Baka Pwede pa? (2024) poster
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Ratings: 6.6/10 from 23 users
# of Watchers: 116
Reviews: 1 user
Ranked #73097
Popularity #99999
Watchers 23

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  • Country: Philippines
  • Type: Drama
  • Episodes: 7
  • Aired: Feb 9, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024
  • Aired On: Friday
  • Duration: 30 min.
  • Score: 6.6 (scored by 23 users)
  • Ranked: #73097
  • Popularity: #99999
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated

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Baka Pwede pa? (2024) photo
Baka Pwede pa? (2024) photo
Baka Pwede pa? (2024) photo


2 people found this review helpful
Apr 1, 2024
7 of 7 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
This review may contain spoilers

The Finale was a Garbage . It ruined the entire series

Honestly why waste your company's money when you cant find yourself a proper writer?
The story will always be the Heart of a movie or a series

These points destroyed the entire story:

1. When did Archie and Emil date ?

a ) Was it after emil and nikko broke up ?
b) Was it while nikko and emil were still together?

If it is (a) ****then was it before Emil made a deal with Archie to dump nikko after fake dating ?
If this is true....then while making the deal with Archie, Emil talks to him like a stranger and addresses him as Bro .Also it is shown that initially archie was reluctant to dump but later agrees with the deal for his brother's sake
*****was it after the deal was made ?
If this is true ....then it shows that both Emil and archie were both cheating on each other inspite of them being a couple.

Emil was also halfheartedly dating a girl alex while dating archie . While on the other hand archie instead of faking a relationship and dump nikko , gets romantically involved with him

If it is (b) then Emil should be cheating on Nikko

#### In both cases it clearly shows that Emil is a "Cheater"
Now......if Emil is a cheater??? what is the point of showng 10minutes of Emil's crying in the rain devasted after finding nikko doesnt love him any more ???
When you really love someone would never cheat on that person !!
This shows that Emil was always a bad guy from the beginning to the end . He never changed.
Whats the point of showing Emil as good guy in the end ??
#### Clark's acting was decent

2. Archie : this guy's acting is really poor. Good looks wont carry you a long way in the future.

In the finale episode archie confesses to Nikko about teaming up with Emil to dump him after a fake dating . #### why didnt archie also reveal to Nikko that Emil was his ex boyfriend??? . When you have really feallen in love with Nikko (?? ) why just confess half of the truth why not reveal the entire truth?
#### Archie's brother tells to Nikko that Archie has always had TRUST ISSUES . from the beginning . Was this also one of the reasons he broke up with Emil ?

3 . Nikko : His acting is decent but the character was poorly written.

Nikko is very biased always favoring Archie.

Nikko was in a 5 year relationship with Emil.
After they broke up one day emil visits Nikko's home drunk and sincerely begs him for a second chance. Yet , Nikko stone heartedly rejects and pushes him away.
The same Nikko whose relationship with archie is just 1 week old , learns that Archie had always been suspicious about him for no reason , easily forgives him acting as if nothing happened.
Later Nikko easily forgives Archie after learning that Archie was playing with him teamming along with Emil,
Archie kisses Nicko and Nikko easily forgives Archie of all his wrong doings and even goes on to to have sex with him . Wow !!


#### This clearly shows that all these 3 guys never really loved each other.

4. Alex : her acting was decent too but again porrly written character.

Which girl on earth inspite of knowing that the guy you like is GAY and doent really like you , still desires him to be her boyfriend. She even goes to the extent of saying that she is willing to keep waiting for Emil. WOW !! XD

@@@@Now whats the point of this entire series? What is the writer trying to convey ? How would any director approve of such a terribly written story and make it into a series ..

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  • Drama: Baka Pwede pa?
  • Country: Philippines
  • Episodes: 7
  • Aired: Feb 9, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024
  • Aired On: Friday
  • Duration: 30 min.
  • Content Rating: Not Yet Rated


  • Score: 6.6 (scored by 23 users)
  • Ranked: #73097
  • Popularity: #99999
  • Watchers: 116

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