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15 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 6
Overall 6.0
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.5
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Taishin Is A Blubber Mouth Bumpkin

Okay, so like, we are ignoring that Taishin is a stalker right? Good. Cuz, he’s like the worse stalker ever. Homeboy walked up to the guy he’s stalking and went ‘ I came to this school because of you… do you wanna go hiking senpei?’ LOL, he’s a naive, adorable blubber mouth and I love him.

The plot of this show is nothing to write home about. Nothing really does happens, the episodes are short, and pretty much most people will find it super boring and meh. I did at first too, but this show grew on me. At first I was a bit annoyed and was like, come on son, no one your age is that naive. No really, Taishin’s so innocent it’s pitiful. But then he got me with his constant 'Eh and adorable-ness-ness.' Cuz how could I stay annoyed at a guy who’s best friend is a parrot, his idea for the perfect first date is Bird watching, and his favorite food is pudding. HAHAH WHAT?? PUDDING and BIRD WATCHING? Even his interests are bland. But he’s what he is and I accept him.

Taishin comes off as a village bumpkin who’s seeing traffic light for the first time. He came to the big city with a goal: getting closer to Takara, and he’s made it his whole personality. I respect that, but like, does he even pay attention in class? Lol, homeboy with his doe-eyes looks like he doesn’t know what’s happening half of the time, and he’s just here to fill space and breathe air. Though, even with how smitten he is with Takara, I'm happy he's bold and brave enough to speak his mind when he needs too. Which gives him more colour as a character.

I’m sure many people will found his naivety annoying, as well as how constantly he puts himself down, because he’s put Takara on a pedestal and borderline worshiping him. Normally, I would nitpick at it with a microscope, but I found I’m enjoying the un-heaviness of the whole show that I don’t mind it. And the two leads have good chemistry as well, which makes it even more entertaining to watch. They didn't need any over the top sexual stuff to make the watcher feel their chemistry, which was refreshing to see.

Plot wise there’s nothing much happening. Basically, the story is about Taishin who uprooted his whole life and moved to the city to go to the same school on a chance he could meet the guy he met on the mountain one time. Sure it isn’t as stalkish as that one bl character who collected the trash of his crush, but this is also a form of stalking. But Taishin did his with those doe-eyes and blurted it out so fast that it doesn’t really count. I doubt it would hold up in court :)

Oh and in-between Taishin trying to get closer to Takara, we see the man himself playing with some marbles and remembering his mother who doesn’t like marbles? and thinks he sucks, so he's dealing with that and trying to move on from her. So yeah, not much happening. But I did enjoy the journey of seeing Takara come to like Taishin to the point he felt possessive and jealous. I liked seeing him struggling to not turn out like his mother, and having Taishi reassured him that he'd tell him whenever he does something he doesn't like. They communicate in their relationship, instead of following the pattern of over-done misunderstanding trope, which again made me enjoy the show.

I like Takara. His personality is to look as nonchalant as a cucumber, still he’s there for Taishin, which is a green flag in my book. He’s not mean about Taishin’s cluelessness and is patient with him.

I'm not gonna write an in-depth of what I liked/ didn't like about this drama. After the first two episode, I decided to watch it for enjoyment purpose only, and just went along for the drive. So if you want some in-depth reviews, other reviewers on here have done that quite well, so check them out. This one is just me gushing over Taishin.

So yeah, if you’re looking for something deep, my brother go look elsewhere. This show is good for rewinding after all the heavy currently airing bls. It’s light, with a simple plot. And except for the two lead characters, all the supporting cast are like background props, but still, I’m enjoying myself watching it.

There's a spinoff apparently, so I'm looking forward to seeing these two again, cuz these episodes were not enough. I wanna see how their relationship developed after they both admitted their feelings for each other. Would there be more pudding and bird watching dates? I'm excited.

Anyway, I love leads that blurts out whatever they are thinking, whether embarrassing or not, therefore causing no misunderstand and our Taishin has no filter whatsoever, and I love that loser for it.

I’ll recommend this to anyone who is looking for an easy watch and something to unwind and not think too much. Give it a chance if you have time, it's cute. This is definitely going on my list of guilty pleasure dramas.

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7 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
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A treasure amongst J-BLs

I was very hesitant to watch this show when I found out that one of the characters follows another to university after having met once in the woods. It felt pretty stalker-ish to me, and I almost didn't watch this series because of it, but boy oh boy am I glad I did.

Don't get me wrong, Taishin being so enamoured with Takara after meeting one time and then following him not only to Tokyo but also to the same university is still pretty creepy. I'm glad Takara said so too and was taken aback, because if someone approached me at uni being like "Remember that one time you consoled me in the woods? I wanted to thank you, so I followed you here. Hi!" I would run away real fucking fast. Definitely not a fan of how the whole thing started, but it's pretty easy to forget amidst all the cuteness that follows.

Is this show very realistic? Not really. Taishin is portrayed as a country bumpkin who appears to have lived in a cave for all his life, because the guy doesn't even know that gay people exist. That seems incredibly silly, but it does make for Taishin being very endearing as he tries to figure out life in the city and his feelings for Takara. He's just so pure and awkward, and you want to put him in your pocket at all times (though I do understand why he may be annoying to some people). He's all in all a really solid character who's easy to love, and he definitely reads neurodivergent to some extent which is never explicitly stated but still nice to have.

The real treasure of this show, however, is Takara. At first, he appears to be your standard J-BL love interest who's emotionally constipated and acts cold towards others. However, that cliché gets broken rather quickly. Takara is honestly such a breath of fresh air because he's not only very in touch with his feelings, but he's also not shy about making them known to Taishin. Despite his resting bitch face, he actually emotes a lot, and he's really good at communicating. The progression of his feelings for Taishin seems more realistic than in most other BLs because he slowly warms up to him more and more, and he's honest about not being 100% there yet when they two become boyfriends. Despite that, he keeps reassuring Taishin and makes him feel comfortable. His past and his shitty relationship with his mother is very interesting, because he's afraid of being overly possessive which is nice considering in most BLs possessiveness is presented as something normal or even cute. Maybe because of his fear, Takara never comes across as the toxically jealous kind of guy. He even feels bad for coming over to Taishin's house late at night after not having seen him for a while, and he voices out his thoughts. In turn, Taishin reassures him that Takara hasn't done anything he didn't like, and that he'd tell him if he did. All in all their relationship seems pretty healthy with the way they communicate, and they're both green flags — apart form their first kiss. That wasn't a great move on Takara's part, because he basically just pushed Taishin against the bed and didn't give him any time to consent or not consent before smashing their lips together. The way I see it, their kiss in episode 9 should've been their first kiss.

Generally, I have a hard time with Japanese BLs because they often feel so awkward, and (maybe because of that) I hardly ever feel romantic chemistry between the main leads. This show was also painfully awkward at times, but not in a secondhand embarrassment kind of way, just in a two young people in their first relationship kind of way. It fit well with the characters, and the main leads had plenty of chemistry together. The acting was also amazing, so this has easily become my favorite J-BL despite the strange start. It has interesting elements to offer such as the hiking club or their first date being bird-watching, and it's refreshingly self-aware by pointing out that Taishin following Takara to Tokyo was creepy. The show isn't perfect, and the ending felt a bit abrupt but that's a small issue in the grand scheme of things. All in all, Takara's Treasure feels unique despite the standard campus BL setting, and it has cute, fluffy vibes all around. I'm so glad I didn't just write this off when I first heard about it and gave it a chance, because I definitely see myself re-watching this a bunch of times.

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7 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
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don't waste your time.... there is no story here.

this summer I'm kind stucked in a BL loop so I'm giving this one a try.
so far this show has been really boring.
male leader number 1 starts obsessing over a guy that helped him ONCE on a mountain and moves from literally across the country just to meet him and go to the same university.
he start admiring more and more this charismatic dude and follows him like a puppy. so far he doesn't have a personality and everything he thinks about is " what is this feeling I feel when I look at this guy and start thirsting over him... I'm really confuseeeeeed"😒.
on other other hand, the other ml has an undeniably charisma to him and start helping this hopeless puppy that really seems too dumb to be true.

sidenote: supporting characters are non existing.

I get that these episodes are really short but nothing of substance really happens. the before last episode was all about Helping a random child finding his way home... c'mon...

I'll finish this series but it don't think is going to get that much better.

UPDATE: I just realized this series ended. I was convinced this drama had 11 episodes not 10, so I'm a little bit surprised.
how did it go? .... emmmm. was this even a drama? was there a story? cause I definitely didn't see one.
these two establish a relationship over literally NOTHING. one is chill and carries marbles (still wondering why, that explanation sounded really dumb), the other one is in love with someone who shared a few nice words with him... shouldn't he be in love with half of his class then?
other characters are no existing. nothing really happens.
I don't see that much chemistry between the actors. they are individually good but they don't match each other's energy.
it's not worth watching. like at all.
save you some time.

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14 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0

Slowly paced, cute and different

As usual, japanese BL offer something different.
Boy's (Taishin) bird died and because he had him since school, he is endlessly sad and cries in the woods. There a tourist (Takara) comes by and conforts sad boy. Sometimes later Taishin comes to the same university where Takara studies...
In the next seven episodes we see Taishin coming to grips with his feeling, each episode is a step forward for him. Because (?) Taishin is from a rual area he is incredible naive and innocent and does not know much about life. On the other hand Takara is the opposite, he is disenchanted and does not expect much from life. But Taishin opens his heart nearly instantly and while a "selfish bastard" (his words in the finale), he really does care about him and wants to protect Taishin, because he also can't believe how naive Taishin is...

The mellow pace and the story focus just for one couple was a nice difference after many shows with two or more couples and rapidly switching from one couple to the next. Both actors did a really good job of portraying their characters and the vibe of the series was mostly relaxed with some dark spots espiecally for Takara. While the pace was slow I felt never bored with any episode. The only letdown (as of many JBLs) are the lack of real kissing. But maybe we get more with the "spin off". Artstyle, camera, scenery, lighting was top notch.

Overall I can recommand this show especially if you have a stressful life, because it will calm you down. Besides that you get a sweet, sometimes fluffy story which was sensible crafted.

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Loving The Drama
1 people found this review helpful
14 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

Absolutely adored this

Writing this at 10/11 will update if the spin-off episode somehow ruins everything, but I‘m quite confident it won’t so:

Not much to say it’s your typical cool cold guy + innocent, naive, sheltered romance. I personally loved every second of it. So incredibly cute.

Both actors did really well in their roles, I was a bit put off by Taishin looking mich older than he was supposed to be and especially than his co-star (which makes sense since he is 4 years older irl) who was supposedly his senior. But overall it didn’t really take anything away from the experience.

Some things could have been done a bit different…but overall I still really really enjoyed this one.

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12 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0


I love this kind of drama. Slowly building and does not need physical touch to convey their feelings for each other.
Slice of life kinda story, nothing dramatic, nothing but getting to know each other. I know others say otherwise, but I liked the chemistry between them.
And what I did not see in any other series to this extrem, was that they talked to each other about their insecurities and they waited till the partner really finished talking.

And overall the series is very cute! Specially Taishin and his unrealistic naiveness xD
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1 people found this review helpful
14 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 10
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Must watch

In the BL world i think JBL's are the most pure bl..
This drama is so cute! After it started i read the manga version beforehand to compare both of them..
The manga version is cute but the drama version taishin is way cuter than the manga version.. Takara senpai is way cooler in the drama.. I mean the drama version he is so not exactly perfect but almost perfect.
This drama doesn't make u skip any of the episode.. although they focus more on the mains still the university part is good.. And takara senpai and taishin's first date is sooo cute.. the reaction to takara's confess and first kiss of taishin!!!!
The 2nd couple's part is also good... My most favorite part is where taishin thought he see takara senpai as his idol and started following him <3 <3
The ost is also good.. the ost matched perfectly with the storyline.. the singer voice is also good..
the acting of all the actors are so good!! I don't think i can comment on their acting cz if their acting weren't this good no matter how good the story or the plot were, this drama wouldn't be this good...
Lastly I think this drama is going to be my top 3 jdrama... which i am going to watch repeatedly...

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3 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.0

They are such an adorable couple!

Taishin is so adorable I can’t stand it! He is so little and innocent it makes me giggle. He is like a little kitten, watch it for him. They are such a great couple. I also really enjoy how they clearly began dating, vagueness in a lot of these dramas can be a bit infuriating. This show is a short and sweet little watch.
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10 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 8.0

If you are patient this slow burn romance will surprise.

A handsome university student, out hiking, meets a distressed adolescent. From this encounter the story unfolds.

The adolescent, Nakano Taishin, is awkward, shy and introverted yet he overcomes many of those traits as he persistently tries to get Shiga Takara's friendship.

Shades of 'My Beautiful Man Eternal' in their relationship dynamics as Taishin adores and looks up to Takara unconditionally and Takara portrays his frustration at not being perceived as a flawed individual capable of casual cruelty, like his mother.

Both characters show development as they influence each other and begin to acknowledge the depth of their relationship.
Disappointing ending we are left with a lot of questions and loose ends.

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12 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5

a realistic AND unrealistic drama that went from 2.5 to 7.0 for me

I didn’t know this drama existed until 3-4 days ago. My friends in the group chat were talking badly about it, so I decided to give it a chance and started watching the first episode. I’d already formed a negative impression based on what my friends said, so I dropped it halfway through episode 2 and gave it a 2.5 rating. Then, just a few minutes later, I decided to give it another shot, and now I’m sad it’s over. It’s cute and not very extraordinary, but it’s calm compared to other emotional (EHH!!?? and screams) dramas. I’m obsessed with the visuals of Yoji’s character and the chemistry between them. There were times when I had to pause the drama to calm down from secondhand embarrassment though. My final rating is 7.0, and I’m so happy that there will be a special episode!

JUST MAKE SURE that you dont have high expectations.

Why realistic:
One likes another one
He goes after him (??? questionable)
He confesses
They date (I mean it, like they ACTUALLY go on dates)
They take it slow
All of these dating parts imo are realistic

Why unrealistic:

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Jessica Brown
0 people found this review helpful
10 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 5.0

Weird Plot Choices, Overall Great Package

This show shocked me. It took me a lot of places emotionally. I agree that many of the subplots were curious, but maybe they were reflective of the writer's life experiences. Nothing was shallow but rather curious in choice.

Overall, I find myself really liking Taishin and Takara as stand-alone people. I rarely feel this in a BL show, but if I knew either in real life, I find I would quite like both of them. They both in my opinion are level-headed. Taishin can seem chaotic at times, but I feel he deeply considers his every action and when he does something, he means it. Same with Takara, minus the chaotic part lol. They don't act in vain, and I appreciate their ability to be honest with themselves. They make a lovely couple and suit each other well.

I think this was certainly an interesting and enjoyable watch. The episodes one week at a time.. some things may be frustrating. But this show as a package.. yes, I recommend this a lot.

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7 days ago
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
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Stands out amongst the normies

So, I've seen almost every JBL there is to see. Here are the two things I hate the most about these stories: problems mainly based on miscommunication, and main characters who have a broom up their a** (french expression to say they are super stiff, don't know how to act or to speak out their mind). These two things were very present in "Our Dining Table" (which I hated, partly for these reasons), so I honestly didn't expect much from this drama. And given how it started, I thought I was going to hate it, but it won me over episode after episode.

Let's start with what people have criticized the most: Taishin.
I see where everyone's coming from. This guy has an annoying voice, cries all the time, acts like a child when he's a whole 19 yo, and, on top of all, changes school to stalk a complete stranger he met once and makes his whole life about that guy.
I agree with a lot of people that it is weird/toxic. It's also pretty ironic after how well they handled the old stalker guy chapter: They gave us the awesome message that even if someone only wants the best for you, it doesn't make it ok for them to follow you around. And then there is a whole Taishin doing the exact same thing and the only times it's adressed are when Takara calls him weird (like twice and they never mention it again).
Now, I would have been pissed by it too but here is the thing: Taishin is clueless to everything. The writers have decided to make him an actual adult child who doesn't even know that homosexuality exists before Takara mentions it. He thinks that life is simple, everyone is nice, and everything is fun to discover, etc... like an actual child. The director decided to make him more of a caricature, so people either hate or love it, but I think it works well because they left no gray area around his characterization.
Also, although he has all these personnality traits that can be annoying, he also has a few nice traits that got me to like him. Like how he speaks his mind all the time (no communication problem, yay!) and how he has hobbys and friends!!! The insane amount of Japanese romances where the main character doesn't have any hobby, interest, or any intention of interracting with other people than the love interest really itches me each time. Taishin likes his bird, hiking, is close to his family, cares about making friends and actually interacts with his friend group. I know it sounds like my standard are very low but it really changes the dynamics a lot. At last, yeah he cries a lot, but he is also super smily and that's just so adorable.

Now onto Takara.
He is your regular, handsome and mysterious love interest that is too cool to talk to mc at first but will fall in love while staying cool and oh god never show too much of his feelings.
Yeah, I'm not fond of this kind of characterization. I didn't really mind it because it's so common I'm used to it by now, but also because he had a great developpment. I like how he actually let himself be seduced little by little by Taishin although he didn't fall in love with him at first sight like in 90% of jbls where the more masculine figure falls in love first. At first he is weirded out and then he finds himself attracted to the small things Taishin does, never anything crazy, so it makes their love very sweet, simple and pure.
1 thing that bothere me about him though: He said twice that he was afraid he'd do something Taishin doesn't like because, just like his mother, when he wants something he doesn't let go. But not a single time did he hurt Taishin because of this. Like, yeah he was nonchalant, yeah he ignored Taishin at first because that's what he does with most people, but none of this has to do with the fact that he doesn't let go of what he wants. And he is actually super nice with Taishin throughout the whole show in his own way. The only moment we see a glimpse of him reaching for what he wants is that scene when he says it for the first time and almost kisses Taishin (very hot btw, mind you) and when he collects marbles, which is totally harmless. There's this thing in screenwriting called "show, don't tell" and I think they messed it up with Takara's characterization because he keeps saying he's a bad guy but never acts like it even once.

But in the end I think I actually got to like him because of their dynamic as a couple. I'm so happy we got to see them grow and spend time together as a couple where in most shows we have to wait until the last episode for them to get together and then we never know how they actually work. And although they are a bit distant at the beginning, they are far from having brooms up their a** (love that expression) as they actually act like a couple and don't hesitate to make move on each other.

That spin off wrapped it up perfectly, giving us the satisfaction of knowing that they won't let go of each other but still leaving space for a second season (I'll be praying lol). I just didn't get the point of the girl who wrote about them. I wish they had split it in two episode so that we'd actually know more about her and get to follow her a bit longer along her info-fishing adventure. It overall felt rushed and unecessary with how little she appeared.

So, overall, I don't think this JBL is revolutionary, I'm probably not going to rewatch it but it was a nice and sweet journey that made me look forward to mondays for a few weeks!

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