This medical drama tells the story of a group of neurosurgeons with different personalities, facing patients with various intractable diseases and complicated operations, conscientiously saving lives in their respective positions. The two deputy chief physicians of neurosurgery, one is a "Lone Ranger" and the other is a "Surgery Frenzy". The two have different styles, but they will not have a better life with anyone. "Lone Ranger" Fan Xun (nickname Gu Xiong), the first quick knife in neurosurgery, but he is indifferent, advocating surgery is not the only way to solve the disease. "Surgery mad" Dai Yi Shan (nickname Doctor Shan), returning from overseas, holds the position of deputy director of neurosurgery at a young age, advocating that technology will replace labor, and advanced technology can solve all diseases. At the same time, the National Natural Science Foundation's guidelines were released, and the neurosurgery director Jiang Man Jie launched a scoring system during a meeting in the conference room, and the competition between the two began... (Source: Baidu) Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- עברית / עִבְרִית
- dansk
- Native Title: 脑海深处
- Also Known As: Deep in My Mind , Nao Hai Shen Chu , Nou Hoi Sam Chyu , 腦海深處
- Genres: Thriller, Medical
Cast & Credits
- Tim TianFan XunMain Role
- Wang KuangDai Yi ShanMain Role
- Jackie TamChen Du DuSupport Role
- Bai Yi HongGuo YeSupport Role
- Liu Qian WenO JoeySupport Role
- Ren Ming SongOuyang Rui XiSupport Role