After living abroad in Paris, France, Mizuho Kaoru returns to Japan to attend an elite private high school. Together with her beloved horse Electra, she joins the school's equestrian club, where she proceeds to distinguish herself as an Olympic-level rider, much to the jealousy of her teammates and some of the teachers at the school. Her only friend at the school is fellow classmate Kubo Emiko, who is part of the school's Drama Club and an equally distinguished performer. Although only a year separates the two friends, they were born under the same horoscope sign as Aries and have an uncanny kindred spirit. It is not until later that we discover that the two high school friends not only share the same father but also share a dark family secret that will soon shatter their individual worlds apart. (Source: DramaWiki) ~~ Adapted from the manga series "Aries no Otometachi" (アリエスの乙女たち) by Satonaka Machiko (里中満智子). Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: アリエスの乙女たち
- Also Known As: The Maidens of Aries
- Director: Takemoto Koichi, Okamoto Hiroshi, Tsuchiya Togoro
- Screenwriter: Nagano Hiroshi, Ohara Kiyohide
- Genres: Romance, Life, Drama
Cast & Credits
- Minamino YokoMizuho KaoruMain Role
- Sakura ShioriKubo EmikoMain Role
- Matsumura YukiYuki TsukasaMain Role
- Ishibashi TamotsuIsozaki TakashiSupport Role
- Sagara HarukoTsugawa KeikoSupport Role
- Takuma ShinOshita NaokiSupport Role

The Aries Maidens
The drama turned out to be very different from its initial premise, setup and introduction. Things were changing too frequently and taking a different direction at every turn, this can be both a good and a bad thing. The Aries maiden, horseback riding, school dynamics, and the 'dark family secret', all became irrelevant after a few episodes. The main focus was on the love triangle with the pseudo delinquent guy. While the transition wasn't necessarily bad but I wish they kept exploring the initial elements, especially the Aries maiden dynamic and horseback riding. That Aries theme song definitely stuck in my head. One thing that stood out was how everything was interconnected which allowed the drama to draw all kinds of parallels between what was going on. The writing was surprisingly good and multilayered which saved the drama with the change of directions, however, it still has its flaws with handling many of the side characters. The biggest misstep was the inclusion of that one male teacher, it was very unnecessary, it didn't fit any part of the story and done more harm than not. Despite some problems here and there it was a decent drama from the 80s.