broken record” Xiao, let me explain” and feels"she" is being unjustly accused…..Laughable.

She blame others when she herself is the cause of all the issues. She is always on the other side and not by her husband Xiao's.

Mu Zi Zheng
How many times does Lin have to tell you she don’t have feeling for you? Pathetic dreamer.

“Why do you not let your wife meet with me?” Is this a buffoon talking?

This drama is going no where. From episode 1 to 31, it is the same, you can just watch first and jump to last, you probably will not miss a thing..........

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Ongoing 33/43
10 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2022
33 of 43 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Highly recommend

I've never been this satisfied of any story. Tho a lot of people criticize the whole plot because of a lot of misunderstanding still its reasonable. That just how the story flows what can you do lol. Anyway moving forward the I just knew the man loves the girl so much but the trust issue is big, and the girl is not that vocal in her feelings that's why. She realized it late. They both need character development. I really cried when the girl lost her father and baby. If only the girl was a little bit open of her feelings and that could at least add as assurance to the boy and perhaps the boy won't doubt the girls love for him. It does contain a lot of misunderstanding but believed me it's worth to watch, I wouldn't even right a review right now if the story didn't lived in my heart. I'm still rooting for the next ep that will unfold.

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Ongoing 37/43
12 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2022
37 of 43 episodes seen
Ongoing 1
Overall 1.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Could have been much better

Script writer… wake up! The FL does not deserve the ML. From beginning till the end she never showed love to the ML. Her love is only for Zhi Zheng. Though she said she does not love him but her action spoke otherwise.

FL is a good actress but the scrip does not give her a good character. If it was written otherwise, this drama is worth rewatching.

I a very forgiving Drama catcher but this drama is frustrating, the FL’s character no character development it just went in a merry go round.
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Crazy about Asian dramas
3 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Not happy with the endings .

Drama was very good . I watched it till end . It has some interesting scenes . Male lead had a bet between his friend that he make female lead to fall in love with him .But she hated him , whenever some wrongs happened to her ,she thought he was the one behind all this . Nothing good incidents happen between them which made him to fall in love with her only in one scene where they had accidentally kiss each other and he thought she is one with whom he wants to spend his whole life .she didn't love him ,at that time she only want to meet her dad . Something had happened and they got married and slowly and slowly she started liking him and they spent some good moments with each other. Due to some misunderstanding they broke and separated for five years. they met again but they spent very less time with eachother and got separated and drama get over. Atleast one bonus episode for them to reconcile

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3 people found this review helpful
May 26, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Don't ever go into watching a republican era expecting Happy Ending!!!

It was good and consistent. It's about ML-Beichen and FL-HanJing. He likes her first and they went from enemies to lovers. There were a lot of ups and downs in their relationship, mainly because they don't have trust and understood each other. Eventually, they forgive and come together.

I love how Beichen and his friendships or brotherhood with WeiYi and Dou are so good, they would fight and love each other. They especially love and look up to Beichen because they care for him a lot. They are very good friends since young, I really enjoy watching their friendship.

Beichen dad and mom were good parents, and I was sad when they both died :(.
I'm glad HJ killed that ugly woman (who is obsessed with her love for Beichen)!!! She is a horrible antagonist!!!

A lot of deaths and sorrows in this drama, so watch at your own risks and grab some tissues--you probably going to need them.

It was an open ending, and they both live happily ever after with their boy in my book.

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1 people found this review helpful
Sep 4, 2022
43 of 43 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

Realistic story and show. Please read till the end to know why...

It is the most realistic show I've come across till now. I know people disliked some parts of it but trust me, see this show from a different perspective and you'll know why I'm saying this.
After watching this show and giving some thought to its story I realised the writer did a good job portraying the characters. FL was frustrating to us, yes I felt that too, but now if I think, if we were in her position, I guess, we also would've done the same. We also would've taken similar kinds of decisions.
ML too, always loved FL, don't we also have that one person in our hearts, whom we always want to love no matter what?
There was regret, guilt, excessively emotional and dramatic scenes, and dislike too. This all is present around us, even if we don't notice it, it is there.
We are surrounded by fictional stories and all, so the twists and misunderstandings in this show irritated us. But the reality is, that we have done all this at least once in our lifetime. The emotions portrayed in this show are not idealistic but realistic.
There are some shows which will be liked by everyone. The romantic, happy ending ones, the ones which will take you to that utopian world and will give you that euphoric feeling. But trust me, those shows are no match for this one here right in front of us, i.e., LOVE IN FLAMES OF WAR.
Some shows require comprehension like you need to read under the lines, you need to understand the emotions deeply and understand what the writer is trying to express. This show was this kind of show.
If we watch the show from the usual perspective, you gonna regret it. Everything in this world requires a different perspective, which is applied here too.

This show for me was a mix of emotions but a very good show...I will watch it again in future, once the effect of it on me has subsided...cuz I'm still in a sad mood and really cannot get this show out of my head, all those happy moments, sad moments, and deaths just made me...I really can't explain what I feel...
But I never regretted and will never regret watching this show.

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Ongoing 36/43
4 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2022
36 of 43 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.5

Don’t understand the low ratings!!

I was hesitant to watch this but I’m glad I did. I haven’t come across a good modern series lately. All I’ve been watching for the past months are historical series.
I couldn’t stop watching this, even though I hated the female lead, but hey that was her character/ role and yes this some what reflects real characteristics you come across in real life.
I like the story and action, don’t know why even though it’s not thrilling or suspenseful but it keeps me watching nonstop?!
Haven’t read the spoilers but hoping for a happy ending.
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Dropped 28/43
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 14, 2022
28 of 43 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
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Theory: some actors took the roles to have something to do, rather than hone their skills?

Theory: some actors took the roles to have something to do, rather than hone their skills… Pained me to see Shawn Dou Xiao in a role that didn’t utilize his acting skills to a higher degree… After forcing myself to continue watching for several episodes,… the constant bickering, suspicions and self righteous stances, rescues and lack of solid progress between the leads trusfrated, bored, and disappointed me. Yuan Hao performed well, but again, wasted his ability… Unnecessary deaths for a few characters saddened me. (esp the rewatchable Overlord’s Leon Lai Yi who didn’t have a lot of screen time, as supporting cast here)Please watch/rewatch Princess Agents and Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophesy .. Mr Dou’s early works,.. and IMHO, still his very best!

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