The series follows Tomura, a young screenwriter whose promising career in the television industry collapses after he is falsely accused of causing a fatal accident during the production of a TV show. Branded as a "murderous writer" and ostracized, he finds himself at rock bottom. One day, he meets Akizawa, a producer who praises his creative ideas and offers him an opportunity to contribute to a mysterious "death game" project. Akizawa reveals she is part of a secret organization, Dreamia, that orchestrates deadly games for indebted individuals as a last hope for redemption. Although conflicted, Tomura ultimately joins Dreamia, where he meets an eclectic group of colleagues. As he navigates this dark new world, Tomura struggles with his guilt and begins using his role to seek revenge on those who wronged him. (Source: Japanese = KTV || Translation = MyDramaList) Edit Translation
- English
- Español
- Português (Brasil)
- 한국어
- Native Title: デスゲームで待ってる
- Also Known As: Desu Geemu de Matteru
- Screenwriter: Suwa Masashi
- Genres: Thriller, Drama
Where to Watch Death Game de Matteru
Cast & Credits
- Hyuga WataruTomura TakumaMain Role
- Umezawa MinamiAkizawa NagomiSupport Role
- Namioka KazukiSetouchi TsuneSupport Role
- Hamatsu TakayukiOsanai SosukeSupport Role
- Miyama KarenKino MadokaSupport Role
- Komiya HironobuKonishiSupport Role