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7 people found this review helpful
Jul 12, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.5
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Too much romance?? wtf was this show.

Recently a lot of shows with plots that have so much potential get wasted because they decided to focus on the romance more and not what actually makes sense.

This is very biased as I prefer plots without unnecessary romance but I just don't get why all that had to happen?? If you think about it, In Han's death having any correlation with any of the relationships is so far fetched.
1. Without RiAn he still would have gotten bullied and would of had to escape and run away
2. The teacher had no reason to run after him??? literally???? and it could have been easily replaced by him witnessing something else and not a makeout session

The plot had so much potential since it's so similar to Revenge of Others but it kind of just failed??

The mc is also just a fucking simp?? Whenever Jaei was talking about how it was her fault and only hers, he really denied it and said he'd go after whoever is threatening her???? then when RiAn breathed the same air, Kang Ha accuses him of every single crime possible?? Jaei also needs to make up her mind. She's obviously in love with RiAn but she admitted to having liked Kang Ha?? In my opinion this just seemed so force and I'm glad they didn't end up together, I mean, she was literally involved in your brother's death?? the reason why you're here??? He didn't even fully expose her or RiAn and they barely got any punishment and at the end she literally says "This isn't enough for what we've done" YEAH WELL. If only Kang Ha actually had a backbone..

Ep 1-2: exciting, new, Jaei and Kang Ha's romance starting to develop and we understand the reason why he's here more
Ep 3-4: Climax of the story, omg????
Ep 5: Could have ended here
Ep 6-7: Dragging it on

The plot was boring and left so many things unclear
All I'm saying is that we could have totally ended the show by Ep 5-6 if they didn't show a bunch of romance scenes that had nothing to do with the plot. I mean, how are you going to come up with a good plot then waste it by throwing in kissing scenes???

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9 people found this review helpful
Jul 7, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 6.5
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Well so guess what? NOTHING HAPPENS. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Well until maybe the last 45 mins of the drama.

Well the cinematography was amazing. The drama is full of some really stunning, creative shots. 10/10 on that front really. But really, didn’t expect anything else from a Netflix production. The coloring really suited the “tone” they were going for, kinda greyish and dark. We have this very sudden change of coloring whenever we have romantic scenes which is okay I guess maybe but it kind of just highlighted again why I really can’t stand romances in these type of dramas unless the people creating it actually know what they doing. IT JUST DOESNT FIT. It doesn’t fit so much that we have to create an almost seperate space for this romance to exist through doing things like changing the colouring. I don’t know if I’m making any sense but that’s how I saw it.

The acting was really good. Like actually amazing. Best performance for me goes to Hye-won. She completely nailed her character for me. The actresses and actors are so beautiful. I was blown away so many times through out the drama cause of it. They look great. Unfortunately and obviously that isn’t enough to save this show.

It was a mess. I’m not sure the writers knew what they were doing with this one. First of all we start of with a great premise. An angry brother looking to avenge his brother who he believes was murdered by students at a school of the elites. Come on now who doesn’t love a good revenge plot with rich and powerful people too. But here the problem already starts, there barely was any revenge.
This supposedly angry and devestated brother gets so caught up in a romance that he forgets what he is even here for. The drama shifts the plot of the drama from this ‘revenge’(which we only really gains traction in the first episode until slowly and slowly shrinking in relevance) to exploring Ha’s feeling for Jae-i. In less than 2 episodes Jae-i manages to become as important to Ha as his brother. It was absolutely stupid.
I loved Jae-I’s character but was I the only one that thought she was slightly insane? Like why were we pretending like Ri-an wasn’t that bad? Yes he wasn’t hitting these kids but he he played a huge role in it but I was supposed to what? Still swoon over him and the strong and amazing feeling he had for Jae-I???
The drama spent so long trying to evoke pity and sympathy for characters who really didn’t deserve it. At the end of the day they were horrible people and no matter how sweet they are to each other THAT will never change. But the drama seemed to act like they had given these characters a redemption arc even before they actually had given them that redemption arc(they never really do even get a redemption arc).
The plot was boring. Nothing interesting. It just dragged and talked about the same things over and over. Even the plot twists were so mediocre. Ha was too busy trying to be a “good person”(it was really only cause he liked Jae-I) he didn’t do anything interesting enough and well good for him but not so good for the drama. I think what Hierachy taught us all is you can’t do revenge plots without morally grey characters. It doesn’t work. In my opinion Seon-woo should have led this plan. He seemed to be the only one willing to actually set this shit on fire WHICH IS WHAT I CAME FOR NOT WHATEVER THIS WAS.

Most of the drama and chaos only really happens in the middle of the last episode . We finally get to see some sort of justice coming in to play and even that was so horrendously anti climatic and before you know it we are back to where we were before. And then guess what? When you think it’s all over, WE ARE BACK TO THE ROMANCE. What did the writing team even want for the outcome of this drama.
And the most annoying part of it all? The final gag of disappointment? The fact that it wasn’t even one of the kids that killed In-Han. They literally ruined and took away the one thing that was gonna make this show interesting.

It’s just a romance drama really, with a side story. That’s it (I should have listened to that Netflix tag, dammit)
Also some of the clothes these characters wore? It was worrying.

This was just a shell of a show, made of hopes and dreams that they didn’t know how to keep up with. And that’s just too bad.

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9 people found this review helpful
Jul 9, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Not Good Enough

'' Hierarchy '' is a school melodrama that is more about the cinematography than the story. In other words, is more about looks than substance.

The story is pretty basic, makjang style, with some rich kids terrorizing the poor students while dealing with their own personal drama. Still, there were some interesting elements at the start of the drama, with some intriguing plotlines.

However, as the series progressed, the story got more and more loose, getting boring to boot.

As for the romance, or love triangle, it was boring and the leads didn't really have any chemistry.

Also, they tried hard to make the rich kids look extra, but they just ended up not looking like teenagers, but rich makjang housewives.

At least the performances were enjoyable.

So, overall, three out of ten.

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15 people found this review helpful
Jun 15, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Music 1.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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could this be the worst kdrama in 2014?

First off, this is my opinion. If any of you liked the drama, then good for you. Just respect the fact that not everyone liked it

This drama made me wonder if Korean elite really lived like that. Seriously, students who rule the school, so much so that the teachers are afraid of offending them??? Be that as it may, the extravagant display of wealth i.e. helicopters, chauffers, butlers, etc... was just a bit too much for me.

I though that this story revolved on bullying but the sub-stories easily overpowered this notion. The FL, while visually pretty, was nothing short of irritating, Blank expression from start to finish... MEH... I hated her character really. The way she avoided her ex BF would make you think that the guy did something MAJORly bad. But loh and behold.... it ended up that she was "protecting" him. Seriously, what kind of storyline was that. Protecting him from the fact that she got pregnant and miscarried? Very lame.... This show was literally children playing grown-ups by making common life problems a BIG issue.

And Hera? From bitchy BFF, it felt rushed how she turned a 360 sympathizing with the FL.

This story has just too many flaws and I wholeheartedly agree with anyone who gave it a low rating.

Not to belittle the efforts of the cast and crew, but this really was such a waste of airtime on Netflix.

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7 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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simplesmente raso

no início parece que vai ser ótimo, mas no final é uma bagunça. um dos PIORES doramas que eu já vi. querem que você torça por um casal rico em que o par masculino é responsável consciemente de mais da metade dos problemas que acontecem e você não sente a menor empatia por ele. as amizades são falsas, as vinganças não são fortes, nada parece certo. só existem dois personagens (kang-ha e jae-i) que talvez mereçam alguma paz, mas ambos tem fortes falhas, principalmente a jae-i que decide proteger o ri-an que é desprezível. no final as relações são rasas e a história ainda mais sem profundidade. uma pena.

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7 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Time wasted

This is my first time writing a review, so bear with me. I had heard a lot of bad reviews, but I still wanted to watch it. The 7 episodes started out good, but then the plot just didn't go anywhere. The main character focused so much on the girl that he totally forgot about his brother.

Why was it so short, and why did it go nowhere? I mean, I guess the teacher got arrested, but still.
They should've addressed the fact that the teacher was literally a pedo. She got arrested for the murder but not for her relationship with Lee U Jin. He Ra might as well have been the female lead because Jae i didn’t do much. He Ra was the best character. Did Kang Ha waste his time focusing on Jae i only to get rejected? It’s frustrating—they had so much potential but brought nothing to the table. Episodes one and two were good, but after that, it was pretty bland.

There were some scenes, like the car race, that weren’t needed. They spent so much money on that instead of developing the plot. The love triangle was pointless. Why mix a love triangle with a murder mystery? They combined two plots but still couldn’t make a good drama. The way they tried to imitate American football in Korea was so funny.

Since the actors are a bit older, it feels weird watching them try to act like teenagers—you can tell they’re not, not just by their looks but by their acting.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jul 20, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Se você é fã de dramas tradicionais coreanos, então este drama pode não ser ao seu gosto

Na minha visão, a crítica que essa série de televisão recebe por sua suposta "ocidentalização" parece ser um pouco exagerada. É claro que a série se afasta do formato tradicional dos dramas coreanos, trazendo elementos típicos de produções ocidentais, como em 'Gossip Girl'. A atuação também foge do padrão habitual dos dramas da Coreia. Sem dúvida, existem algumas falhas na trama, mas isso pode ser devido ao planejamento da Netflix para uma segunda temporada, considerando o final que foi deixado. Muitas pessoas esperavam cenas extremamente eróticas, com drogas e violência excessiva. No entanto, é importante lembrar que estamos falando da Coreia e de um drama coreano; as chances de haver esse tipo de conteúdo em um drama sobre adolescentes são praticamente nulas. Eu daria uma nota sólida de 6/10 para essa série. Se você gosta de histórias sobre jovens ricos, mistérios de assassinato, atores charmosos e reviravoltas na trama, provavelmente vai se divertir com este drama. Por outro lado, se você é fã dos dramas coreanos mais tradicionais, pode não ser o seu gosto (assim como eu)

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16 people found this review helpful
Jun 16, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 5.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

How to delete this from my brain?

Hierarchy: A nonsensical combination of Gossip Girl and Elite that ultimately tries too hard and absolutely delivers nothing.

There's still hope that there won't be a second season, cause honestly let's invest that money into actual good well written kdramas. Let some of the actual good actors shine in a piece that will do them justice instead of making them return to this. This is truly a case like madame web HOW DID THIS GET FUNDED? WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA? I now have personal beef with the people that gave this the green light. Studio Dragon do better! Also, my two year old nephew can even tell a more cohesive story than the writer(s) of this actual drama. AND IT'S THEIR JOB!

My negative nelly truly came out but this show really pissed me off. And I was actually enjoying it for the first two episodes despite being unrealistic as hell. I can only throw so much of my brain out of the window while watching something as nonsensical and unrealistic as this. By the end of episode 5, I was still watching the show because at that point I was oddly curious at how kuch more ridiculousness they could add. How much worse could it get? The answer was soooooooo much worse.

Plus, they dressed up an 18-year-old high schooler as a 30+ rich house wife that has to deal with a cheating husband and a horrible mother in law..... make it make sense please

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Dropped 6/7
5 people found this review helpful
Jul 5, 2024
6 of 7 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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YAY another frustrating piece woohoo

Basically, this drama feels like another version of love alarm: there was potential for this to be good, but the writing was so poorly done, the characters' choices and consequences don't make any sense. The love pentagon thing that occurs is terrible cause it feels like a bunch of elementary schoolers trying to "love." Kang Ha falls in love with jae i, which I guess is fine, but when he finds out that SHE LITERALLY DIDN'T PROTECT HIS BROTHER FROM BULLYING unfazed him is illogical. How can jae i still love ri an when he is abusive and elitist when she doesn't have the same values as him? Why does he ra love u jin? Why does he ra love ri an? What's the motivation behind ju won? All of these questions go unanswered and the plot essentially crashes out. The actors portray their characters decently with what they were given, but the hate is warranted. Please don't watch this drama and find something else lmao. Couldn't finish it

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36 people found this review helpful
Jun 10, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Descent acting but the plot felt forced by not so smooth plot developpement

it started with promising outcome, but I feel like the "crime, mystery" part got lost in the "romance" part...a bit too much. It felt like forcing "love" emotions into a script about someone getting killed...or vice versa? it wasn't the best drama but it also wasn't the worst imo. I was expecting a bit more of suspense x mystery but 50%+ of the episodes are about the rich kids bullying the poor kids and the adults being useless. The character developpement was poorly done imo. In all, it was Hera who I ended up liking more because she actually did have a character developpement that made sense. The others got lost into a useless love triangle...this was what f*cked up the plot imo. It was really pointless...and it took A LOT of space whilst In Han's tragic death –which I thought was the point of the story at first– took a good whole 15-20 minutes of screentime lol they kept showing the same scenes for most episodes about him getting hit by a car and his brother, Kang Ha, was getting no where during his so called "investigation". It was just him fighting with the rich and ending up getting beaten...like...idk who so say this 7 episodes made no sense BUT couldve make sense if not for that useless love triangle. so many unresolved issues...

gave it a 4.5/5

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7 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 1.0


The show was trying to do a lot, but somehow kinda delivered nothing. There was an obvious plot, but somehow you are still a little lost. You're still wondering what the hell was going on and what it was trying to tell you. Aside from that I think my biggest grievance with this show was actually Kim Ri An. His inability to exist outside of Jae-I pissed me off. You can love your girlfriend. Heck even be obsessed with her, but still have a life outside of your partner. Like STAND UP. The fact that he enabled the abuse of someone because they got close to his girlfriend; oh that’s just terrible. And more than anything, I wish Kang Ha happiness that spans across infinity. He’s so precious to me. Aside from all that, the cast were so pretty, cinematography was great, the music was good, but overall I do think this was a watered down version of things we’ve seen before.

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 6, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 3.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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had me at first, then lost me

The first few episodes were captivating. The sense of mystery and a dark plot lured me but then the horrible ending and outcome blew everything down that the previous episodes had built. I say I enjoyed the show from episodes 1-3. 4-7, lost me.

Kang Ha, the ML, comes to the school for revenge and then gets attached to a girl for absolutely no reason and ends up messing up the whole epic revenge we were all waiting for. There’s no reason for him to fall in love with Jae-i, friends is all they could’ve been. Their chemistry was weak and dare I even say he loved her? It was pure attachment at its finest.

This show does depict the difference between attachment and love. Ri-an truly did love Jae-i and would undoubtedly do anything for her. She’s truly happy with him and did what she thought would protect him. On the other hand, Kang Ha comes out of nowhere and believes he can top years of trust and love Jae-i had with Ri-an.

I thought this would be an epic revenge delivery story, but the romance ruined it. The romance didn’t even take place, which I won’t complain about because Jae-i’s true love is definitely Ri-an but the show wasted limited episodes on telling this story of “romance” when the view could’ve been on revenge.

The only character who was tolerable was He-ra. She did do inexcusable things, but she still knows right from wrong.
- Slapped Jae-i’s brother for filming such an inappropriate video
- Got upset at Woojin for going to Jae-i’s dad and resulting in her getting sent overseas

Additionally, He-ra was the only character I genuinely felt bad for. Her dad’s company went under and I could feel what she was feeling through the screen.

Moving on, the cliffhanger left us with some questions. I don’t feel the need for a season 2 but if one is made, it could possibly redeem the whole show. Questiosn were left unanswered.
- Is Kang Ha a chaebol?
- This new principal, what is she about?
- Is this principal related to Kang Ha somehow?
- Who was murdered at the end?
- Why was Kang Ha not wearing a tie at the end?

Overall, this was a small mess. It wasn’t horrible, but it was disappointing.

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Hierarchy (2024) poster



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