Based on the manga "Speed Master" by Kishi Torajirou. Akahoshi is a drifter with great car knowledge who travels from town to town aimlessly until he starts working at Sakurai Motors. The motor competition in town is tough though, and a battle between the top motor shop in town and Sakurai Motors soon ensues... Edit Translation
- English
- magyar / magyar nyelv
- dansk
- Norsk
- Native Title: スピードマスター
- Also Known As:
- Screenwriter: Kida Norio
- Genres: Action, Drama, Sports
Cast & Credits
- Uchida Asahi Main Role
- Nakamura Shunsuke Main Role
- Kitano Kie Main Role
- Ai Risa Support Role
- Otomo Kohei Support Role
- Wakisaka Shigekazu Support Role