Dropped 19/24
2 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2023
19 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Dropped - Big Spoilers

In phone app the comments show first 4 lines.
Taking up space.
To not spoil.
Can't give 0 for rewatch value but it's 0.
This extra line just in case.

Basically the only couple I ended up here for was possible princess SuZui but he drinks poison so pass.

FL started pretty cool but quickly became intolerable with the petty and immature way she treats ML. Though the cast, acting (even FL actor), other characters, and story are all good imo, but it's not enough to deal w the FL also.
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1 people found this review helpful
May 9, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
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hidden gem in terms of plot and lightness

Why no one talks about this?

ONE OF THE KINDS OF LIGHT DRAMA I HAVE EVER SEEN. Perfect when you've been to an angsty series. I didn't expect it to be such a nice plot.

FL was indeed one of those MCs I've been hunting for. She's smart and reckless yet has an ultimate courage within her. I do love her flaw and trauma at the beginning of the series too. Her character was well developed. Even though the stories kinds divert to the MC, I can still sense that she become mature and much more courageous.

ML complements the personality of FL. He also had a great character development. I know I was dumb but I only recognized that he was the lead in General's Lady when I saw his smile. Nyahaha silly me. Anyway, I never pay attention to their names because I adore them through their skills and I watch series because of the plot, not the people on it. BTW, I like that ML doesn't really baby the FL much. Yes, he's protective yet he allowed her to grow.

And the second character. Ghad, this one was the best too. I like how they become friends through thick and thin. And how he accepted the truth yet did not change at all-- like he was always there not only to FL but to all of his friends. Talking about loyalty, this man was the best! I do hope that he'll find someone. He deserved it!

Overall, this was epic! I never knew they'd drop more villains or more plots than I anticipated. Some may think that there were scenes that were a little bit rushed but I think, for me, it's reasonable, given it put lots of what's next and what happened (even though you can guess it but still! enjoyable). Ow, and I like the OST of this series. I didn't know why I paid attention to this but the message was quite accurate in some scenes and they did the perfect job of connecting the music to the scene, giving much weight and effect to it.

Must try! This might ease your mind after a chaotic series that you've just watched.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 16, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Nice and Easy

A very nice drama, with no after-work destroying, annoying love triangle, or confusing developments with stomach ulcer potential. I liked the actors, especially Caesar Wu as Zhan Zhao. He is often criticized here, but I think he plays a man who dutifully knows only his job and is completely inexperienced and often overwhelmed in matters of love. That's why his performance is really believable. Many of the other actors were also great.

What stood out to me here were the wonderful ethnic dresses and outfits of Liao. If there could be points for that, I would give 100, heck, a thousand points for that. Who was the designer there?
I think 9 points over all is ok, right, friends of the night?

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0 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 5.5
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Not heavy drama with lots of good characters who meet up, investigate & fight evil together...

The overall story is about 3 brothers n 1 lil sis who r from the martial art world that come to the normal world n got mixed up with worldly & government probs... they met their spouses during different probs&situations that occured throughout the drama... they also met other good people who eventually become their friends n with whom they fight the evil together...

I kinda like:
- The relationship between FL & her bros... they r somehow so different in characters n have various kinds of relationships... N talking about her brother, halfway thru LiHongYi was introduced as the 6th bro... i like him! I’ve watched some of his dramas n his character stood out in here eventhough only as a support role...
- The genre, it’s about investigating crimes... FL&ML’s jobs in the first half is about finding clues n investigate stuff... everything they investigate is actually things that lead to the conspiracy of villains between 2 nations...
- The people around ML&FL r all good people, there r no stabbing in the back kinda thing... the villains r just frontal kinda villains...
- The ending where everybody gathered, all the good casts r there looking happy...

Mixed feelings:
- The chems between the leads r just ok for me... maybe coz they describe FL as young, so their relationship is so subtle... but they r cute sometimes, they had their small moments I guess...
- The mainleads’ characters... FL is supposed to be smart n witty, n she is, but sometimes she acts so righteous n that annoys me quite a bit... ML is the typical coldhearted guy who got his heart melted becoz of FL... the downside of it, he is sometimes such a boring character... n how he faked his death to FL that she was heartbroken for a longtime just such an unnecessary thing to do, esp since they were already married... just the kinda plot I hate coz somehow the series needs a final drama for the leads...

I kinda dislike:
- The storytelling part is kinda boring... there r some parts in the drama that I find so flat that I had to skip scenes every once in a while...
- The 5th bro’s death... I guess we should be grateful that from all of the good casts, there is only 1 death... but still, it was a sad moment...
- It looks medium or even low budget... I guess it’s a standard webdrama, nothing special about the set, wardrobe or even the script n the directing... everything is just so so visually...
- Some scenes were cut I think? Coz sometimes we expect to see a certain scene, but suddenly they r already on the next scene... or is it just bad editing? I have no idea...

This is a drama u watch when u have nothing else... IMO it’s not that bad nor that good... if u r looking for romance only, I don’t recommend this, there r romance parts, but it doesn’t really focus on that n the skinship is very subtle... i enjoyed overall story, but there r so many boring parts that made me skipped some scenes... i think as long as u don’t expect much, u’ll like it more... like i said, it’s just another web drama, nothing extraordinary... but it’s not a heavy drama with lots of good characters throughout, n most of them got their happy endings, so there’s that...

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Dropped 13/24
Joyce Chan
1 people found this review helpful
Dec 22, 2021
13 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Zhan Zhao the famous constable and the female lead

I havent watched half and already i think its pretty boring.

First of all while i do like the male actor, he doesnt really stand out. The female lead is witty but i didnt know she was that smart. She just seemed kinda acted very rashly and roughly.

The crime investigations were not interesting enough.I didnt even know who was the master mind behind it. The person that was captured was so powerful already. He seems like a boss on his own. Like it seems like they should put him to faced off in like the ending episodes..

Characters are introduced more than halfway.... Princess in ep 13....

Honestly dont feel the chemistry of the leads. I mean beside the part where Zhan Zhao fell into the water and they kissed thats it.

I am probably going to drop it.

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1 people found this review helpful
Feb 25, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
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J'ai craqué pour le personnage de Li Hong Yi : Su Zui (ou Sixième Frère)

À quand remonte mon dernier drame wuxia ? ... Trop longtemps. J'avais besoin de me nourrir du genre rapidement. Avec la présence de Wu Xi Ze / Caesar Wu, j'ai décidé de jeter mon dévolu sur ce drame.

Comme pas mal d'avis, le duo principal est le point qui m'aura piqué jusqu'au bout.
Tout d'abord le personnage féminin incarnée par Zhang Hui Wen. On présente Mo Yan comme une femme intelligente, maligne et forte (moralement ou physiquement, chacun ira de son propre point de vue). Mais c'est rapidement oublié pour que son chevalier vienne à son secours. De plus, son air condescendant imprimé sur son visage ne pousse pas vraiment à vouloir l'apprécier. J'attends de revoir l'actrice dans un autre drame.
À côté, nous avons Wu Xi Ze / Caesar Wu dans le rôle de Zhan Zhao. General's Lady ne date pas d'hier, mais de souvenir, Caesar Wu avait eu un personnage intéressant et offrait une bonne performance. Mais dans le rôle de Zhan Zhao, c'est comme s'il avait décidé de ne fournir aucun effort. Il est juste là où il doit être. De temps en temps, il étire les lèvres, mais cela n'ira pas au-delà. Qui portait réellement le masque dans ce drame en fait ?
Résultat, on se retrouve avec un duo principal qui ne dégage aucune émotion ni sympathie particulière. En passant, je ne comprends toujours pas ce truc "mignon" quand une fille donne des ordres à son supérieur. Mais ça, c'est peut-être parce que mon père est ancien gendarme. J'ai donc un regard différent sur l'autorité dans le monde du travail. Cependant, bien que je n'ai pas spécialement apprécié les caractères (et la façon dont j'ai perçu les personnages), ils restent bons malgré une absence totale de complicité entre eux. Or, il est bon de souligner que pour une fois, pas de grands complots pour faire rompre les deux personnages (c'est rare).

Fort heureusement, les autres personnages sont intéressants et bons. Notamment Qiao Zhen Yu, Yvon Rui, Niu Zi Fan et Yu Xin Tong (son look était tellement bon). Sans eux, je pense que je n'aurai pas terminé. Pourtant, celui qui aura capté toute mon attention n'est autre que Li Hong Yi incarne Su Zui (Sixième Frère). J'ai eu un énorme coup de cœur pour le personnage, je ne sais même pas comment ni quand c'est arrivé. Ça m'a rappelé la façon dont Deng Wei (Miss The Dragon) m'a envouté en un claquement de doigt. J'ai réalisé que j'avais certains dramas avec cet acteur dans mes listes, il serait temps de m'y intéresser. De plus, son histoire reste (à mes yeux) une des plus intéressante du drame.

C'est un bon drame dans son ensemble. Il s'avère assez "menteur" sur le côté enquête qui ne vise qu'un complot central. Si les personnages mènent bien des enquêtes, elles ne sont pas très fournies et ne cassent pas trois pattes à un canard. Les effets ne sont pas les plus mauvais, mais ils ne sont pas les meilleurs non plus (la 3D est vraiment mal gérée). Pas mauvais, pas exceptionnel non plus.

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Simona Leila
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 14, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Quando si dice che la memoria è selettiva...

Prima di scrivere queste righe ho dovuto spulciare l'archivio delle stories di ig per ricordarmi qualcosa del drama. L'ho finito appena la settimana scorsa, eppure il mio cervello ne ha fatto tabula rasa, escludendo solo due personaggi: Guardiano Zhan e il principe il cui nome al momento mi sfugge. Per il primo ho avuto proprio una crush fortissima, tanto che su qualche social ne ho sto usando l'immagine per il profilo mentre il secondo è stato quel tipo di personaggio capace di farmi sbellicare dalle risate, di darmi quel sollievo di cui avevo bisogno. Il resto sta a galla per una certa. Mi ricordo che fino all'ep 19 lo trovavo molto carino, da comfort zone, ma dal 20 in poi si è completamente rovinato: un collage di scene senza un filo conduttore ed ho controllato, non erano ep special ma proprio facenti parte della storia. Quindi la domanda è istintiva: perchè? Che motivo c'era di rovinarlo? Visto l'andazzo, non vi nascondo che dall'ep 21 sono saltata direttamente all'ultimo, il 24, ma la situazione pareva pure peggio! Non so se lo consiglierei..

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