16 people found this review helpful
Mar 17, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
Even though the story is a little less plausible, however the chemistry between two main characters that was built slowly from the very first episode yielded maximum results until the end.

No matter what “they called”, bromance or what so ever, but the love story amongst of those two (Yi You and Yi Ling) were very clear especially when their eyes met. ?

Sometimes we don't really have to label a series as a BL from kissing scenes let alone sex scenes, but with very good storytelling it can satisfy some viewers like I did.

Translate to Indonesian:
Meskipun cerita yang sedikit kurang masuk akal, namun chemistry antar dua karakter utama yang dibangun secara perlahan sejak episode pertama membuahkan hasil maksimal hingga akhir.

Mau mereka sebut ini hanya sekedar bromance, tapi kisah cinta keduanya sudah amat jelas terlihat dari kedua mata You and Liang saat bertemu.

Terkadang kita tidak harus mencap sebagai BL series dari adegan ciuman apalagi sex, dengan pengisahan yang sangat baik sudah dapat memuaskan penonton seperti saya.

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13 people found this review helpful
Mar 8, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

So charming and yet so simple

I really liked this story. It was a little simple but so sufficiently well done as to prompt me to watch the entire series in one sitting. I think that speaks volumes in itself. The young actors are nuanced even when the plot is straightforward - adding a dimension beyond the script. I was concerned about the female support role (Winting?) ... and I kept thinking "what is her problem?" and why is she entitled to intrude into another family so rudely. That said, perhaps there is a cultural divide between China and Australia that makes it hard for me to fathom her motivation. It did not ruin the show but it did annoy me a bit.
The boys do carry the show and I like the elements of competition and collaboration that are very reminiscent of how brothers do actually behave. Bravo to the team.

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10 people found this review helpful
Apr 18, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
This review may contain spoilers

Surprisingly, this is BL and not bad

This series will not alienate those irritated by how BL is transformed into bromance in series from China.

While China effectively has a ban on BL series, this has not stopped the entertainment industry from adapting BL books into series, usually with the BL censored and turned into some sort of bromance. In this case, the series deserves credit for not twisting the BL into bromance, which can put some people off. This series is very much BL because it is so obvious that the main characters are in love. (Perhaps the BL is still diluted, but it has not been transformed into something else.)

The story goes that Shao Yi You's father hires Shao Yi Liang to pretend to be Yi You's half-brother. The explanation for this is a little bizarre--it's supposed to help Yi You overcome a psychological condition, which he has during competitions, by letting him have a friend. Yeah, this guy supposedly has no friends. .... Oh wait, actually he does at least one friend, a girl who has gone overseas. (This series does have a couple of inconsistencies in characterisation, but these do not mar the story in general.)

After Yi You's initial hostility towards Yi Liang wears off, their relationship is pretty cute. Their feelings are clearly romantic though Yi You seems more sure about his feelings. Yi You gets visibly upset when he is reminded that they are brothers (of course they aren't). When the pretense is almost exposed by Yi You's friend, Yi Liang spins some sob story to convince Yi You that they are really brothers, and, again, Yi You looks miserable. The delight on his face when he overhears Yi Liang talking and finds out the truth about Yi Liang's identity is priceless. On Yi Liang's part, he gets upset when he sees Yi You hugging his female friend and secretly spies on Yi You talking to an ex-teammate.

BL's in China will, for a long time to come, have to contend with censorship laws. But those producing BL-based series are getting rather good at circumventing the censorship laws. Sure, we are not going to see kissing scenes, not to mention passionate bed scenes, but the strong romantic feelings can still be craftily portrayed. A series like Precise Shot can still capture a segment of the BL market because the love portrayed is innocent and pure whilst being quite intense at the same time.

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4 people found this review helpful
Apr 25, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5


I really enjoyed watching this series. Technically it’s not classified as a bl but it has all the elements that make a bl. The two main characters are both males and complete opposites. Yet they complement one another perfectly. The storyline is simple but not childish. The supporting cast does a good job too. There is a definite message about family and friendship. The female friend was your typical type seen in most BLs....jealous,
mean and immature. However I really liked how
her character was handled by her friend and his
father. My only complaint was it was so short but
the good thing is I can rewatch it in one afternoon. Despite the censorship issues this country is moving in the right direction as far as
telling a good story in this genre.

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3 people found this review helpful
Mar 14, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Wholesome short series

This show was quite enjoyable to watch. It's a quick series (movie length long). The characters and plots was straight forward yet interesting. We got the classic opposite personality trope from the two mains, so don't expect anything too original. There was almost no real drama. It is a Chinese drama so obviously the BL is only subtext but I still really liked. It felt less queer baiting than Advance Bravely (maybe because I knew what I was in for this time). The characters all had their own past that had clearly attributed to their personality. Also, it was awesome to see the two mains grow in their relationship with each other, see there good chemistry, and how the two of them being together made them better people. I quite recommend this series if you're looking for something relaxing to watch. It is a maximum 1hr 45mins long, so there is not much to lose.

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3 people found this review helpful
Mar 29, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


Love this series. Never a dull moment. And this proves that a BL series can be touching and effective even without kissing o skin shots.

The chemistry between the two leads is over the roof!

Also love the cinematography and camera shots/angles. Even the product placements are done tastefully.

Joseph Wen looks like Krist of SOTUS, and Xia Zhi Yuan is a dead ringer for Ali King of BOYS’ LOCKDOWN.

There are quiet moments in the series when I was moved to tears, proving that you don’t need melodramatic scenes to achieve that effect.

Definitely worth watching again.

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1 people found this review helpful
May 12, 2024
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Bromance aiming at us....

Short, sweet, cute with loads of chemistry and perfect pacing. Added to it is Xia Zhi Yuan's irresistible smile and some nice piano background music and songs and you have the perfect, light entertainment for a Sunday evening.

A concerned father asks a young man to pretend to be his illegitimate son in order to shake his real son out of the slump. His happy go lucky attitude first encounters refusal but slowly and steadily he breaks through his fake brother's walls and manages to find the cause of his slump.

The two young men are perfect examples of opposites attract, enemies to friends (to lovers!) challenging each other out of their comfort zone and making them aim for different goals, making them more ambitious. While the first one is an orphan, who learned early to think on his feet and not to be bothered what other think about him and worry only about his own survival, the other man is a son of a rich father, pampered but also put under pressure to realize his and/or his father's dreams so much that he could not deal with it anymore and started stalling during competition.

The drama depicts well though not enough, the pressure the high achieving athletes are put under: by their families, their coaches, their competition. Having the iron clad will to win and not buckle up under provocation and bullying is paramount in this cut-throat world.

Even though the drama is short, the development of the relationship between two men is excellently paced: no stages are skipped, from the initial animosity to tentative resignation to hidden admiration and deep friendship. And of course more. Aaahhh, love that dares not speak its name in Chinese dramas....was pretty much obvious and they stopped a few times just a second before their lips touched but the feelings were overflowing. The chemistry was top notch. Even the presence of the girl visiting from France and not minding her business and therefore putting the spanner in the works of the father, though it gave additional drama it did not stop them in their bromance. We had everything here a good (b)romance requires: initial hatred, slowly getting to know each other, sleeping in the same bed (I loved those scenes: in the same bed but texting each other!), brushing teeth and eating together (nice home life), misunderstandings and jealousies, last minute break up and then reconciliation in the last episode. It was perfect!

These short dramas have become my favourites these days: not enough time for unnecessary side characters and time-wasting subplots , just a story of two people getting to know each other. And promote dental hygiene products!

This whole drama is actually an add wrapped around a BL.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 20, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Perfect bromance

No idea why this drama doesn't have better rating. It might not be one of the best BL series but it definitely deserves more than just 7.7. I genuinely enjoyed the banter between the two fake brothers. Even though the reason behind bringing Liang was a bit funny, it ultimately didn't matter. All the sweet moments throughout the series ultimately added up. I really loved Liang's optimism. No matter what the situation, he was the most fun to watch. Both the actors had the perfect chemistry with just the right amount of romance.

One should definitely watch this if they are looking for short, warm hearted series.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 12, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

Very close to an actual BL drama

This series contains so many typical BL elements - jealously, hidden feelings for each other, missing each other when they are gone - but since it's a Chinese production, it won't be a full blown BL but like I said, it's the closest you can get to an actual BL drama already.

Honestly the plot is really quite typical of any BL dramas/novels, you get a cold and quiet main character (MC) and then suddenly an active, extra-friendly person turns up in MC's life and everything changes. Then eventually they fall for each other and voila!

This series actually reminds me of HIStory 2: Crossing the Line since it revolves around sports and then like how the MC is good in the sport but due to some reason or another, doesn't perform as well anymore. Then the second MC turns up and changes his life around.

This Chinese series however, talks about how MC's father hired a fake brother for him so as to make his son overcome his psychological issues. Yet this fake brother is of a personality that is polar opposite to his son's and things start to get interesting from then on.

In my opinion, I always like dramas that at first involve a cold and quiet MC then because of someone's appearance he changes to become a much better person and falls in love with the 'someone'. You may dislike China's censorship laws but please do not dislike productions from their country. This is really a sweet series that I recommend everyone to watch!

Like many people in the comments mentioned, China has a very good potential to produce really fantastic BL dramas/movies should the law be not there and this series really just shows that.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jul 19, 2021
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

charming and well produced

i have a lot of good things to say about this series. its plot is well fit into the amount of episodes. i enjoyed the quick pace of the series; there was always something developing as time went on.

the acting was fantastic. i think everyone did their job excellently, especially considering the chinese censoring. the chemistry is undeniable and sweet. chinese "bromance" series' usually leave me wanting more, but this one had me full through until the end. the production is also really high quality.

the plot is a bit unrealistic; it's unusual for a wealthy man to take on someone as his son with good intentions. but that's what makes this series so charming. it's unique and i can't say i've seen anything like it.

overall, great series. i enjoyed it and i would rewatch it again over the course of the year. it gets to the point and i enjoyed every minute of it. i also enjoyed the product placement. it's hard to successfully promote a product without it being cringy, but this series pull it off quite well.

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1 people found this review helpful
Dec 29, 2023
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Innocent and even carrying some lessons

One of the regular sport drama premises: there is a psychological wall that keeps the lead from progressing in their performance. Then another lead shows up and instigates the change.

Thank God this drama fulfilled the premise. The shorter lead, the instigator really gave this drama memorable quality despite the plot being short and having holes. He was cast well.

Also, I liked how naturally their relationship developed. I trusted their relationship which speaks to the skill of actors.

I do miss something, not sure what. Nothing explicit in here, but it was not as missed. As some other reviewers mentioned it was obvious that something was brewing. Spice could have been added but it is fine like this too. I wished they developed more the backstory but then I am not sure how it would have added anything.

Simply said, they chose a specific sized and shaped glass and filled it to its brim. Whether it is the best glass for the beverage ?‍♀️

Continuing my inability to remember their names the taller lead showcased maturity in his behavior and decisions. The shorter lead was very charming, expressive and charismatic. Even though the taller one is more my type physically the shorter one really mesmerized me with his performance. Showcase how masculine and feminine qualities are not reserved for particular physical characteristics.

All in all -- Wonderful acting. Both leads had different personalities that helped each other to change and grow. And the thing uniting them was shooting.

I am happily ending my day, satisfied that I cleansed my eyes from the disaster that another show caused.

Oh well, life.

A quick watch, nothing complex or tiring but will leave you with a feeling of lightness. I watched it while studying. Not a regret because it is one of the feel good typa drama. Also picked up a wonderful lesson:

You can endure your hardship by focusing on the end-goal, simply imagine something that makes you happy in your head.

Very true (and needed reminder).

Thanks for reading.

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1 people found this review helpful
Mar 3, 2022
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Not a BL but a Friendship based

Okay I honestly thought this a BL, but its more a friendship based story.

Even though the story is a little less plausible, however the chemistry between two main characters that was built slowly from the very first episode yielded maximum results until the end. No matter what “they called”, bromance or what so ever, but the love story amongst of those two (Yi You and Yi Ling) were very clear especially when their eyes met. ? BL's in China will, for a long time to come, have to contend with censorship laws. But those producing BL-based series are getting rather good at circumventing the censorship laws. Sure, we are not going to see kissing scenes, not to mention passionate bed scenes, but the strong romantic feelings can still be craftily portrayed. A series like Precise Shot can still capture a segment of the BL market because the love portrayed is innocent and pure whilst being quite intense at the same time.

The show was quite enjoyable to watch. It's a quick series (movie length long). The characters and plots was straight forward yet interesting.

Overall: its a sweet bromance drama, that can watched in one sitting.

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