0 people found this review helpful
Apr 11, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
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A Surprising Rollercoaster of Emotions!

Get ready for an exciting revelation about "Blank: The Series"! Initially, I had my doubts about the show, thinking it might turn out to be a disaster. Yoko's character gave off annoying vibes, and the significant 16-year age gap between Khun Nueng and Anueng raised some eyebrows. However, the series had a few surprises up its sleeve that pleasantly caught me off guard.

Just when I thought I had the characters figured out, the show took an unexpected turn. Anueng's childish behaviour turned out to be a clever act, a strategic way to break down Khun Nueng's emotional walls. It was like witnessing an intricate game of emotional Jenga! Both characters had their share of struggles, including past abuse and restrictive circumstances. Yet, amidst the chaos, a genuine bond formed, and their journey became immensely captivating.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the high production value of the series, especially coming from a small production house. The scenes, particularly the reshoots, were exceptionally well-executed, raising the quality bar to new heights. With such impressive visuals, my expectations for Season 2 are sky-high. I was so enthralled that I couldn't resist delving into the source material by reading the book. That's how deeply invested I became! Plus, that season one end!!! I wanted to make sure I didn't try to smack Khun Nueng in my dreams.

Now, let's talk about the exciting and humorous aspect: the "Fifty Shades of Anueng" situation in Season 2. Brace yourself for a hilariously entertaining ride! The unexpected and comical situations that arise will leave you in fits of laughter. How will they handle it? Will they go for steaminess or keep it light-hearted? The anticipation is palpable as we eagerly await to see how this spicy twist unfolds.

So, fellow fans of GL dramas, "Blank: The Series" is an absolute surprise package. It's like embarking on an emotional rollercoaster ride, filled with unexpected twists and turns that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Don't judge it based on your first impression because once you give it a chance, you'll be in for an exhilarating adventure. Prepare yourself for drama, character growth, a dash of spicy romance, and plenty of laughter.

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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 13, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

An Important Additional To The GL Repertoire

Honestly I was craving the trope-y trashy tv that straight people get to watch as comfort when I stumbled across Blank and that is indeed what I got and I was hooked!!! This is a bingeworthy watch for late nights and I was honestly very happy with the acting. I think both actors did their characters such justice and it was actually not trashy at all when the moments got serious and vulnerable.

I thought season 2 was slightly repetitive and honestly enjoyed season 1 a lot better. It felt like they figured out these actors cry really well and season 2 was structured to highlight only the tears pftt.

Age gap isn't even my thing at all I have never liked it, but hey, they got me there. I think the characters had a fun dynamic. What I did not appreciate was Khun Nueng making decisions for Anueng - that felt more authoritarian than partner-y (part of why season 2 kind of missed for me).

Also the parents and the connection they all had to Khun Nueng actually made me laugh out loud because that was so soap opera-y but okay we roll.

Honestly I think the acting and portrayal of the characters carried the whole show because on premise alone, it does not sound that appealing. But GLs get so little and having something with genuine effort, good acting and cinematography feels really rewarding. I crave for more sapphics on my screen so I have to be biased in my appreciation for anything new I find.

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 17, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Incredible acting and chemistry

The first season's plot is a little problematic and Yoko's acting in the first few episodes are irritating but as the story progresses the actresses excel in expressing their characters. I have to say their incredible acting and chemistry has lead this show. And the second season is worth the time with superb acting, moderate plot and satisfying ending.
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18 days ago
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10

Must Rewatch, Rewatch, Rewatch

I seriously fell with its plot! Some things might have been cliche but because of the actors, I can't help but feel the emotions that they were trying to evoke.

People will eventually share this view once they understand all the underpinnings in this story. I can simply relate to this a lot that is why I found their interpretation of an age gap relationship accurate.
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0 people found this review helpful
Jul 28, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.5

Uma série

Diria que a primeira temporada foi algo básico, parado e não trouxe muita emoção, mas grandes revelações. Pelo menos pra mim, não tive aquela ansiedade de esperar o próximo episódio, mas após o último capítulo, aí comecei a me interessar mais e querer saber o que iria acontecer na próxima temporada.

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0 people found this review helpful
Aug 3, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 2.5
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Mixed feelings

I'm torn. The plot itself was really interesting, intriguing and the way all the characters were connected - just wow. I'm a fan of big age gap relationships but something was lacking here. Sometimes I felt some chemistry between the leads, sometimes I didn't and those were the times it felt like watching a mother with her daughter. Anueng quite often was annoying me, especially her manner of speaking. However, Khun Nueng wasn't any better with how many times she made Anueng cry. All in all, I'm not sure if I want to watch the second season tbh
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Ongoing 2/6
13 people found this review helpful
Mar 16, 2024
2 of 6 episodes seen
Ongoing 7
Overall 4.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Uncomfortable & Forced

For me, the 16yrs age gap makes it very uncomfortable. The younger girl is stalking and harassing the older one. She only starts caring about her because she's going through a similar situation (running away from home) and, rather than romantic, it feels like a mother/older sister taking care of the youngest--who by the way is still going to high school (they say she's 20 catching up on courses or smth, I think in the original she's actually 16). So yeah, if you're comfortable with huge age gaps and creepy behavior, feel free to watch but it felt so forced to me.
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Dropped 3/6
5 people found this review helpful
Mar 30, 2024
3 of 6 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
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Showcases stalking, harassment and toxic relationships in a positive light

I watched the first three episodes, and found myself in rollercoaster of disappointment. The younger girl's behavior towards the older woman was deeply unsettling. For the first and second episode we are introduced to the younger girl (Aueng) stalking, harassing and not respecting the older woman (Nueng)'s boundaries. Despite the older woman repeatedly telling the younger girl to stop following her from her art studio to her house, and to stop flirting with her but the younger girl doesn't stop and whenever the older woman calls her out on her actions she acts like a victim and tells the other woman she's being treated horribly. This kind of relationship perpetuates toxicity and entitlement in relationships.

One of he most concerning aspects of the story is the codependency between the two characters, particularly highlighted by multiple fans' comments. This along with the backstory involving the younger girl being the product of a failed abortion, wherein her mother was advised by Nueng to undergo adds massive layers of toxicity to an already toxic relationship. Themes like this misrepresent and almost taint LGBTQ+ relationships.

Furthermore, the younger girl being portrayed as very child-like despite being aged-up by the showrunner from 16 to 20 doesn't sit well with me. Let me clarify that I have no problem with age gaps given that both people are mature. In this GL the younger girl even though she's 20 acts like she's 12 because she had a premature birth. The younger girl, her father and her mother being romantically involved with Nueng also massively complicates an already complicated story. The worst GL in history.

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0 people found this review helpful
May 27, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 3.5
Rewatch Value 2.0

Michel Souzza

This whole SJW just to impose two horny women who like to suck each other off
Instead of romanticizing relationships with significant age gaps, we should prioritize building equitable, healthy relationships based on mutual respect, regardless of the age of those involved. True love can blossom in different contexts, but it is crucial that it be built on a solid foundation of trust, open communication, and mutual consideration.
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5 people found this review helpful
Apr 8, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Debido ala edad es poco confuso

Principalmente estaba bastante marcada por la diferencia de edad por lo q para algunos resulta difícil decidir si verla o no.
Así que aclarare eso las edades son
A-nueng= 21/20 años
Khun nueng=36
Ambas mayores de edades, bueno aclarado continuo:
Tiene actuaciones muy buenas, química al 100% y las escenas +18 al final supieron manejarlo muy bien, desde el primer episodio te engancha. Y si te parece un muy infantil el personaje de A-nueng quedate pq nose parecera mucho en el final, seguirá siendo ella pero con cierto desarolló para bien.
Comparte universo con la serie de gap en general supieron adaptar muy hien las parejas, como mención el personaje de mon tuve un excelente cast la verdad q se reconoce muy bien el personaje

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2 people found this review helpful
Jun 28, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Por Onde Começar a Esboçar o Amor?

Imagine começar a ser seguida por uma colegial qué diz estar apaixonada por você, e dizer que você está secretamente apaixonada por ela também! Você vive como se não tivesse passado, exatamente por ter um passado por demais opressivo para que pudesse viver, você é uma pintora e desenhista, você observa e desenha a vida que não chega até você, como uma folha em branco, esperando o traçado acontecer.
O traçado leve do grafite esboçado, assim começam as interações de Nueng e Anueng em Em Branco, a bela webserie do Nine Star Studios, como os primeiros sinais da primavera no vento que toca a sua pele, assim Nueng observa intrigada, na bela atuação de Faye Malisorn, Anueng entrar na sua vida, como se fosse na vida de outrem, em parte porque apesar de todos esforços para se libertar de seu passado, ela ainda vive a vida de outrem, ao tentar só se preservar de maiores feridas, mas não abrir-se para a vida é a possibilidade de sofrer, a possibilidade do amor, que para Nueng vem com a possibilidade de viver sua própria sexualidade.
A série da indícios de que Nueng já se entende como sáfica, embora não esteja aparentemente preparada para se apaixonar, o que talvez venha em parte com o peso de seus 37 anos na sociedade tailandesa em que a idade traz consigo uma série de responsabilidades, entre as quais, casar, ter filhos, e honrar seus antepassados de forma submissa, indícios de maturidade que Nueng rejeita, ao mesmo tempo que por vezes tem dificuldade de encontrar sua própria maturidade, talvez por não poder viver livremente, tanto por pressão externa de sua avó aristocrática por exemplo, quanto internalizando por ela mesma.
A dialética de sua relação com Anueng, uma moça 16 anos mais nova em seus 21 anos, que diferentemente dela carrega todos os indícios externos de fragilidade, mas que dentro de si carrega a força, própria e de geração, para externalizar seus anseios e amadurece-los no mundo por contraposição dialética, tanto com o mundo quanto com o outro, abrindo-se para a rejeição e para o fortalecimento de sua mulheridade e lesbianidade aberta, confronta Nueng com duas possibilidades: a de abrir-se e crescer, confrontando os próprios sentimentos, ou a de fechar-se por uma aparência cis heteronormativa e etarista de "maturidade", possibilidades entre as quais Nueng oscila e da diversas voltas a cada novo obstáculo em sua jornada de autoconhecimento e apaixonar-se por Anueng, jornada na qual sempre conta com a mão compassiva de Anueng estendida para ela, demostrando essa por vezes ser a mais madura das duas, talvez pelo menor peso da pressão externa em sê-lo.
A beleza desta aparente inversão de papéis se dá em parte pela identidade sáfica e feminista, que carrega em si também a consciência da história, e embora sejamos apresentadas a trama pelo olhar de Anueng, Nueng é o espelho de nossa consciência do peso da mulheridade, e ainda mais da lesbianidade em uma sociedade patriarcal, assim como Anueng é o espelho para a juventude e o despertar amoroso, que Nueng, aparentemente, nunca viveu. Quebrados os espelhos e perspassadas as aparências, resta somente a intimidade, o afeto, e o calor.

28 de Junho de 2024.

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