Five teenagers join the prestigious Philippine Forest Camp for a chance to travel the world. As they navigate this journey, they unearth far more than exotic landscapes. Amidst the lush greenery, they discover their inner strengths and passions while gaining insight into pressing environmental issues. A frustrated teen beauty queen named Skye joins the forest camp, wishing to redeem herself from a viral beauty pageant scandal. In the camp, she teams up with Rashid (a Muslim youth leader), Morena (an island lass who wants to be a marine scientist), Champ (an aspiring track-and-field athlete), and Sunshine (a smart but insecure vlogger). Together, they face exciting challenges and a series of treasure hunts to be the official Forest Ambassadors or ForAms who will travel worldwide to promote reforestation and forest conservation. (Source: Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: A Thousand Forests
- Also Known As:
- Genres: Drama
Cast & Credits
- Chai FonacierCrystal FloresSupport Role
- Dominic OchoaBani GualbertoSupport Role
- Cai CortezLovely TolentinoSupport Role
- Jeffrey HidalgoDiego VillanuevaSupport Role
- Rolando InocencioIbrahim AhmedSupport Role