Drama slumps...
A really annoying period that every drama addict unfortunately encounters. As a result of watching Asian Dramas for 3 years now, it's happened to me many times. I started feeling that every drama was predictable and.... *gasp* boring! I ended up not wanting to watch any more dramas... However, these five dramas grabbed me by the foot and dragged me back into the realm of Drama addiction!
Warning: there may be SPOILERS!!!
1. Chinese drama: The Vigilantes in Masks
So to start, this is one of the best dramas that I've seen so far. Before I discovered it, I tried 3 or 4 dramas which disappointing me due to their predictability.I was in the mood for something powerful and full of action and the plot description of this drama included that. Not to mention the heroine is kick-ass and really beautiful to boot.The fighting scenes are really believable and the story is very complex. The characters background are also quite intriguing. Adding on to that, the romance between Ge Xiao(Huo Wallace) and San Niang (Liu Cecilia) is very beautiful and marvelously developed. However, the best thing about this drama is that it keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire drama due to its intensity and quick pace. Definitely a must watch!
2. Taiwanese drama: MARS
Why should you watch this? Well to start it has two of the most popular and talented actors in Taiwanese television, Barbie Hsu (as Qi Luo) and Zhou Vic (as Chen Ling.) At first I didn't want to watch it (due to my drama slump) but a friend of mine convinced (forced!) me. Throughout the entire drama, I felt like I was in a trance. I could not stop watching so I ended up finishing its entire 21 episodes in only 36 hours! I didn't even sleep that night. It was very beautiful, which is why this is one of my favorite dramas of all time now. Its story is very complete and many "crimes" are pointed out in a wonderful fashion. The love story is so beautiful that words can't even describe it. In MARS, Barbie and Vic have one of the best on screen romance that I have ever seen in Taiwanese acting. One thing that "bothered" me was how real everything felt, and when bad things (rape/suicide) happened in the drama I felt incredibly heartbroken and was able to understand the feelings of a victim of those two issues. This drama really got me back into Asian Entertainment quite fast!
3. Japanese drama: Tatta Hitotsu no Koi
Why should you watch this? I'll explain in just a second. Firstly, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi is very cliche. It has 'poor boy meets beautiful rich girl and they fall in love', 'Parents disapprove of the relationship, but in the end true love overcomes every obstacle in its way', and 'someone gets a disease.'
That being said it being cliche is NOT a bad thing, especially since it is so perfectly executed. Tatta Hitotsu no Koi is a classic (aired in 2006) and is truly one of the best dramas in its genre. The acting is flawless and the chemistry between the actors/characters is absolutely astounding.
4. Japanese drama: Lucky Seven
First...it has Eita and Matsumoto Jun in it! It might sound strange, but they have great chemistry together ^^. I really enjoyed watching their bond strengthen through their bickering with each other. Even if it doesn't contain romance, the action and comedy package is enough to help anyone feel satisfied. The acting is great and we have to admit that eye-candy is always welcome, right?
5. Korean drama: Love Rain
Love Rain was the first 2012 drama that I watched. It was really beautiful and demonstrated how the string of fate can play with people. The plot was unique and the acting was very believable.
I loved the story between the parents and I feel like they could even have made that story a standalone drama. To add onto why you should watch this, It was clear that Jang Geun Seok improved his kissing skills and Yoon Ah played her two roles really well(especially considering how different they were: Daughter & Mother). I really loved this drama and I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch something romantic that involves fate and heartwarming love.
So this is it!! I hope you find a drama that will help overcome any drama slumps you may encounter throughout your drama watching career. Don't let drama slumps discourage you!!
Also, tell me what you thought of the article, and what dramas helped pull you out of your previous drama slumps!