Kyouso no Musume (2022) poster
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Ratings: 7.3/10 from 579 users
# of Watchers: 1,816
Reviews: 7 users
Ranked #8177
Popularity #6439
Watchers 579

A school psycho suspense that depicts classmates, students, and their families being involved in a whirlpool of suspicion and confusion when a mysterious and beautiful high school girl, Kiritani Sara, suddenly transfers to another school. (Source: Natalie) Edit Translation

  • English
  • 中文(台灣)
  • Português (Brasil)
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • Country: Japan
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 7
  • Aired: Jun 3, 2022 - Jul 15, 2022
  • Aired On: Friday
  • Original Network: MBS
  • Duration: 24 min.
  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 579 users)
  • Ranked: #8177
  • Popularity: #6439
  • Content Rating: R - Restricted Screening (nudity & violence)

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Kyouso no Musume (2022) photo
Kyouso no Musume (2022) photo
Kyouso no Musume (2022) photo
Kyouso no Musume (2022) photo
Kyouso no Musume (2022) photo


14 people found this review helpful
Oct 14, 2022
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 3.0

Girl from nowhere? Nah

Before we start, yes there are indeed similarities between GFN and this drama however at the same they are quite different from one another in terms of plot. Each episode is a continuous storyline so not to worry about having a different plot in each episode.

The story.., ah how to describe, I wouldn't say predictable but for me it lacked a little something but that's just my preference maybe because I have watched a lot of thrillers. Some scenes are creepy but nothing too heavy or any jump scares so don't be scared! It did feel very short though I hope they added some elements into it because It did make me want to watch the next episode immediately.

Loved it. Nothing too much or unnatural, everyone played their part well.

Incase anyone needs it, its 断面 by Dios.

Overall, just go for it. Its just 23 mins long, 7 episodes; good for a late night watch if you're bored.

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5 people found this review helpful
Jul 22, 2022
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 7.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Interesting, but a bit too short

Off the bat, I just want to mention Girl From Nowhere. I've only watched the first episode of GFN, but I will say that it is very similar to the 2nd episode of this drama.

To be as vague as possible (because I think that's the best way to watch this drama), it follows a new girl at school who befriends two siblings (fraternal twins), and mysteriously, things start to go very weird. That's it. That's all you're getting. That's all you need.

The main three characters are all very distinct and interesting. The acting was also very good. And I appreciate that they're all very young actors (the actors playing students are nearly all under 19) which is refreshing and also fun.

There are some plot twists, and possibly red herrings (but it may be a stretch to label them as that). The only possible problem is the length. I do wonder what kinds of things could be added if they had chosen to extend to episode number, but I truthfully can't think of much. Maybe expand upon some plot reveals with more flashbacks in order to gain a better understanding of characters' emotions. Depending on who you ask, the length is either a good or bad thing. It was short and concise, and straight to the point. There was no fluff. The first 3 episodes involved some build up, but even then. they didn't drag. Once things were started to be revealed, the theme of the drama pretty much switched, and I was in disbelief until the end because I didn't know what to believe.

I do think that the title may give away one of the first plot twists (because yes, there are quite a few until the truth is actually revealed in the last episode). It's not listed on MDL as an alternative title, but the subber did translate the title which kind fo gives away an important reveal which takes place in the second half of the drama

All in all, it was a pretty decent drama. I don't think it built up the suspense perfectly, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, and I would't mind re-watching it😊

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  • Drama: Kyouso no Musume
  • Country: Japan
  • Episodes: 7
  • Aired: Jun 3, 2022 - Jul 15, 2022
  • Aired On: Friday
  • Original Network: MBS
  • Duration: 24 min.
  • Content Rating: R - Restricted Screening (nudity & violence)


  • Score: 7.3 (scored by 579 users)
  • Ranked: #8177
  • Popularity: #6439
  • Watchers: 1,816

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