Things I like:
The costuming and casting
The premise and overall plot kine (I bet I would probably enjoy the book)
The CGI and sets are amazing
The soundtrack is phenomenal
Things I hate:
The slapstick comedy they use by making characters be dumb: Aunt and Uncle, Princess, etc
The main is too perfect; he solves cases so fast, his martial arts progresses too quickly, he is the best at literally everything
The lack of world building and the way they 'explain' Dafeng and the magic system too quickly and incoherently
I thought this show would be one of my favorites after watching the trailer and the first couple of episodes but the type of comedy used in this show sank it for me. Slap stick comedy or comedy done by making characters stupid just is not my cup of tea. It makes it feel forced down my throat and I end up gagging on it. If they had toned down their reach for comedy and focused on the plot movement then this would have been ten times better. The story itself is very interesting but the way it is shown is a miss for me. Xu Qi An is too perfect and progresses too quickly in a way that I feel cheapens him a bit. This a highly intelligent and compassionate character that does not want glory but instead cares for the people so he can't be bribed or swayed from his morals. But they make everything come easy to him instead of allowing him the chance to work for his successes especially when it comes to skills.
Overall if you enjoy that kind of comedy then I think you would really like this but if you find that it detracts for you then I would skip this one.
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Nice but not the best
It’s a refreshing comedy drama. Dylan perfectly portrayed Xu Qi An, a modern guy with all the knowledge. However I started to drop the drama after several episodes princess lin an. Why is the heroine character so fvcking dumb??? I can’t tolerate such trying-to-be-cute-but-dumb character. So it’s a big no for me. I honestly skipped everytime she appears 😂Was this review helpful to you?
Very excellent drama from the start
Actually I am a huge Dylan Wang fan ,so iam eagerly waiting for this drama for a long time .when I saw this drama was penting for a long time ,i thought it will be only airs 2025 .but finally it aired in dec 28.i only watched 2 episodes,this is not like other historical dramas only fantasy, romance, it's really funny too ,i really like Dylan Wang character as xu qian , it's a time travel drama and the other actors are very funny too ,zhang miao yi(in when I fly towards you) also here as his sister ,her acting was good too,The actress in it was tian xi wei I like her too she is a cute girl actually have chemistry with didi in offline (award show, red carpet) actually haven't seen her in this drama yet,bcoz it's only released two episodes,iam 100%sure it will be best drama to end this and start new year , I will surely review again after watched full episodes, any person is waiting for a good review to watch it ,then go for it , if it is really good from the start iam sure it will be good to end💯
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It's what joy of life would have been if it tried way too hard.
So i watched all of joy of life season 1 and the concept of ML coming from future was implemented better in that drama. Joy of life ML would make funny quips and the comedy was not in your face/ slapstick like we see in Guardians of Dafeng. Me and my partner watched 3 episodes of this and thought it was super corny. Like i didn't even feel interested in seeing what the point of the drama was.There were moments where he solved cases where it just showed him forcing confessions out of people or already investigated prior to the viewer knowing. Too much suspension of disbelief needs to be applied. And this was only in the first 3 episodes.
Maybe it's more suited for Chinese audience . I like dylan wang but i just felt like i was watching naruto when i was 13 again lol
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Oh everything is good
good job boy and i wating ss2 pls soonI have watched all 40 episodes and felt very sad for xuqian, this life is so ironic for his life, everyone does not remember the existence of xuquian. Maybe everything in this world also only knows that there was a time when everything from the beginning was arranged like that
I'm sad after watching it, I'll be sad forever haiz!
I have also read a few articles that speak ill of the main character and I also see that I have tried a lot of effort, just like xuqian, then it's time for people to scold him or do something to him and one day he will disappear without anyone knowing, everyone will be very happy, right?
I just want to say that you try to live your life well without caring about the stains out there that is the best way you show not being a perfect person be a person who lives true to yourself with your passion!
Good Luck !(SON OF LUCK)
I hope part 2 will be released soon hahah 🙁
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Didi superlativo!
Finitoooooooo ma non è finitooo e di questo sono super feliceeeeeIn questi 40 episodi Didi è stata pura magia!!!! Mi ha emozionato tantissimo con lui ho riso tantissimo e pure pianto gli ultimi 3 episodi così intensi!! Però per lo sviluppo della storia effettivamente concluderla così mmm troppo forzata perché troppe cose sospese!! Il re è stato smascherato i suoi crimini svelati e per questo ha il filo tessitore dietro tutto era il witcher e il supervisore supremo che è rimasto ben nascosto!! Mentre chi è che salva il nostro didi alla fine? Perché si avrebbe anche lottato contro il re ma il risultato sarebbe stato devastante per tutti quelli che lo amavano e lo avevano seguito contro il volere del re!! Bhe chi lo salva?? Il witcher che altro non è suo padre!!! Per salvarlo però cancella a tutti la memoria come se non fosse mai esistito ...solo la sua amata sembra avere un ricordo sepolto ma vivido nel suo cuore e continua a cercarlo ... Mentre il supervisore che gli ha spianato la strada stando a quello che gli ha rivelato suo padre era per coltivarlo, renderlo potente e poi rubargli tutta la sua essenza spirituale e la fortuna imperiale dentro di lui per diventare ancora più potente...esattamente come ha fatto il duca con la città che ha sterminato!!!
Wow io esigo la seconda parte!!!! Ritroveranno la memoria del nostro Didi!? Suo padre è davvero buono?? E il supervisore quali altri segreti cela!?
Per ora un 9 pieno!!!! Meritato avevo paura che sarei rimasta sospesa senza capire il flusso della storia e invece bang! Felicemente sorpresa.. Didi ha recitato in maniera superlativa!!
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Action and comedy in the style of Naruto
finished 8/10 🌟what can I say? I really wanted to see this drama because of dylan
the first 15 chapters were good and I liked the touch of comedy it had... then the script went to waste down, too many subplots in a short time, too many characters to count!
I thought Princess lian would have a more special role although she was a character invented by the scriptwriter and is not in the original book but she only served to be the "romantic" of the drama and even that was not harmonious because it looked super tacky
The ending is super open to a second season that I don't know if I'll watch
As I understood from the credits, I'll have a spin-off of xuqian's father, so I have no idea what's going to happen with the story 🤷
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No início, o drama apresenta muitas cenas cômicas e demora a mostrar ao que veio. Os personagens, também, leva muito tempo para ganhar a empatia. O desenvolvimento da trama é estranho, lento e com muitas perguntas que não são respondidas até o final. A finalização é decepcionante. A protagonista feminina ficou apagada, em outros trabalhos a atriz teve um desempenho muito bom, mas aqui, a personagem não lhe permitiu brilhar. O protagonista masculino teve excelentes cenas, tanto cômicas quanto emotivas. No geral, o elenco teve uma atuação satisfatória, mas o roteiro deixou muitas brechas. Pode ser que seja com o propósito de fazer outra temporada, mas, como não tem nada previsto com os atores principais, se isto acontecer, será em alguns anos e, talvez, com outro elenco. Quando comecei assistir não tinha nenhum aviso que se tratava de primeira temporada, pois, quando sei que é dividido em temporadas, raramente, gasto meu tempo assistindo, exceto, que já tenha a continuidade gravada. Analisando como um drama com começo, meio e fim, não posso dizer que seja um bom drama, pois não houve fechamento dos personagens. Nenhum castigo para aquele imperador detestável? Todos os feitos de Xu Qi An foram esquecidos por todos? Quem era aquele que estava dentro dele? Ele não conseguiu voltar ao seu mundo na era atual? Pois é, muitas perguntas e nenhuma resposta. Was this review helpful to you?