Ongoing 12/16
VLD Truyen
0 people found this review helpful
May 8, 2021
12 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 3.5
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In my humble opinion, this is an average so-so drama. Not much of intriguing plots. Just a standard of boy meets girl – Girl meets boy – Hating each other first, then fell in love – Then another boy jumped in between to form a triangle conflict – Then a cancer disease and amnesia/Alzheimer inserted in as usual (It won’t be a Korean drama if absenting these two tear jerking factors). Pretty much standard stuffs.

Nana’s acting skill has improved a lot since I last viewed her in “Into The Ring” where she played the role of kinda lunatic girl - very energetic but naive in politic – Politic was a very boring subject to me so I didn’t enjoy that series much – Nana acted much more mature and feminine in this one rather jumped around all over, all day like in the “Ring”. The wardrobes clothes was superb, hairstyle was awesome and groovy - Excellence.
Lee Min-ki was cool and fit the role nicely. His role was similar to the “Because This Is My First Life” in which he played an eccentric landlord together with Jung So-min. By the way, it seemed they always gave him the eccentric’s role which he played best (Remember “The Beauty Inside” ?)

He was funny in his own way while forming up the chemistry towards Nana. His choice of clothes rather unique but still cool. I wish maybe next time he will change the hairstyle a little bit to show his whole face instead of this usual bird nest type.
Kang Min-hyuk (the third person) still having a lot of space to improve his acting. His role of a rich hot boy chaebol was dulled and shallow – Again, I put the blame on screen/script writer that carved him some very mediocre activities. In the love competition w/ Lee, even while he's having every advantages – Longtime friendship w/ Nana, young, handsome, rich, highly educated (from Paris), a cosmetic company CEO, he was still acting hesitantly and reluctantly.

The two secondary couples - Lee's male boss and Nana's female boss - Lee's male assistant and Nana's female assistant's - was even worse, trying to be funny in some unbearable overreacting ways, not even worth to mention.

The fantasy factor - The angel(?) guy that saved Lee from the car accident and warned him that he does not have long to live just added unnecessary confusion to the story.

This has reminded me of the 2008 Korean drama "Star's Lover" - with the 2 leads: Choi Ji-woo (remember her?) and Yoo Ji-tae.
Very similar story. The male guy Yoo was a poor writer and the girl Choi was an rich actress - But the acting and screenplay was far much better (again, this is only my opinion).
Choi-Ji-woo played an excellent superb role there. The role was an famous, air-headed actress. Think about it, an actress played the role af an actress - Choi was really, really "evil" - She used all of her stardom power, street smart (she grew up in an orphanage), thick-faced tricks, innocent-faced tricks, all kind of dirty tricks in luring, seducing the poor writer Yoo (Can you guess she succeed or not?).
She can kiss him passionately then instantly said that was only an act and coolly walked away. She can tell straight to the face to one rich guy who took the coat off for her that she does not wear other people clothes - Only then later acting freezing in front of writer Yoo to gladly received his jacket.
She told writer Yoo to drive her to a place (that she's been there a hundred times) with an almost sobering voice that she doesn't know the way there...
She demanded and entering his house (in kinda violently forced her way in), change clothes to his T shirt, ate his food, kicked him out to sleep on his bed, even using his tooth brush... and won't leave until she got what she wanted.
She acted and acted and acted... You wouldn't know where and when whether she was sincere or just acting.

Well, this is not the place to talk about another drama but please, you got to see it to enjoy the Winter Sonata legendary Choi Ji-woo acting skill.

This is only my humble opinion up to episode 12 of this series. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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Dropped 8/16
1 people found this review helpful
Sep 14, 2023
8 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Should you watch this? I mean u can tell by the rating what's coming...

Yeh no, had quite a good chemistry and pretty decent acting as expected form the leads but the story is so "BAD" I would even go as far as saying this drama is "TRASH" I was enjoying it until I figured out the ending of the drama would be the biggest waste of time in my entire life. I definitely would never recommend this drama unless you really wanna waste your time with the worst story writing and the worst ending to a drama to ever exist! FYI the writer didn't write anything after this. I totally get it tho like who the actually hell in their right mind would ever go back to such a useless writer. There was soooo much potential but of it went down the drain. This drama is definitely a nono and I don't know how it has such a high rating.

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Dropped 8/16
2 people found this review helpful
Apr 15, 2021
8 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

Too bad got a bad director

Good starting but bad directing he could have improved in directing good script also get one-sided after starting it all became too superficial as it became too cliche and also director give into the face that the female lead two time publicly and other characters don't have much of life in the they are like animated characters solely for the purpose of main lead there's nothing unique or intriguing in the drama

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0 people found this review helpful
May 14, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 2.0


So sad forthe great actors who signed-on for this drama. Oh well, here goes..... The storyline is awful, the plot is awful, and the Director is awful. I hope all of the production folks read this...might help them in picking projects in the future. I'm sure, at about Episode 3, all the production team knew it was a disaster that could not be saved. Had high hopes for the drama because of the main actor leads...but, such a disappointment. Do not your time and watch other great Korean dramas.
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0 people found this review helpful
May 19, 2021
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

To Hard To Watch

I did not understand the writer in this drama. It is hard to write about death. It is a hard subject for people to like. For me it was hard to see because it hit to close to home and I preferred to think of happy times then sad. Many of these characters story was about dealing with the death of a love one. Either a mom with cancer, Or a death by accident, or Alzheimer's which is a slow death of a person but for the love one is hard when they are not recognize, they feel they have die in their parents eyes. To the parent that love one does not exist. The last 4 episode made no sense to me. He pushes her away because he does not want to hurt her but torture her trying to break up. I also did not like the Idea that he would vanish because his life was extended. this is not realistic. death is death. I would have preferred that he was told when he was going to die and then he would have die by accident. The psychology of this drama especially the ending was to harsh to take. We watch movies and shows to forget the sadness that we live everyday. The acting was great by all the characters.

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Dropped 4/16
3 people found this review helpful
Apr 7, 2021
4 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Came due to love of lead actors, disappointed by the storyline and writing

I was looking forward to seeing Minki and Nana, but was so disappointed by the writing. Perhaps the writing will get better, but I will not be sticking around to find out. The start was good: typical boy meets girl, love hate relationship. I actually really like the main couple: both have quirky personalities, and their rapport is developed quickly. But as the show progresses in the next couple of episodes, the screen time and focus seems to be on side storylines and the main couple's relationship almost fade into the background (both their moms have terminal illnesses!? Is this a romantic comedy or a family drama).

The biggest problem is the writing: the focus, especially in the first few episodes, should be on the main couple. It needs to answer the question: why should the audience care about the main couple and invest in them emotionally. But the focus is scattered by so many side stories lines. On top of that, some of these side storylines are so uncomfortable. I was so offended by the Alzheimer mom who thought the ML was her husband storyline: it has so many problems, one of which was the forced handholding between the main couple.. ugh, so while the ML has to pretend that he’s married to his love interest’s mom, he also has to pretend to be the FL’s dad, and then hold the FL’s hand and the show plays this as a romantic moment?! I think the writers intended for that storyline to be heartwarming and funny, but there’s nothing funny about an Alzheimer patient’s symptoms and the storyline fell flat on its face.
I thought the stalker storyline might be interesting, but the writing blew the suspense they built right away. The stalker tied up the FL and locked her up in her dressing room at an awards ceremony… that is so stupid, other people are going to come looking for the FL immediately because she’s the MC of the event (the show literally can’t go on without her), and the first place they're going to look is her dressing room... she was essentially locked up in a bathroom for like 30 min. I’m not saying that something like this isn’t scary if it happens in real life, but I don’t think the writers made good use of this storyline.

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Ongoing 6/16
0 people found this review helpful
May 13, 2021
6 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.5
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Anatomy of a disaster

Honestly i m rather dissapointed that this was the drama i was waiting for with so much expectation , The problems i have noticed in just the first 5 episodes are
- Music doesnt fit the situation , why put a slight battle/ expectation theme type song into a fluffy rom-com moment , it ruined my immersion
- There is way too much mixed into 1 story its like an undedited script straight of the drawing board wss made into a drama (spoiler) The main male lead somehow dies and meets and angel ? in the very first episode , The main leads dad cheating leaves him with trauma , the main leads mom has cancer
The female leads mom has alzhimers . And they ML and FL are co- habilitating its like a mix of genres.
- The director honestly ruined this u can literally see the main lead turn to the FL the moment he puts that old song into the record player , rather than coming of as sweet it looks creepy .
-The ML and FL honestly had no reason to randomly be nice / like each other given the background that was set-up
- The FL smiles make her look like she is into the ML very early into the story when that is not even the case
- The 2nd male lead is literally forced into the story

All in all this drama takes the best of cliches and gave us the worst possible outcome .

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Dropped 2/16
3 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2021
2 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 3.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Fun Drama in the Era of Cancelled Historical Dramas

Every drama that seems to be getting political is getting cancelled lol. This one seems fun. At first it was a bit cringey but there are some funny elements and Nana is too beautiful for my gay ass to not like it. I think it'll be a cute and fun drama I'd like to see more of Nana drop-kicking men. ( Personally, I feel like she suits the action/ haughty characters very well but I'd really like to see her attempt more challenging roles if offered) Curious to see where it's going -- hope it doesn't disappoint. OK EDIT!!! I dropped this shit after 4 episodes I'm sorry no matter how sexy Nana is I could not sit thru this dogshit drama.

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Dropped 2/16
1 people found this review helpful
Oct 26, 2023
2 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 5.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.5


I really liked episode 1 and then it just went downhill real fast. The storyline just became repetitive and the tension is quite annoying rather than exciting. The ML and FL is very nice people individually but somehow just become a hot mess, typical messy romcom i guess?

I do really like the actor that plays the ML though but this drama just ain't cutting it


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Dropped 1/16
My Liberation Notes
8 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2021
1 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Lee Min Ki and Nana -- First Episode

I'm savoring Oh, Master; I know it has another name, but I'm going to stick with this one. It's great to have Lee Min-Ki back on screen in another prickly yet fun character. I enjoy his quirkiness. And, of course, it's always good having the lovely Nana on screen. I completely enjoyed her in Into the Ring. It's cool that she and Park Sung-Hoon have dramas on at the same time.

I wondered how Oh Joo In ends up being the landlord when it's Han Bi Soo's home, but now that I've watched the first episode, I understood. Even though I understood why his mom did it, I still couldn't believe she sold the house from right under his nose and not all that; she packed everything and had someone else move-in. He had every right to be livid. I would've felt the same.

I enjoyed everything about this first episode except, of course, for Han Bi Soo's father. What a coward of a man and a bully of a father at that. As they say, any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad. That said, I like the temperament of the story, it feels easygoing and pleasant, and I can see this drama will be my happy place—a good reprieve to the other somewhat dark dramas I'm watching right now. I look forward to tomorrow's episode.

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Dropped 1/16
4 people found this review helpful
Mar 24, 2021
1 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 15
Overall 4.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
why do they keep making the same story, WITH THE SAME CAST, over and over and over again!!!!!!!! beside the cold, emotionless, self centered, neat freak jerk ML (the only thing missing is face blindness), kdramas either do a childhood connection or a "enemies to lovers" thing, like sometimes bickering is not cute it just makes my blood boil as a viewer and I already wish they don't end up together.
I've suffered through Sunbae Lipsticks horrible repetition with zero plot worth, I won't suffer here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted to watch this for nana but wow that's so boring. like if it was written in 2010s, why won't they even try to modify it to fit 2021?

I mean cliches are fun but if it never went away it's just another boring drama!!!
the ml is SO BAD, beside his monotonal life that doesn't appeal to me whatsoever, this is like the 3rd time Lee Min Ki's been acting as that type of character in a raw, agh I miss his Shut Up: Flower Boy Band role
the fl seems fresh, usually she'd be a crybaby to the jerk, but then it's one of those enemies to lovers thing and they bicker so much it's off putting. which again would be nana's 2nd time as that type of romance
I got curious on the white dude though but the plot doesn't even mention it? anyway this is a drop after the 1st half of ep1

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Ongoing 6/16
Vidhya Dhar
0 people found this review helpful
Apr 9, 2021
6 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 10

Cool and Comforting Darama

Many Dramas come in time to time but few make you watch more and remain as a tale in your life. Every one has the different taste of seeing and understanding things so in that view of my taste this is virtuous(good) drama to watch I have watched 6 episodes till now the Drama team has made there best in brining out from and each actor. The male and female lead sync is outstanding. For the people who likes to see the romantic comedies story line this gives a good output Hope the coming episodes story line will also meet the expectations. will provide the Next review when the drama is completed Have fun :)

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