1 people found this review helpful
Feb 28, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 8.0
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Started incredibly, but slowly declined.(still good though)

When i first started watching, i was very excited because i relay love the bodyguard x young master trope and first couple of episodes were AMAZING. but i feel that after Nueungdiao left the island to go back it just kinda crumbled and the ending felt rushed and not very satistfing to me. Most touching drama I've ever seen guranteed.

What i am most pissed about is, this could've easily been a 10, the story was very intresting and it started SO WELL, but the writting... the lines were good but even I, AS A STUPID PERSON noticed the obvious plot holes and things that just didn't make sense, and they affected the story alot in here. Biggest one was episode 12.

I was CONVINCED that Nueungdiao, got himself kiddnaped intentionaly and they had a plan amd something, because i COULDN'T imagine that they would be so stupid after litteraly being on the run and having several loved ones die, and not to mention Nuengdiao is THE ONLY HEIR. so he must have SO MANY bodyguards, but for some reason they never did anything? None of it makes sense.

Minor thing also, the scene when Diao comes to the island to see Palm the girls who ordered the coconuts just kinda disaapeared. Not that big of a deal but kinda funny?

Pros: ~The story was incredibly intresting, and they could've done so much more.
~VISUAL: very beautifuly shot, and i loved how the characters actualy looked real and raw, not always a perfect lightining we could see the texture on their skin. It added alot
~ACTING: Phuwin (Nuengdiao) realy surprised me, his breakdown scene and more intense sad scenes were done amazingly well. Very realistic. Other actors were good too but overall he was the best.

~CHEMISTRY: Main couple Nuengdiao(Phuwin) and Palm(Pond) had good chemistry i loved their intenser scenes the most.

Ben & Chopper : I mean i liked them, but they didnt blow me away but had decent chemistry.

Don't know what else to add but I do actualy reccomend watching it just the ending kinda eh...

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Mar 13, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
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Your happiness is being with you. You are my life.

Honestly, I was hesitant to watch Never Let Me Go because of the numerous negative reviews but I am glad I chose to ignore them.

My person opinion, maybe we should just enjoy watching series/dramas/ movies and take them with an open mind instead of dwelling with why did they do this and not that, how is that not explained, where did that person gone to, why does the plot makes not sense... etc, etc. My question is, why do you want to tear your hairs out trying to make sense of things that do not make sense to you? My answer is very simple... you cannot change anything. So why not just sit back, relax and enjoy the show as it is?

If we look at the positive side of the series, Never Let Me Go is a meaningful and endearing story between a boy from a fishing village and an heir to a hotel empire. It showed the process of both young men going through adversity towards adulthood and finding love for each other along the way.

It is indeed heartwarming and you will enjoy the chemistry between Pond and Phuwin. Take for instance the gentle, tender and loving gaze Palm (Pond) had while looking at Nueng (Phuwin) playing the piano at the Dance Club. You can practically feel the love oozing out from Palm (Pond). They are so comfortable with each other that you would think they are a couple in real life. Their acting have matured tremendously since their Fish Upon the Sky days.

You wouldn't want to miss the 2 theme songs sang by Pond and Phuwin especially Only One by Pond. They are awesome! Pond has an incredible voice.

The cinematography was great. They were able to capture those beautiful moments which made your heart skip a few beats. You can only sigh and smile while rooting for the 2 boys.

I would definitely recommend you to watch it if you have not done so. Don't it now.

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Jul 9, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10


This series shows a beautiful, powerful story between two men and is one of my most favorite BL's and will probably always stay this way.

for example, you can tell that the actors were passionate to make this story one that you would always remember. Pond and Phuwin's acting was spectacular, and it felt as if they were happy to be in this series.

another example was the story, which had a great plot and overall created suspense for what was going to happen whenever the scene changed.

Overall, this Series is one of my favorites, and the story of Neungdiao and Palm will forever stay in my heart.

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Jul 20, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

Never Let Me Go - A Captivating Tale with Stellar Performances

"Never Let Me Go" is a series that truly captures the essence of compelling storytelling and showcases some remarkable acting talent. As a viewer, I was thoroughly impressed by the overall execution and the emotional depth it brought to the screen.

First and foremost, Pond's performance was nothing short of excellent. His portrayal of his character was nuanced and believable, effortlessly drawing the audience into the narrative. Pond's ability to convey a range of emotions with authenticity added significant weight to the story, making his scenes truly stand out.

The storyline of "Never Let Me Go" is another highlight. It is well-crafted, engaging, and keeps you hooked from beginning to end. The plot is filled with intriguing twists and heartfelt moments that resonate deeply. The narrative flow is smooth, making it easy to follow and invest in the characters' journeys.

The chemistry between Pond and Phuwin is off the charts. Their on-screen relationship is palpable, and their interactions are natural and heartfelt. The dynamic between them adds an extra layer of depth to the series, making their scenes together incredibly compelling and enjoyable to watch.

However, despite these strengths, there is one aspect that fell a bit short for me: Phuwin's acting. While his cute face and charming presence are undeniable, his performance sometimes lacked the depth and consistency needed to match Pond's. There were moments where it felt like Pond had to carry the emotional weight of their scenes. Phuwin's acting, though endearing, could benefit from further improvement to fully realize his character's potential and match the series' overall high standard.

In conclusion, "Never Let Me Go" is a captivating series that excels in many areas. Pond's outstanding acting, the well-developed story, and the incredible chemistry between Pond and Phuwin make it a must-watch. Despite the need for some improvement in Phuwin's acting, the series remains a highly enjoyable and emotionally engaging experience.

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Mar 1, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Great ideas with some weird script choices

I placed spoiler alert at the end of this review.

This series had a very interesting story concept. Unfortunately, the execution was not the greatest. There are some major issues with the script. The main problem for me is the middle of the series, episode 6 to the middle of episode 9, seems very out of place with the rest of the series. There are also some parts of the script that don’t make sense. See the spoiler alert at the end of this review if you want more information. The pacing is also very off. It started off very strong, then lost steam in the middle. I started to pick-up again towards the end, but didn’t gain the same momentum. This had a great cast which did a wonderful job with their characters considering the script they were given. The cinematograph was good with a few exceptions and there were some problems with the sound quality in some sections. The songs used throughout the series was outstanding. However, there were some poor background music choices that did not match the mood of the scene.

Random Note: Despite the major flaws with the script, the series is not that bad. I think it just has a weird mix of crime, drama, and comedy. Just don’t set your expectation too high.

******Spoiler Alerts******

The writing for the middle of the series, the island episodes, had a weird mood to it. The underline tone came across as Nuengdiao and Palm only ran away to just be alone with each other to find themselves instead of our parents just got shot and we were almost killed. There was no real sense of danger or urgency.

Some examples of problems with the script include Palm’s father healed way to quickly from getting shot in the shoulder, the weird backstory involving Palm and his mother, and the random same-sex wedding during the island episodes. It was nice to see the wedding but I thought same-sex marriages were not legal in Thailand. If this is the case (please correct me if I’m wrong), this seems very out of place considering both men were not from Thailand and were just on vacation.

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Mar 5, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
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Don't ever let him go - no, really, don't

And attempt to make the title humorous was done but it failed. Anyways, there is not much to review. What I will ramble about is the almost flawless acting of Pond.

Palm comes from a fishing village, lives alone, if not in poverty then at least quite modestly. He works alongside his studies, honestly his dad looks like gets paid well, does he not send the boy enough money? Although that man is not very dutiful to his son but at least pay him good? Or maybe Palm just likes to earn his own money. Regardless, he has the practice of menial jobs and he's good at it.

A bit of backstory would have been good on when Palm got to have some combat training or sorts because his dad just brought him with go and be bodyguard of a boy of your age and protect him with your life. I mean... he mentioned that he can handle guns but still. I digress I am not here to nitpick about the plotholes because they don't have holes but there are craters.

We are talking about Pond's acting. His awkward, and a fist out of the water look is perfect when he laid his eyes on nueng for the first time. he is very understanding about the class difference as well. And his eyes that keep looking at Nueng is also the indication that there was attraction at the first sight. While Nueng doesn't trust people easily , he's not blind either.

Palm is so careful about the power imbalance that even though he's in love he almost acts like Nueng is made of glass and cherishes him with utmost softness. NGL with all the shitty plot going on, Palm is the thing that kept me going.

And one more thing. The music. each and every background music used has been extremely well chosen and well fit. I found at least two music used in the Not Me the Series in this one as well. I wonder if the same person/team was responsible for NLMG too.

The editing too was beautifully done. The beach scenes, the slow-mo bike rides, Palm and Nueng glancing at each other so openly (especially Palm) and smiling to each other has been a treat to watch.
Phuwin nailed his part being a spoiled brat but soft inside who yearns for a good friendship. But for me Pond's open display of emotions on his face and all his gestures were magnificent. But then again, Phuwin is not supposed to show his emotions because of fear and mistrust and it is understandable.

Usually I'm a complete "plot comes first" type of person but probably for the first time I focused on the characters more than the plot. If I rewatch I will probably skip through mostly and watch my favourite parts only.
A 7 is a good number for this.

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Jul 28, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

PG13 version of Kinnporsche

This was done better than I had expected. I'll be honest, I'm not sure how well GMMTV does dark, gritty, more serious than a school romance, shows quite yet. The only other one I've seen from them was Not Me, and that was a decent enough show. This ALMOST feels like the PG13 version of Kinnporsche! That's a good way to describe it.

The main couple had some really good moments, sad and happy ones that really made you feel for them. You felt the beach vibes, you felt the despair, you felt the seperation. Other times though, they felt very distant. I think it's because of Ponds character, he was TOO stubborn! He never truly seemed to let Nuengdiao in.

The second couple really had no time or development but hey, Perth is hot, so whatever. It was a cute small side story. Perth was dressed to impress in this one!

What I really didn't like:

Why was the rich kid being bullied? Why was the school so rundown? Shouldn't he have been in fancier attire at school and worshipped by the other kids so they could get stuff from him. They probably skimped on the budget of the school for other parts of the show but MAN that school was run down. I couldn't believe for a second it was a school for rich kids. I also couldn't believe that kids that went there would really go after someone they could benefit from in the future. Burning a super powerful bridge? Doesn't seem smart.

Can we stop shaking the crap out of people who just got shot? I get it, but also, put pressure on the wound! Stop shaking them like a rag doll! Imagine getting shot, being in pain, and having someone shake you like a jackhammer haha.

Also the death of his mother felt so odd. It felt like we saw her get shot and then she was assumed to be dead right away. It also felt like a "Hey, you're mom is dead but keep fighting man!" I didn't feel much from him about his moms death.

Finally the relationship not feeling real because Palm is a stubborn idiot who never accepted Nueng's love. He was always MR. Nueng and Palm never got over that feeling he didn't deserve him.

Overall I'm glad I watched this. It was different from the usual GMMTV college BL, it was fresh and thrilling. The romance was good and it wove together well with the rest of the plot. The ending was satisfying.

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Mật's Content
0 people found this review helpful
Mar 3, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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First of all, this series has got a very good plot with truely amazing ambition. A smart and talented, yet, untrained heir of the biggest business in Thai living in solitude within the social envy for him while facing the loss of dear family members and running away from hitmen, while meeting the love of his life. I bet you can't find another one like this.
However, there are minor to apparent plot holes that happened:
First, Where is Ma Mam's employees when she was shot ? It's a hostel, the employees were supposed to be there since early morning, therefore, she wouldn't have died from a gun shot. And, Her wound was in the stomach, how can you physiologically die from that in such a short amount of time ?
Next up, how did Neung found out his uncle's plans and the uncle's son's involvement when he had just got back ? Did he receive a message from the universe ? I don't think so.
And lastly, where were Neung's abundantly hired bodyguards in the last ep ? They could have saved Palm's a bullet, I guess Neung had ran out of money before the event happened.
So as you can see, many plot holes.
In addition, the 2 main actors did not deliver persuasive tears during sad scenes. They looked like they were laying eggs instead of crying. But you know what, they're one of my favorite BL couples out there so I can let it slides. On the other hand, the supporting characters did a wonderful job. They fulfilled their missions of conveying the emotions to the audiences, especially the actor who played Neung's uncle/Chopper's dad. There were no scenes in which he appeared that didn't make me mad, which is the best thing that he had done playing the villain. I praise him.
Nevertheless, I enjoy the copyrighted soundtracks the inserted into the series, It support the atmosphere extremely well. The OSTs however, there was only the Pond's soundtrack that was impressive.
To conclude, this series had room to be made better. But not at all bad or unworthy of you time. If you are not a detailed person, you would surely enjoy this series.

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Mar 1, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 7.0


This is a very solid BL, especially considering the fact that it's from GMMTV. I enjoyed seeing Pond and Phuwin act in this drama and seeing how their acting skills have improved since Fish Upon the Sky. This drama is not light-hearted and features some unpleasant themes like the death of family members, or being outed as a gay person. But the producers made the cinematography align well with the themes, which is something they should be recognized for.
Something that I appreciate this drama for is how they did product placement. I know with GMMTV dramas the product placement scenes tend to be really obvious and take away the emotional effect of the scene. Although this drama did have a couple of product placement scenes, it didn't over-highlight the product and therefore I was still able to appreciate the scene for what it was.
To sum up, what I think of the drama as a whole, it's a toned-down version of KinnPorsche. It has the mafia, the gays, and the romance between the boss and his bodyguard.

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Jul 5, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Liked it but could've loved it

Getting the Chimon issue out of the way first. I liked how Ben was portrayed as much as any of the other characters.

In fact, I kept thinking not only would he be an absolute cutie in something fluffy but I also think he could carry a villain role. The "betrayer" type of role like the cray-cray of ThornType. Some of his eye cuts gave me villain vibes (not sure why the director/editing team left them in or why he is taking the hit for their decision).

I probably would have liked this more of it had stuck with the rich boy/poor boy storyline. Oh, and if they hadn't killed off the Mom. I AM not really into gangster flicks anyway so they could have saved all the pew-pew to the end.

Also, yet another show with absolutely crappy "bodyguards". At this point, I think I could kidnap the man. Lol.

And I always roll my eyes at the "No, don't you dare help me financially". As if turning it down proves some kind of point.

Nong in a suit, though. Mostly he was overshadowed by the pure beauty that is Pond. But standing alone, rocking a suit. Looking good, sir. Yas!!

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Mar 17, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
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Pondphuwin is cute okay?

First of all, I have serious trouble rewatching series but I've actually already rewatched it. Yes, the writing had its faults but the story was pretty interesting. And above all, Pondphuwin slayed. They're adorable and I actually enjoyed this series more than Fish Upon the Sky (which I binged after starting NLMG so I don't know how valid my opinion on this is). The one thing I felt was a little overkill is that the characters went through hell over and over again like there was not much reason to kill of some characters but it would've taken up too much time to not do it (Pondphuwin rocked the "I've lost everything except you"-devastation/love. At least it felt refreshing that they still chose to love and protect each other instead of fighting and leaving each other. It's worth watching just for Pondphuwin.

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 27, 2023
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
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everything is going to absolute shit and Nueng and Palm are just being gay on some goofy ass island

I am doing average right now because I watched the show Hella Spread Out. I watched Ephesians 7–12 in the past day, and for the rest, I don't know how long it has been since I have seen them. The average is 8.5833 stars out of 10 stars, and I rounded down to 8.5 stars out of 10 stars. Okay, let's do this fast because I have to get ready for work. And I have no idea what my headline is going to be. if anything is spelled wrong, that's my bad.

Starting off, I absolutely hated Nuengdiao. He was unlikable and just getting on my nerves. I understood why he has no friends and no one likes him. Palm was very chill and just kind of took all of Nueng's sh*t at the beginning. This was a lot for me to process from the start. I could already tell these two were going to clash, and at first I had no idea how they were even going to get together. I started this on May 7, 2023. Which is always fun.

The second episode was way better than the first one. It filled a lot of the plot holes that the first episode left open. That's the point of episodes, but whatever. I started to understand Nuengdiao more, who he was, and where he was coming from. I am obsessed with the contrast between Pond and Phuwin's voices; it was just smooth, and I loved it. It really added to the characters and plot so much. I was watching this instead of doing homework, lol.

The episodes start to get better the more we get to know the characters. Palm and his thick skull were breaking chairs. Palm is actually really strong because theres a lot of times where any normal person would have actually just given up and just died It's me; I am a normal person. He was apparently dazed in Episode 3, and I thought it was the best part of the episode. clearly not that good if I can't remember it.

I have no idea where episode 4 is. Found it. I couldn't remember anything because it had been a month since I watched Episode 3. I said that Nuengdiao is the mofo with no friends because he's a little bitch. Which isn't technically wrong. Palm is his boy guard, which is real. I think I meant body guard, but boy guard works too. I couldn't remember if Chopper was his cousin or if he was the guy who had a crush on him. Which is valid. Ben was for real getting on my nerves with his shit, my god.

Fuck ben. He is a pussycat for not telling the truth to his dad. Everything is somehow his fault—not really, but I am blaming him for every single thing that went wrong after episode 5. He was fueling Nueng's violence and vilian era, which sadly never happened. I was praying that Tanya lived because I loved her so much. Ben's dad saying that Nueng was gay because his dad died was so fucking annoying. Your son is gay too, and you aren't dead? Shut up. I got back into the show because Nueng became way more tolerable, and I started to love him so much.

I'm still hoping that Tanya didn't die because she actually didn't even want that. It started to become obsessive that Nueng had a thing for palm, and I am glad they didn't make it where Nueng was only gay for palm because I hate that trope. He was just gay and liked the palm. That's always fun. Nueng was trusting people to easily, and that was his downfall in all of this. And Palm started to have a thing for Nueng, and it was past work at that point. But he was trying to keep it professional because workplace romance never works out for anyone in the end, especially the employee.

Bark like you want It was there song. I felt terrible for Palms dad because he was just trying to protect his son and his boss. "Everything is going to absolute shit, and Nueng and Palm are just being gay on some goofy ass island." That hit. That might be my headline, lol. Phuwin's visuals are beautiful, and I love him.

They were in the honey moon phase for like one episode, and then the fact they were on the actual run kicked them in the face. the ATM exposed them and where they were. Nueng was turning around and becoming a good person. It's good for him to be honest. Palm has a serious temper; I didn't realize that until I saw the sh*t he was pulling. They were very much in love, and the whole world came to kick their asses.

We had their first break up with them leaving each other. I hate Nueng's uncle; he was getting on everyone's nerves for real, and everyone was blaming poor Chopper. I felt bad for everyone involved besides Uncle Kit or whatever his stupid name was.

That guy at the end said you really thought they would stay happy. Bam. Nueng, Chopper, and Palm are slowly having villains made out of them. With the parents dying in front of them or being hella corrupted. They are having villains made out of them.

Probably the best episode 11 I have ever seen. Chopper, come get you, daddy. They are going to have a palm at gunpoint, and he is going to sign it. Then Tanya or Chopper, is going to step in. These are the predictions. I love Nueng and Palm; they are actually so cute. I love me some fake boyfriend turned real boyfriend.

My predictions were half right for this one. A pretty mid-end to an actually really good show. I was eating this show up at the beginning, but I ended up falling flat on my face for all the characters and everything. They broke up and got back together so much that it wasn't even funny. I need to get ready for work, but I am going to write this review. I am surprised Nueng didn't become a Viliian; he watched his dad die in front of him and his mom get shot and put into a coma. He watched his lover's mom die in front of him; he wanted his uncle to get shot, and then he watched his uncle shoot his lover. I am glad he ended up being good, but that would have been such a good villain origin story, lol.

These last two are my reviews for the episodes because I am a lazy fucker and have to go to work, but I love everyone in this. This was fun, but had a pretty mid-ending. cant way to watch the our skyy. I would recommend it, it's funny. There's not a dull moment with these two. Okay bye!

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