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Jan 7, 2023
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

I couldn't stop crying.

As someone who has a niece on crutches, I can't even. This was the sweetest. The characters both in their rights are so strong! I've never seen them in anything else the actors but they protrayed these characters well. The Lu Miao is a character we don't see in many female leads, her determination and compassion is something I feel all young female teens and even some of us adults need to watch and look up to. Yes, she slacks off, but she tries, she fights for her family and friends. I don't have one bad thing about her. Yes, there's some parts she doesn't get and she fights and argues about. But that's her innocence popping out because she just doesn't know, but she wants to understand. I feel like everyone has been like this.

As for Jiang Haoyue honestly, he's hurt. He puts up with his drunken father and his mother who, let's face it was embarrassed by her first born son because he came from Jiang Yi. Then what ticked me off the most about him was that he was going to leave Lu Miao and go abroad to be with her. As if Lu Miao's feelings didn't matter. I mean yes, it was a debt to pay off, but they genuinely cared about him. And for Lu Miao that didn't matter. They were family, and he was abandoning her for a woman who had abandoned him because she was ashamed of him. But his father was a lowlife, but that's because it seemed like no one had genuinely showed that they cared for him growing up (they didn't give much back story on him except the love story between him and Haoyue's mom), he knew he screwed up. And in case anyone overlooked it, him locking everything up and saying he burned his son's passport was his way of saying that he didn't want his son to go. And that he was trying. And of course happily Haoyue saw that. A mother shouldn't just leave a child for years in a toxic situation. She should've taken him with her. For that I'm glad she left she was horrible. I'm glad the show came to a close like it did. Sometimes romance isn't always the kissing or any kinds of physical intimacy more intense than a hug. Sometimes romance can be the start of one blossoming, the rekindling of a lost relationship, and just good friends. for me this show was 10/10. All the actors brought to life their characters very well. And I'd definitely have to watch this again. I wish they made a second season, to see how they continued. But honestly guessing what their life is like after these dramas are the best imagines you get to make for yourselves. This is the best C-drama I've seen yet and I will recommend it to my brother-in-law and wife for their daughter so she's not alone, even in a story.

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Oct 13, 2022
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Sweet and sensible Youth Drama

From past few weeks i watched so many youth shows and by far this (and 2nd is summer again) beats all other shows in terms of overall story, acting and character arc.
ML with a heavy baggage but not cold just quiet , sensitive and FL issweet & a little childish but not overly done having her own thoughts trying to protect ML openly or silently. Loved Her family and his father arc too.
And most of all friendships depicted among 6 people. How it grew among them so naturally and we could see how each interacted and helped each other in different levels of friendship and ways. Most shows although they showed initially of becoming friends we do not see much on them interacting so personally . For ex: we can see Che showing why GuoGuo was selected and convincing him to just go ahead. ( except may be FL with her best friend in some shows. )
Even without much physical affection we could see so much love and care between leads. It is so sweet. Kudos to both actors.
i will definitely rewatch this show because most shows i had to skip a lot due to characters stupidity i couldnt stand. Here there is none,.
Only thing that could have been a little better is to know why SML was trying to pursue FL. I get that they had same taste with both of them reading same comics but it felt as if they could be buddies than romantic interest at any point in time so him thinking so much and instigating ML felt a little out of place although it was fun to watch them challenge each other.

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Sep 9, 2024
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
This is a really good youth drama just not a drama for romance but after you find out the FL actress real age you will understand why. I like the way they did this more though it wasn't just about two kids knowing each other in childhood and getting together in their teens. It was more about their friendship and making new friends and the struggles in their lives.

I really liked the girl who played the FL I thought she was adorable and she has the prettiest big eyes. I just kept looking at her eyes through this, but the main reason for me watching this was for Zhang Ling He. He plays a character with a disability and he pulled me into his story through this whole drama. His story was just heartbreaking and I cried finding out a lot of it. His parents were horrible even thought his dad does straighten up towards the end of it granted his son is already consider in adult by then. I liked most of the characters in this for me I didn't really find anyone annoying. The only thing I wished they would of did more with was the second couple but they made the second male lead chase the female lead way to long and then decided not to even have him admit when he falls for someone else at the end. I liked him with that girl a lot better.

This is definitely a drama to start watching and see if you get into the characters and their stories to determine if you will like this drama or not cause at first glance I didn't think I would get into this. Two other things that I really enjoyed in this was the dance performance they do and the cosplay competition.

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Jun 29, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 3.5

Good story, bad pacing

Story: I like these kinds of plots. Go Ahead is the drama I’ve rewatched the most and I like these complicated family/, best friend/sibling-like, budding romance, slice-of-life stories. They more realistic and relatable then a story about a poor FL getting into a relationship with a CEO - somehow.
Overall, the story is very good to me. I like the inclusion of the ML’s disability, but as a someone who doesn’t have that personally, I wonder how accurate it really is. I also liked the turbulence of the relationship/FRIENDSHIP. It was innocent and enjoyable.
HOWEVER, there were major issues with the stories pacing. It felt like it dragged on a lot and I personally skipped around quite a bit. I think the drama was a lot longer then it needed to be.

Acting: the acting was pretty good. I think the FL did a really good job acting the age of a year one high school student and so on. The ML was also good, but the girl store out more. I appreciate when someone doesn’t cry “pretty” but more realistically and raw.
The second ML was very funny and felt like the only comedic relief besides the FL. I appreciated how he played his role, but the plot points with him felt a little under developed

Rewatch: Honeslty, I would watch it again. I have a shorter attention span to begin with, and this drama wasn’t the best at holding my attention. The story it’s self was good and a bit unique. It just for me personally, I wouldn’t watch it again.

I hope people give it a chance, because the story alone deserves a much higher score than 6.5, but overall… not the best for me.

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Jul 19, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 4.0
it started off soo good i loved the cinematography for it and the castings (until i found out the age diff between the leads ,, yikes) when i found out abt it it did tick me off but i continued watching it for the sake of finishing it.

these days cdramas have a lot of coming-of-age genre but most of them ALWAYS have unnecessary side stories that i skip but this show it does have a few side stories n none of them bore me . i loved all of the side characters they were portrayed so so well and the chemistry between them all.. LOVE

overall a great drama to watch but i wish they wouldve casted someone who's not a minor :/ other than that the plot n all were good

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5 people found this review helpful
Jul 4, 2021
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Un drama "high school" et de "childhood sweetheart" totalement réussi

Il y a des dramas. Des films. Des séries. Ou des animés.
Qui marquent plus que d’autres. Qui nous touchent bien plus. Plus que ceux qui sont notés gracilement et unanimement reconnus. Ils sont loin d’être parfaits. Voire même bons pour le cinéphile en mal de sensation ou d’intense réflexion sur le va à l’eau actuel.

Et pourtant, pour d’autres.

Le coeur a battu déraisonnablement pendant 24 épisodes. Un voyage doux et amer à travers son propre passé (je sais, cela revient souvent en ce qui me concerne). Cette vague qui nous laisse pantelant lorsque les yeux clos, quelques folles images ressurgissent. De moi. De toi. D’eux. De nous.

« Flourish in Time » a rejoint ce coup de coeur personnel. Comme « All about secrets ».
C’est un scénario classique qui vous attendra si vous décidez de lui donner sa chance. Depuis « Touch » de Mitsuru Adachi, peu de « childhood sweetheart » ont su me convaincre. Cela fut le cas pour « All about secrets ».
Et maintenant « Flourish in time ».

Nous est conté une tranche de vie, celle de Lu Miao et Jiang Hao Yue, 2 amis d’enfances marqués par la tragédie de Hao Yue qui a perdu sa jambe lors d’un accident de voiture. Accident provoqué par le père de Lu Miao. Résultat, Lu Yong Fei, le père de Lu Miao décide de prendre en charge l’enfant handicapé. Lui acheter ses jambes artificielles. Le nourrir. Lui prodiguer de l’attention. Le considérer comme son fils. Quand à Lu Miao, Hao Yue sera son grand frère.
C’est ainsi que commence une très belle amitié. Une jolie histoire de famille. Une adorable histoire d’amour.
Les deux enfants grandissent main dans la main, une main qu’ils ne lâcheront jamais. Les petites scènes de fin nous montrent clairement ce qu’ils deviendront, cette force qui sera la leur. Je me suis surprise à sourire bêtement, souvent, devant les chamailleries de Lu Miao et de Hao Yue. Le jeu des enfants est excellent et leur sincérité touchante.
L’histoire se concentre sur le temps de l’adolescence, les études si chères aux yeux des chinois, les rencontres au lycée qui feront parties de leur quotidien et qui les aideront d’une certaine façon à s’ouvrir aux autres. Car Lu Miao et Hao Yue n’ont vécu que pour l’un et pour l’autre jusqu’à présent et n’ont su compter que sur l’un et sur l’autre. Ce lien sera fortement présent tout au long de leur voyage.
Lu Miao, spontanée, joyeuse et croquant la vie à pleine dent, est l’opposé de Hao Yue, l’étudiant excellent par définition. Réservé à l’extrême, il ne se dévoile qu’en face de Lu Miao. Les interactions entre nos deux « childhood sweetheart » sont remplies de douceur et de taquineries faites d’affection et d’amour. Et c’est ce qui fait je pense la force de cette relation. Souvent nous est dessinée une relation faite de dispute amicale, de reproche, d’indécision et de désir d’indépendance comme dans « all about secrets » , « Love and Pi » ou encore « The best of you in my mind ».
Ici au contraire, Lu Miao et Hao Yue n’auront jamais de cesse de se chercher et de courir l’un vers l’autre. Il n’y aura jamais d’espace pour d’autres. Shi Che Le le comprendra très vite. Et tous ceux qui les entourent.
Il y a le classique excellent élève, Hao Yue, et l’élève qui a beaucoup beaucoup de difficultés scolaires, Lu Miao. Cela peut paraitre redondant. Et beaucoup d’entre vous pourrait trouver cela injuste de voir (encore) une fille toujours à la traine, toujours à peiner…. En ce qui me concerne, cela ne m’offusque pas réellement. Peut-être étant moi même une ex-mauvaise élève. Je n’en fais pas une généralité, loin de là, ma fille étant elle-même première de la classe (fierté de la la mère qui n’avait que des mauvaise notes hahaha). Mais j’aime assez (pour ne pas dire très) l’idée du personnage féminin (que l’on retrouve certes souvent) qui est en échec scolaire mais qui se révèle par la suite bien plus persistante, plus forte, plus obstinée que le reste du casting. Lu Miao ne déroge pas à la règle. Bien que mauvaise en classe, elle a cette arme (féminin?? héhé) de se battre pour réussir, de ne jamais baisser les bras, de voler plus haut que ce qu’elle pensait, de dépasser ce qu’on attend d’elle. Et j’avoue que j’aime ce côté des « leads » féminin, forte et attachante à la fois, fragile et courageuse dans tout ce qu’elles font. Alors je dis oui.
Il n’est donc pas étonnant que Hao Yue n’ait d’yeux que pour notre jolie lutin. Leur personnalité si différente se complète à merveille. Lu Miao Apporte cette touche de fantaisie et de spontanéité que n’a pas Hao Yue. Elle est aussi sa force. Son bouclier contre ce monde extérieur qu’il ne veut pas. Ne pensez pas que Hao Yue est un personnage faible après ma dithyrambe sur Lu Miao. Sa façon de gérer le regard sur son handicap était admirable. Préférant relever la tête et nonobstant les moqueries faites à son encontre, il ne s’arrêtera guère sur les ragots.
Son regard si calme et froid ne s’animait qu’avec Lu Miao.
La surprise est venue de son amitié soudaine et inattendue avec Qu Wei. Je ne me suis pas attendue à une amitié aussi sympathique entre ces deux personnages, et les réflexions de Qu Wei étaient drôle et rafraichissantes.
La seconde romance, tardive, était prévisible mais super agréable à suivre.
Les relations entre Hao Yue et son père m’ont amené des larmes aux yeux. La représentation du père « violent » et ivre est toujours un sujet sensible. Il est souvent difficile de ressentir de l’empathie envers ce genre de personne et pourtant, au fur et à mesure, la compassion et la compréhension fait son petit bonhomme de chemin. Les actions de Zhao Yang ne sont pas justifiables mais je le comprenais. Les derniers épisodes entre Hao Yue et son père m’ont beaucoup touché.
Zhang Lin He est un acteur nouvelle génération, il a commencé avec « Maiden Holmes » et « Sparkle Love ». Dramas que je n’avais pas l’intention de regarder. J’avoue piteusement que Zhang Lin He m’a fait fait une telle impression (mon coeur a encore du mal à s’en remettre), son sourire, son regard émouvant (femme je suis, femme je reste apparement…) que je vais avoir l’obligation de regarder tous ses dramas.
Quelle ne fut ma surprise de savoir qu’Ancy Deng était « Su Tang » dans « The legeng of awakening ». Cela explique ce coup de coeur immédiat lorsque Lu Miao est apparue.
Guo Xin Yu, quant à lui, n’est pas un inconnu. Je l’avais déjà remarqué dans l’excellent « I don’t want to be friend with you » (drama coup de coeur que je conseille sincèrement) et dans « The best of you in my mind ».
Ren Shi Hao n’a pas encore eu de rôle majeur, son seul rôle en tant qu’acteur principal est « Sweet first love », drama que je n’ai malheureusement pas beaucoup aimé d’ailleurs.
Enfin, Tan Yan Yan, que j’ai trouvé super jolie et rafraichissante, n’a jamais joué que des rôles secondaires dont notamment « Waiting for you in the future », super drama retro, drôle et émouvant.
Une petite mention pour l’OST du drama. Si vous ne le savez pas encore, je suis une mordue d’OST et je prête une très grande attention à ce détail. l’OST colle parfaitement à l’ambiance du drama. Le rêve et cette nostalgie qui jalonnent tout le long des épisodes vont me poursuivre longtemps avec la chanson « Be you starry sky » par Chen Xueran ainsi que « Time Boy » par Hu Xia.
Beaucoup trouverait à redire à ce drama. La réalisation est plutôt moyen, le scénario prévisible et loin de l’innovation du siècle, les personnages classiques avec leur chemin de croix habituel….et pourtant, j’ai adoré.
Conclusion, aimer ne s’explique pas seulement par la perfection de la réalisation. Mais aussi par le ressenti de chacun.

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