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Mostly watched this for Kim Go Eun and I have no regrets. This wasn’t the best drama by any means, but the realistic take on relationships is quite nice since it’s so unique to kdramas. I still prefer my over-the-top “you are my everything” kdrama romances, but this drama was a nice change of pace. Although I’m not the person to go for slice-of-life dramas like this since I have a tendency to get bored as soon as the leads get together in the drama, Yumi’s cells stayed pretty interesting throughout its 14 episodes. I don’t think the ending was anybody’s favorite, but I look forward to a second season to watch Yumi mature and find new romances. (I totally spoiled myself before the drama even aired but what else is new) Was this review helpful to you?
Yumi's prime cell, the one that really defines her is the Love Cell, and I really related to how she put her partner first and prioritized him. But when Yumi and Woong had their first fight, I was so proud of her for putting herself first and speaking her mind because that is so important.
The show made me feel so many emotions. It was more a slice of life show than a traditional romance kdrama which I wasn't expecting, but it doesn't get boring because the cells are so entertaining and they really make the show. You see the characters as they go through everyday life, like going on their first trip together and the conflicts that arise from just doing normal things. And when they encounter issues in their relationship, it was all so realistic, like having miscommunications and not being honest with each other.
Maybe this is a spoiler but don't expect a "happy ending".
I haven't read the webtoon before, so the ending came out of left field for me but I think they are going to be multiple seasons for Yumi's Cells so I get it, I do. Despite knowing that now, it does feel tough to end the first season like this. Initially when I saw Woong, I wasn't even attached to him and their first date was so awkward and terrible.... it was like the worst first date ever. But then he really grew on me and they were a really cute couple. I liked how his cells and the way that his inner city was built was so different from Yumi's and reflected his personality and the way that he thought and processed things.
I'm really rooting for Yumi and her happiness.
All the feels.
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On the other hand Woong is a more interesting character. He is parsuiting his dream. But Yu mi is also trying to earn money with her dream. Woong's costumes were funny. It was new to watch a kdrama male lead wearing casual clothes in stead of suits.
Animation was good but the way the cells talk it was like they were talking about a different human. But they were Yu Mi's own cell's - they are Yu Mi themselves.
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The actors and actress do it so well. Good story line. Just that the OST are average and too much filter. Sometimes the faces are too white due to filter. I like to see the beauty but I wish they do the other filters instead of making it too white.
I love the voice actors too. Especially the detective cell haha. He is just too cute and funny.
As for the story, I really like it even though romance is not my tea. The story is very realistic. Not everything will follow the wish. There are many things we can’t control. The series not necessarily have an happy ending if the plot is good.
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Beautiful story
Honestly so far I been loving the story so much! 🥰☺️ I think it’s because of two reasons it contains animations and the couple it’s really relatable. Every episode I’ll either be laughing my ass off or grinning like an idiot. I honestly wasn’t going to give a try since the male lead is been only evil characters before but ngl in this drama he is a cute pie and don’t get me started with yumi she’s so cute and an overthinker like me lmao. This drama hasn’t been completed but honestly so far is really good. I recommend it 100 percent ❤️ I’ll be back once it’s over airing.Was this review helpful to you?

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Great Cells, mediocre everything else.
You know the storyline is in trouble when the writers revert to poop jokes like five year olds...I know this is a favourite of many, and it broke my heart a bit to drop it because the cells really were fantastic and if they had their own show I'd love it! But unfortunately, the cells were never meant to be the main characters of this drama, it's a love story between two flesh and blood people and it isn't a very interesting one. We have misunderstanding after misunderstanding, an Evil Other Woman and of course, the famous poop humour. All these "delights" can take up half an episode, and that just makes the overly long episodes seem even longer.
No show can survive on only a cute gimmick, there has to be good writing involved. Sadly, the writers concentrated too much on good lines for the little cells, and the main couple was left with second hand scraps. And that's my cue to run far away from this drama.
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The first romcom on MDL, that I gave a rating of a 10 to! BTW, I loved the ending!
Don't let the title or drama photo confuse you, as this drama is actually pretty great. At first I thought this drama was going to be a cutesy, unrelatable, immature romcom. However, Yumi's cells is not your typical K-drama, as it is realistic in almost every way possible. Honestly, it felt like this drama was made specifically for me, as I am going through the same thing as Yumi. I am in my 30's like Yumi, haven't dated in over 3 years like Yumi, work-work-work-work like Yumi, and someone is interested in my like someone was interested in Yumi, but I'm hesitant just like Yumi, and have so many questions and doubts just like Yumi. What's so fascinating is my emotions and reactions to the romantic scenes are the exact emotions and reactions that Yumi cells have, almost 5 seconds after I have mine. For example, I did a fist pump after something good happened during episode 3, literally seconds later, Yumi cells did the same thing lol. I really love the concept of how the cells/hormones for different emotions and functions in our bodies are expressed in both Yumi and the male lead, as they are dating and going through everyday life. That lust cell is real though, meaning I have to fight that urge too lol. In this drama the lust cell is super relatable, as is the rest of the cells lol (see episode 4). I am currently on episode 6, and I look forward to watching the rest of the episodes.I've come to realize something about myself. If I ever feel or think a man is making me compete with another woman, I'd drop the relationship even if I really care about him. Someone who you are in a relationship with should never compete for your time, attention, and affection. After what happened in episode 8, it would probably be the end of my relationship with the male lead character, if I were Yumi. I 'ain't' dealing with catty women, or another woman, trying to gain my boyfriend's attention. If he doesn't handle it, I'd say bye to him too.
At the beginning of episode 9 (the first 4 minutes) the male lead gaslighted Yumi. He tried to say that he didn't tell Yumi that his ex crush and current coworker lives in his building and stops by to borrow stuff, because it would make her sensitive, like how she was being "sensitive," at the moment he got caught. She wasn't being sensitive but rather is upset at the fact that he lied and deceived her. For goodness sake he dodged her request to come over for over two weeks. He thought lying and deceiving her was better for her, then giving her a heads up that the girl who he used to like, and currently work with everyday, now lives in his building. I wouldn't trust him either. This man is more toxic than her ex boyfriend. At least her ex-boyfriend was upfront about his douchebag behavior, but this one is pretending to be a victim.
During episode 9 around the 10 minute mark when he said that he was taking care of it (meaning, handling his co-workers affection for him), he said he's doing it in a way that would not make anyone feel uncomfortable. BRUH! Why does he care if someone who he is not in a relationship with, but knows that he is in a relationship but still persist in flirting with him, is comfortable? Why would he risk Yumi's comfortability level for someone else? To make sure his girlfriend (Yumi) is comfortable, he should definitely make another girl uncomfortable by telling her TO LEAVE HIM ALONE (very sternly).
During episode 10 around the 52 minute mark, Yumi's childish behavior starts to get on my nerves. Her boyfriend wasn't putting her down but giving her his honest opinion in a respectful way. She asked for it, and if she didn't like the answer, she could have said "I don't like your answer, but I appreciate your honesty." This man ain't a genie in a bottle.
During episode 12 (the first 8 minutes), I can understand why Yumi would ask that specific question. Nevertheless, I can also understand why the male lead character did not respond right away. Typically, men like to get their self settled financially, and typically, women don't care if the person that she's dating is settled as long as she loves him, and she feels taken care of emotionally.
Episode 13 (at the 36 minute mark) - It was at that moment when she realized that he wasn't who she thought he was. How many of us, have had those kinds of moments? I used to think to myself, did I really know him (who was I dating/in a relationship with)? Was I in love with him, or who I wanted him to be? Like dang, how could I miss the red flags!
I have one episode left. I hope that they break up, as the male lead isn't ready for a romantic relationship. He always put himself first, not once did he put anyone including God before himself, and most importantly his communication is horrible, for a romantic relationship. Yumi put him first up until the side-chick/friendship incident. In episode 13, I just found out that Yumi didn't know that the male lead liked his ex-colleague/friend. For some reason I thought that Yumi knew that, but she had to find out by overhearing two people who she didn't know speak about it. At this point, I hope her and her manager get together. He seems like he would be a better fit.
I freaking loved the ending. I can give you more reasons why the female lead and male lead shouldn't be together, as opposed to the reasons why they should. I actually don't think that this drama needs a second season. I think if it's not done right then it would ruin the credibility of the first season. Since there will be a second season, in the second season Yumi should date her manager, and the male lead should date his ex colleague/crush. Please don't have the female and male lead get together in the second season, keep that for the third season. The male lead should date someone who is just like him in the second season (meaning someone who put themselves first when in a relationship), so that he can understand what Yumi went through when dating him. Was the male lead a nice person? Overall, yes, but nice people can also be unkind. Niceness doesn't equate to kindness.
BTW, in addition to being a talented actress, the lead actress who plays Yumi is gorg.... (gorgeous).
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Animation and live action are so unique!
I love this show. The chemistry between leads is so great and it portrays a realistic relationship in such a clever way. Ahn Bo Hyun is amazingly talented. His acting range is crazy good from horrible bully in Itaewon Class to best boyfriend ever in Yumi’s Cells to good cop in My Name. You wouldn’t know it’s the same actor! You missed Cells is definitely worth watching. Anyone who sticks with it past first three episodes become huge fans. Don’t miss it! And there’s a season 2. They’re already filming it. I can’t wait.Was this review helpful to you?

Good Enough
Korean Drama 'Yumi's Cells' combines masterfully animation with a fluffy and yet realistic love story.The animation, first of all, was a hit or miss, and they did a great job creating this fun atmosphere that was both funny and necessary for giving an insight to the characters' thoughts and what motivated them to act as they did.
In addition, the love story was pretty sweet, with plenty of cute moments and a realistic outcome, that, however, will probably be better resolved in the second season. The whole drama of the love story was nicely embedded to the progress of the relationship and it was pretty realistic.
Finally, the performances were all great and the animation well made.
So, overall, 8.5 out of 10.
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It Triggers Most And Emphasizes Emotions
The only reason why I signed up for this drama was because of Jin Young. I went into it with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised.The story was told wonderfully, in my opinion. There were bits here and there that I thought were extreme stretches and bits of fluff. I think it really captivated the evolution of most relationships, especially when it's a couple that aren't exactly compatible, but want to settle for fear of being alone or yearning for attention. I appreciate that there isn't a heavy focus on a love triangle and the story weighing heavily on who the female lead will choose.
I enjoyed the acting for what it was. I have not seen any other dramas with Bo Hyun, but for his character predominantly standing there looking confused, he played great. Go Eun seems like the perfect fit for her character, despite the lackluster nature of the Yumi.
No complaints with the soundtrack. They had a catchy song for each pivotal moment and it worked great.
Honestly, I'd watch this again. I enjoyed it upon the first watch and I wouldn't mind seeing it again to see if that opinion would change now that the awe factor has passed.
Overall, I enjoyed this drama. I think, in contrast to what a lot of the reviews touch upon, Yumi is an insecure human when it comes to relationships, and this drama justifies every aspect of that. I do agree, there was zero growth of her as a character. She doesn't acknowledge her insecurity, and expects Woong to apologize and change every little thing, but they are more common traits than most lead onto. It touches on some pretty real relationship issues with a light-hearted touch of the animated cells.
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I wish the writers would listen to the inner characters in their heads.
First of all, this show has an original, and interesting concept, and I have to say, even tho I disliked many things, it was more about the fact that the characters were written like real people.I think, the biggest problem with the show is that what makes it unique is the same thing that makes it boring as well after some time. The first 8-10 episode were great, but at one point the animated characters felt repetitive and boring, and I usually don1t skip scenes, but I did it.
Even tho I put this show in my favorite list, I only did it because this offered something different, not because it was the best written Kdrama.
The main couple was lovable and cute, and the best part is that neither of them were perfect Disney characters without any flaws. They're idiots, making stupid mistakes. And yes, it's irritating as hell, but that's how life is.
I don't think I ever wanted to actually k-ll a Kdrama character that wasn't a villain, but I felt the need to do this while watching what Sae Yi did. I despise people who act like a friend, but they're actually trying to ruin your life, because they're greedy, to say the least.
As for Ruby, well, she was also irritating, BUT I have to say, I think she was more interesting than the main characters. Why? Because the way she acts speaks volumes. She just wants to be loved, and that means she's probably the loneliest character on the show.
Overall, this is a pretty good show, fun, entertaining and real romance story, but I hope the 2nd season is better. Thanks to MDL's character descriptions, they already spoiled the main thing for me, but it's not like it was a secret, the writers already started to develop the new romance since the 1st minute the new guy arrived. And honestly, I already dislike him, because he's such a typical Kdrama male character. Pretty face, nice guy, pretty much perfect.
So, let's hope I won't be disappointed.
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Yumi is sleepwalking through her life into her 30s after a romantic betrayal. A series of events causes her to wake up and try again, and there is an addictive quality of wanting to see her succeed at last.
This addictive quality is also due to the 'roller-coaster,' action staged inner life inspired by Pixar's Inside Out. The Bond/action movie dramas of Yumi's interior feelings create more adrenaline to the situation, then this ordinary life and romance would inspire on its own.
The conflicts over pride, money, showing your vulnerabilities, ambiguous boundaries with friends and co-workers etc. are what make the show unique, these are the ordinary fights we've all had instead of the extraordinary larger than life conflicts in your normal Kdrama. But, this is also what holds this drama back, the determination to review over and over smaller, quiet dramas just between two people, prevents the show from truly lingering. .
Music was fine and certain scenes are such a good encapsulation of a first date, or a first fight that they are worthy of rewatch.
I also grade on other criteria:
Complex themes: 7.5
This is a character study of what prevents two, ordinary people, good looking, intelligent, nice from finding romantic relationships. Mainly, the inability to risk, be vulnerable, or show true feelings.
Complex Characters/Development: 9.5
Here, this show really shines, illustrating that surface human behaviors that we find so frustrating come from a very complex emotional and psychological inner self. Yumi also shows growth as she realizes that her past relationship has clouded her ability to commit in the present. The character of Sae-yi was truly exciting to see, a type of personality and friendship we often see in real life (encouraging dependency and discouraging growth and independence).
Relationships between Women: 7.0
Yumi is not fundamentally close to any of her peers, and keeps them at a distance which means she has some competitive and a bit catty friends from university/growing up and some kind fun to hang out with co-workers. She doesn't have an in-depth relationship with her mother and appears to have no siblings. The show really falls down on this point, though it may be realistic.
Cinematography/Production: 8.5
The inner feelings drama was cute and well done, and the film had a soft, indie feel to it that suited the show. The clothes and surroundings were all very realistic, and there were some artistic flourishes that mimicked the emotions that were concerning the characters.
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