19 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

they had potential

they just lost it somewhere in the start, the writing was chaotic and it felt all over the place and the editing wasn't good either, the music was a bit weird I’m ngl because why are yall singing about a boy huh, anyways it's worth a watch overall !
like there was too much to work with and instead of solving current issues they just present new ones and forget about the latter lmao.
I think the actors did their best for what they were given, and I enjoyed watching it every week, the chemistry between naow and gyo was wonderful, and I love them sm, the side characters weren’t that bad either, especially my girl luktarn.
I might be a little biased in my opinion because it is gl series and I ate it up just because of that bUT and it was good for a light cheesy romance, a good watch when you’re bored :) .

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

A pretty well-made early Thai GL

Many people may seek this series out after watching Gap. So I’m here to say that Love Senior may not reach that level of entertainment for viewers. It’s not a bad watch though.
This series starts the fairly new girl group Cosmos, with their song “You Get Lucky” as the OST. All 12 members have main and supporting roles.
The main 4 actors ,Anda, Lookaew, Noon, and Praewa have good chemistry in their coupling and you want to root for them. The rest of the members may have their roles based on individual acting skills and maybe availability. Some of these women are still in college. Love it. I want to specifically call out Atom for her portrayal of Luktarn. She’s a great character and was played well. It is a shame how the series ended with her. Left much to be desired.
The story is a bit all over the place. There’s subplots and minor characters that disappear for several episodes, only to show up later with little pay off. It seems a bit rushed. As is the series was limited to 10 episodes.
I’m happy to see that this was directed by a masculine-presenting woman(as far as I know). I feel some of the queerness and relationships between the women feel genuine and that may be due to their direction.
Overall, Love Senior is a decent show for this time. There are a lot of Thai GLs being released with bigger budgets since they are proven to have a good chance at success. This series gives me hope that they can only get better and better as studios see their potential to be just as profitable as BLs.

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7 people found this review helpful
Jan 27, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

SOTUS wannabe… but make it GL

I expected the series to have at least a little bit of SOTUS vibes, especially after seeing the trailer and everything… but there were some scenes that were pretty much an exact copy paste. And it has nothing to do with the fact they were trying to show us the hazing process. It was certain things they included, the punishments, etc. I’m sure there were other options than tearing apart the nametag or having the senior run laps. Even the whole wants-to-be-though senior who is actually a cutie, while the junior seems to be a bit more mature and capable.

But if we leave those initial similarities aside, the story developed in a different direction when it came to the later episodes as well as the main couple’s relationship. However, the timeline is a mess. There are a lot of time jumps, so it’s hard to keep up with how much time has actually passed. Especially those in the last episode. The flashbacks are not always clearly set apart, so it sometimes took me a bit to realize we are seeing a flashback. It was all kind of rushed too, especially towards the end.

There were also some strange scene cuts which made the story slightly difficult to follow at times. The plot in general seems a bit weak. It relied very heavily on a constant flow of past and current possible love interests. It made it very repetitive. And then we have the episode with the freshy content where we have no clue what is going on because there was loud music playing over everything. And they couldn’t even bother with the subtitles for the convos that we were shown on screen during that time. There was another such scene later. Why have the characters interact if there is no way for us to know what is going on?!

Manaow & Gyoza: Neither of the two is ready for a relationship. They are childish, can’t communicate with each other, always jump to conclusions, and think crying and avoiding the other person will solve everything. They both made a lot of mistakes, some were worse than others, but only Manaow owned up to them while Gyoza continued to play the victim. I feel their ending left a lot to be desired, there was still so much left unclear and up in the air. I think that separately, I liked both girls. They really shined when they were with their friends, we saw a different side to both. But together, they were not it for me. The two actresses, Kookkaew and Anda, had a nice enough chemistry, but the editing didn’t do them justice. Their acting was kind of weak at times, especially in the more emotion heavy scenes, and neither of them can cry.

As for side characters, there was a lot. As I mentioned, the possible love interests were annoying. As characters, some of them were actually great and I wouldn’t mind them… if they weren’t yet another love-sick puppy. I did find Warang and Prang adorable though. And Thida is the kind of friend everyone wants. She is amazing!

It had potential, but the plot needed some more work. As did the editing. Maybe they should have lost some of the cliches along the way and given Naow and Gyo some more time for their relationship to develop properly.

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Mademoiselle Noir
6 people found this review helpful
Jan 11, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

Started off cute but was ultimately a disappointment

First off, my rating is a lie. It's actually a 6.5/10 for me. But because it's a Thai GL, and I want to see more of them, I don't have the heart to rate it any lower.

Now, as for my thoughts:

In the beginning, it had everything I wanted: A Pan FL, easy chemistry between the two FLs, a love triangle, and ALL the tropes that come with a Queer Thai Engineer series. Like, yes, give me tripping on air and getting dramatically saved by the FL's soon-to-be love interest, who holds her for a suspiciously long time!

But then, near the halfway point, my perspective shifted. While I liked that the conflicts were--so far--minimal/easily resolved, I felt they could have done well with extending the do they like each other/pining phase. It felt almost "too easy" for these FLs.

This problem would come back to bite the drama later during the last few episodes when conflict after conflict and misunderstanding after misunderstanding popped up. It seemed like the writers intentionally made Manaow and Gyoza's start to their relationship so easy and sweet so they could put them through the wringer at the end while banking on all their good times together to get you through it. Unfortunately, it did not work. At all. And don't even get me started on the horrible villain and her scheme and the nail-in-the-coffin trope that had no reason to be there.

By the end, I was just . . . *sigh*

It saddens me to say this, but I would skip this one, my dear MDLers. It's just not worth your time.

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6 people found this review helpful
Jan 10, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.5
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Disappointed but not surprised because I already know Star Hunter...

This series could've been amazing if it was well made, the plot was all over the place and things happened too fast without treating any subplot with the importance it needed.
The second couple started too suddenly, we didn't get to see Warang growing her feelings, she liked Gyo one day and the next she liked the other girl.
Luktarn not getting a punishment, not only for breaking the main couple a part because she's jealous, but because she drugged someone to make that happen, it made me really angry.
The girls did amazing with the script they had, they're the only reason I finished the series, they deserve support, I hope they get series with better plots and better everything.

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3 people found this review helpful
Jan 19, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

We lost the plot.

When I saw the trailer for this series I was very excited and of course wanted to watch it. I love how we are getting more gl series but this one really did not hit for me. I saw the potential in the beginning episodes but as we went on it was like the writers stopped caring about the quality of the story and some plot lines made me genuinely angry because they made no sense or were just put in there for the sake of them being there. The plot got increasingly worse as the story went on and that was no different for the finale episode. The finale was a mess and very rushed. If we wanted to squeeze that much content into the last few episodes there should have been more, or we shouldn't of even started those plot lines at all.

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2 people found this review helpful
Mar 20, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 5.0


80% precent of the time i was staring at the screen wondering wtf is going on.

the pacing is so weird and there are so many plotlines that come out of nowhere and are never explained aswell as many pointless characters.

main couple have great chemistry and are good actresses, especially actress who okays gyo, i can see they did the best they could with the script that was given.

on episode eight i could see where we were heading and decided to just drop it.
probably one of the worst ones I’ve watched but was still entertaining for what it was.

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1 people found this review helpful
Jan 24, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

Decent show, Slow start

I think this show is good, but it had a slow start. It didn’t get interesting until the very end. I was surprised that many of the actors were from a TPop group. I did wonder throughout the show if it was weird for them to having to kiss their bandmates. I think the main couple and side couples had good chemistry. My favorite character was Thida who was the supportive friend to everyone and the voice of reason. I don’t think they developed some of the previous relationship of the main characters enough. Also some of the side characters in the first half all of a sudden disappear in the second half.

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1 people found this review helpful
12 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Loved it

I don't know about anyone else but this is my favourite drama .at first I watched it because the cast was from cosmos but after watching it I addicted to andalookkaew and noonpreawa they did their best considering it was their first ever series and acting experience even tho they made some changes in the plot I loved it
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1 people found this review helpful
22 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.5

just some honest self opinions

actresses and actors (especially actresses) were amazing, BUT the music for the different scenes were not as great as expected, like there are times where the music will suddenly cut without any fade which sounds very abrupt. the quality of the show was not bad, but the story was good (i love how it was a student setting and the slight character development in each character) so, overall it’s a good show, not the best but not bad either. also, small fun fact, all the female actresses acting in this cast are all from this thai girl group called COSMOS. uhm, their ost is a little inappropriate for the show cuz the show is girl love but the music is about a guy so.. they kinda could have made another song but they just made use of the song that they already had, perhaps to save resources or something).

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0 people found this review helpful
Mar 8, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5


I always like starting my reviews by saying that when a series has a complex/problematic plot, then it is not meant to be for everyone. And this GL is one of those stories. If you do not like series with a bunch of misunderstandings, a lot of problems, or other similar things, then I do NOT recommend you to watch this. This series deals with a lot of misunderstandings and problems in a relationship, and I feel like they have done a GREAT JOB at keeping it REALISTIC. There is so many couples out there that go through similar problems like in this series, and it's good for those problems to be portrayed in series so that people don't feel alone and feel related to them. While others can take this series as a lesson to keep in mind of things they should avoid in their relationship, and to always be aware. I also think this series did a good job in portraying immature young college students who have problems in their love life, and how they can fix those things together with COMMUNICATION and TRUST. Those two things were missing in the first couple's relationship. And I think now that they have their happy ending, they will be able to fix things and not make the same mistakes from the past. Relationships are NOT perfect, and I like that they tried to portray that in this series.

I am going to be completely honest right now. Stories like these are not always my favorite to watch. However, just because the plot is complicated and problematic, it does not mean it is a bad story. After finishing the series, I can say that I enjoyed it despite of the ups and downs it had. Like I mentioned above, I like how realistic this story is. It is about a young couple who is dealing with problems in their relationship. And through those problems, they learn and grow together. That is what I love about the story. It also has a happy ending, which makes it even better cause at some point in the story, you kind of loose hope, but then they give us the happy ending the main couple deserves. Overall, I would give the story 7 out of 10 just because it is not my cup of tea, but it is still enjoyable to watch.

I love the cast, and I love watching edits of them on tiktok! I think you can easily get attached to them as you watch the series more and more. They acted very well despite of their complicated roles, but I also believe there is still a lot of space to improve. Every character here is attractive despite of their flaws, and they will make you fall in love eventually. The chemistry is on point as well! I love it! my favorite couple was the second one though! I don't know why I always end up liking second couples more lol. But anyways, I will give the acting and casting an 8 out of 10.

The music was okay. I do see myself listening to the intro again, but it is not my favorite. So, I will give it a 7.5 out of 10. And the rewatch value will be a 7.5 out of 10 too because I do see myself rewatching this eventually (if I miss it too much lmao!).

Anyways, my overall rating for this GL series is 8 out of 10. I think it deserves it. I like how this series brought me back to those days when I watched SOTUS the series (BL). Those days were memorable. And even though they are not the same, I still love them equally. Please do NOT drop this without at least giving it a chance. Try to watch it with the perspective that you will learn something from it. At least, that's how I see it. But do not feel forced! Thank you for reading!

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0 people found this review helpful
Apr 16, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Story and Plot is wierd.

The story and plot is a bit confusing. I mean with only 10 episodes I don't really think that they could fit everything. The story was just kind of all over the place, whenever I was watching there were scenes that was a little confusing as it was not connected.

Although I can say that the actors did a very great job considering what they were given. The couples had great chemistry as well. I do think that the ending was a bit rushed and I felt like I wanted more.

In my opinion, I would actually rewatch it a couple of times.
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Love Senior (2023) poster



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