First of all this is simillar variety show when the Korean Celebrity run Lodging business and cook by them self for the guest who make appearance on this show.The diffrent i see is the purpose the show, when Youn's Stay is for foreigners who lived in korea and Honeymoon Tavern for the newlyweds who can't do honeymoon during this this covid-19 pandemic.
Like Sea Of Hope, this show was recorded during the pandemic, the cast prepares food & various musical acts for the guests, giving them an opportunity to escape their daily lives for a moment.
Honeymoon Tavern's main focus is newlywed couples who got married amidst the difficulties of COVID-19. The purpose of the show is to create a night for the couples that they will never forget.
Honeymoon Tavern's main focus is newlywed couples who got married amidst the difficulties of COVID-19. The purpose of the show is to create a night for the couples that they will never forget.