The story revolves around an urban legend passed around high school and junior high school students. Ten years ago, a group of girls decided to jokingly test the rumor that a woman covered in burns will appear if you repeat “Purple Mirror” five times in front of a mirror at 11:35 at night. Soon after the night they attempt in, they die off one by one. In the present day, members of a school tennis club use the old abandoned high school grounds for their training camp. Hearing the rumor of the mirror, they decide to to give it a try themselves. Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: ムラサキカガミ
- Also Known As: Purple Mirror
- Screenwriter & Director: Mihara Mitsuhiro
- Genres: Horror, Supernatural
Cast & Credits
- SaayaMinakoMain Role
- Nagasawa NaoSasakiMain Role
- Okamoto Natsuki Support Role
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