by Biba_23, August 16, 2013

Disclaimer: This is going to be my first whack at a drama recap, however so far I've been loving it and therefore, I’ll do my best to bring it justice. Also the sub-title for this episode was my Sherlock inspired nod to another great story. *Double (more relevant) also, for the intents and purposes of this recap Joong Won will be interchangeable with SS (Sir: Sassy/Salty/or Sassafras)-- If enough people complain I promise to revert back to his original character name.

The Masters Sun Episode 3 Recap: The Pink Stiletto

So from where we last we left off, our dynamic duo (SS and Gong Shil) are standing in front of the fancy fountain. We found out last episode that SS’s ghostly girlfriend (Cha Hee Joo) was at least partly responsible for his kidnapping. Woah, talk about betrayals. So with this memory fresh in his mind our SS literally curses at Gong Shil (to be relayed as a message to Hee Joo), calling her a “bad woman.” At this point I doubt he really believes Gong Shil can talk to the dead-- she just seems to bring out the cranky kid in him. And then she proceeds to mark off his angst as longing and love for Hee Joo. Which only further confirms SS’s running theory that Gong Shil is missing a few bolts up in the noggin.
As our pair quickly devolve into the now familiar conversation of Gong Shil’s desperate need to manhandle touch keep in contact with SS; and his adamant refusal to become her “ghost bomb shelter” (though it seems as if SS falls into this banter more readily... hmm). We zoom out to see Kang Woo in the distance watching them.

Cut scene to this Chic Kingdom employee (who has now been dubbed Ms. Chic) as she continues to walk down the long, dark, empty corridor... (Srsly, when was that ever a good idea, really?) She drops her pen and as she bends to pick it up, she spots a designer brand pink stiletto high heeled shoe. Not finding the other pair she decides to check if the lost and found is still open for her to deposit item.

Cue creepy music paired with a shifting noise that jarringly approaching Ms. Chic from behind. Heeby jeeby time, Ms. Chic starts getting paranoid and checks behind her, unable to literally see this beauty:
No, sorry, meant this one that appears a second later:

Yeah, that’s fine I didn't want to sleep tonight anyways. I dub her, the Pink Lady.

Pink Lady continues to follow Ms. Chic to the elevator, moaning, “My shoe...” knocking over signs, getting closer and closer. Ms. Chic starts to panic and bolts for the stairwell, where she trips because the ghost grabs her ankle on the landing. Her crash is heard from the lobby, grabbing the attention of Gong Shil, SS and Kang Woo.

When they get there, there is nothing (including the Pink Lady) there that could have caused her to trip. So in SS fashion, he blames the slippery floor, orders Gong Shil to clean it, and Kang Woo to escort Ms. Chic to the hospital, without batting an eyelash. Situation handled he sees no reason to stay so begins to head out the door. That is, until he overhears Kang Woo and Gong Shil’s convo:

Is our big bad Sir Salty jealous??
pfft, khuh, che,! ^^
As he walks towards the garage with Secretary Kim, Kim mentions something that’s suddenly come up, still kind of grumpy he insists that he drive himself home, despite Kim’s expressed concern. A moment later in the parking lot we discover why as it seems that SS’s dyslexia extends to the symbols on his car keys. He opens the trunk and locks it in his attempts to get the thing open. D’aww
So as we leave him to figure that out, Gong Shil’s finished cleaning the area and notices the Pink Stiletto, abandoned by Ms. Chic during her fall, in the corner. Exhibiting her own cuteness, she wistfully tries it on as she thinks of potentially normal-er days. Unfortunately it doesn’t last long, as Gong Shil CAN see the Pink Lady creeping towards her on the stairs.

Oh there you are mini-heart attack, Gong Shil makes a mad dash for the elevator and Pink Lady does a pretty decent Ringu impression by statically crawling (and then clopping with her one-shoed foot) after her. Gong Shil makes the elevator, and after another jump the door’s close just before the Pink Lady gets in. But the elevator. Won’t. Move.

Cut to Joong Won finally in his car trying to puzzle out his GPS. cute.

Back on the third floor, the ghost enters the elevator and continues to freak out Gong Shil. She’s a quivering mess when she gets to the parking lot and literally runs into SS’s window, begging him to open the door. He refuses, and waves his hand in front of his face telling her to beat it, starting to drive away.
Gong Shil cowers and tenses as the Pink Lady limps closer. Noticing her still standing in the lot through his side mirror, SS changes his mind about abandoning her completely like he did in the last two episodes (hooray for baby steps)

When he approaches her, she clings to him in a vice grip visibly still shaking, and he seems affected. The have a moment. The audience has a moment. Mid moment though, we cut to the security surveillance room, where a security officer, who will be dubbed Tweedle 1 spots Gong Shil and SS in their embrace in the parking lot.

Cut scene to an on-impact-death car accident. The on scene detective seems to be leaning towards a drunk driving incident, because, the victim that’s being carted away into the ambulance had been driving with only one (you guessed it) pink high heeled shoe. I mean who else does that? 

Flash forward to the hospital E.R. where Kang Woo is shooed out during Ms. Chic’s medical screening. We follow him as he goes outside. 
Immediately behind him, later Tae Yi Ryung (the model who got left at the altar and with history with Gong Shil) “sneaks” out of the hospital, going to her car and attempts to climb to the open sunroof of her car in 6-7 inch heels, Kang Woo stops her until he recognizes her and she explains  her need for the money left in her car.
Kang Woo sighs yet suavely hoists himself over and into the car, to retrieve 1000 won. (a.k.a. not much) scene cuts to him buying her some soju and snacks from a convenience store and after questioning her reasons for hiding out in a hospital he dismisses himself, declining her offer to repay him, as well as getting her phone number. Awww snap!

Back at the hospital, Pink Lady’s husband arrives, and after confirming her body he proceeds to wail over her death. (Notice I don’t say cry..)

Gong Shil and SS arrive at the hospital and he asks her if she’s sure this is the hospital of the dead shoe owner. She confirms but he questions her sense as she decided to wear a tissue box on the bare foot that had tried on the pink stiletto. She reassures him that the box is sturdy and she’s fine. Full of doubt he promises that he’ll admit her into the hospital himself if her shoe story doesn’t check out.

Entering the E.R. it only takes a moment for Gong Shil to find the Pink Lady’s body. As her gurney is being wheeled passed them, the pink stiletto still on her foot drops. As does SS’s jaw in shock.

Just kidding. One does not simply... expect Joong Won to gape.

Though he seems decidedly disturbed. As they leave, Gong Shil in her enthusiasm to share her fears with a potential believer of her woes, is puppy like in her enthusiasm to reenact how the the Pink Lady chased after her. Freaking SS out (aww a scared SJS) he childishly refuses to look at her as pretends to be a ghost he now believes in  (but would never admit to of course).

He finally relents to her fears and acknowledges their potential source, but refuses to hear anymore, stoutly taking the “lalala, I can’t hear you, so it’s not real” approach.

Cut scene to Secretary Kim, Uncle and Aunt talking about how SS by his very character sizes up people’s personal worth to him before allotting them his time accordingly. Secretary Kim insists this is the process he’d follow for finding a wife, so his aunt shouldn’t worry about dead girls past.

Return to SS faced with unconventional person with supernatural value. As they head back inside to give Pink Lady’s husband the other shoe, SS objectively asks her about these ghosts and what they tell her and ask her to do. She answers with all the sentimentality the job entails (i.e. conveying last words, final wishes of the deceased). They spot the husband.

Before they can get him the shoe however, he walks off into an adjacent hallway to take a phone call, they follow but hold back as they realize that the Sleazebag (another moniker for Pink Lady’s husband) is laughing and seems gladdened by the death of his wife.

Angry that sleazebag seems so happy she gets ready to storm back in there to let him know about his watching wife when SS refuses to go back with her. She stops abruptly and in response to her confusion he tells her point blank, her useless ghost ventures aren’t profitable to him and so therefore they, like her are useless to him. Oh, and he also tells her to go take care of her face. xP (Because that’s totally going to fix everything)

She takes the tissue box walk of shame to the bus stop despairing that she doesn’t have enough bus money before she turns and snaps at the ghost next to her not to pester her for favors without having something profitable (clearly still depressed over SS’s last words before he left her).

Back at the hospital parking lot, SS beeps his car door open just to have the trunk accidently pop open again instead. (So I have an old fashioned car and I’m not an expert on tech stuff but are there really that many words and buttons on a car key??) As he goes to close the trunk he realizes he did have extra shoes he could have loaned to Gong Shil, he also spot a tissue box and is surprised at how accurate Gong Shil’s “sturdy and comfortable” description of the DIY shoes are... until the box breaks.

Back on the streets Gong Shil is dragging herself to the bus stop in her now just as busted tissue box shoe, when who is to spot her but our man in black? Kang Woo salutes the service of her tissue box shoe and offers to get them a cab. Gong Shil happily accepts.

But now knowing the weakness of the box SS drives along the path to the bus stop, ignoring his infernally annoying GPS in order to get her his spare shoes. (guilty conscience?) Not seeing her he huffs and relents to the GPS directions, unaware that a single tissue from the box left behind clings to his car.

Back in the hospital the detective on the Pink Lady’s case inform the Sleazebag and the Pink Lady’s mother about the possibility of the accident not being an accident. The grief stricken mother weeps and the Sleazebag consoles. Cut scene to Sleazebag walking outside the hospital inquiring over the phone about the missing shoe. It seems gone, and so he tosses the shoe he has into the trashcan.

Back at the Gong Shil and Kang Woo’s apartment, under the guise of a cautious employee not wanting to snag the boss’s woman, Kang Woo tries to siphon the nature of her relationship with SS. As he heads up the stairs Gong Shil’s Kingdom Cafe Friend (Cafe Eunni) comes into the apartment as well.
Once inside her own apartment, Gong Shil and Cafe Eunni get talking, Cafe Eunni figures getting a man (or more specifically a man’s ki/energy) will do her spiritual self some good, if not the out of reach SS, then the literally close at hand resident in 404. As she leaves she advises Gong Shil to sleep, but Gong Shil refuses for fear of becoming possessed in her state of unconsciousness. (Ahhh! So here’s a reason she fears sleep that makes a little more sense)

Next day we find SS making rounds around all the leaseholders of his mall, shaking hands with the highest selling stores and basically dissing the struggling ones, being his sassy self the whole way through. They come across Sleazebag’s store, and despite it’s high ranking and seeming loyalty to his Kingdom [anyone else pick up that he always says ‘my Kingdom’? fitting ;)] SS informs his staff to not trust him.

Down at the coffee shop, Cafe Eunni, Tweedle 1 and his confidant Tweedle 2 discuss the Pink Lady’s story. To the world, they seemed a happy couple, always coming back from weekend hiking trips.. 

Pink Lady stood to inherit a big fortune from her mom as her only daughter.. now if something happens to the mother, Sleazebag lands a jackpot. But the trio seem to dismiss it as too sinister for the husband/ business owner they know to work in the mall. Gong Shil joins them, having heard their conversation she tries to consult Cafe Eunni on whether she should risk looking crazy for calling a seemingly good man rotten.

Tweedle notices and recognizes Gong Shil from the cctv footage and offers to pick up a dropped canister for the spooked Cafe Eunni. (His idea of schmoozing friends of the possible future boss lady)

Gong Shil continues to investigate finding the hallway the shoe was originally dropped and trying to reenact the scene to figure out what happened. SS finds her on the floor and obtusely denies knowing or caring about what she’s doing. Yet he still crouches down to her level (“안 궁금해” “not interested” my foot) It’s here when a woman walks past them. In. the. same. pink. heels. Gong Shil chases after the women and SS gets mad about seeing “something unnecessary, again.”

Gong Shil spies the women walking into the closed shop owned by the Sleazebag, only to see the Sleazebag himself follow the woman into the closed shop. 

Gong Shil proceeds to have a flashback vision of Pink Lady’s memories of that night. 

Pink Lady watched her husband making out with that woman. The longer she watched, the worse it got. 

Basically the hiking trips taken every weekend were for appearance and and consistency for when he planned to kill her and make it look like an accident. It’s mid laugh after stating his intentions that he spots her, wide-eyed, through the shop window.

She runs for her life. He chases after her. 

As she tries to drive away (in a car that makes me wonder about her “fortunes”) she crashes her car fantastically into a giant metal thing sticking out of a truck. Now I’m no fan of gore, but that thing should have at least skewered her entire face..

(side note: this all happened the same night the episode started on; anyone else wondering why there were so many people in the building after hours? Or what the heck Tweedle 1 was doing up in security?)

Back to present Gong Shil is trying to process the poor Pink Lady’s story when she overhears that woman and Sleazebag talk openly about the demise of his mother-in-law, Pink Lady’s mom.
“Arrrgh! I’m a pirate!”

Just kidding, next scene has SS eyeing the growing Giant Mall across the street through his golden telescope and as he and Secretary Kim discuss Dahlia (the store Sleazebag owns), Gong Shil’s name comes up as SS finds out that the woman she followed was a Dahlia employee.

Next scene Pinky’s mom comes to give her son-in-law a packed lunch since she has no daughter to give it to now. Sleaze that he is, he keeps up the charade and even has the gall to suggest that they go hiking together “just like Yoon Hee (resident Pink Lady) used to love.”
In walks Gong Shil, who whips out the missing shoe, freaking out the mistress and the Sleazebag, but by swiping one of the mistress’s shoes he’s able to discredit Gong Shil’s claims, even pulling out some waterworks as he demands she be thrown out before anything else is revealed. 

The commotion that ensues draw’s Kang Woo’s attention from camera central. As the fuss gets bigger the two guards on duty (the Tweedles) look adorably conflicted. (Those guys have the potential for comic relief gold)

Tae Yi Ryung who is also there also recognizes Gong Shil. Crowd gathers and Gong Shil is shoved to the floor.

In walks (or rather is panned in by camera) Joong Won! Yay! He tells Gong Shil to get off the floor (because she’s not crazy) and proceeds to dismember Sleazebag’s story by producing the shoe that was tossed at the hospital. When the other woman is revealed as well, the mother-in-law realizes what he’s done and faints. Now that he’s realized he’s done for Gong Shil goes in for the final blow. Like a BAUCE.
Then with heels in hand Gong Shil and the mother give Yoon Hee a final farewell.

As everyone disperses Tae Yi Ryung spots Kang Woo. Who quickly disables her in a self defense lock as soon as she grabs his arm. But she barely gets his name before he dismisses himself to get to the scene. Leaving Yi Ryung speechless, yet again.
Kang Woo arrives at Dahlia to find only the Tweedles; he finds out that SS came down personally and already took care of it. What surprises him further is the worries of the Tweedles as they walk away wondering if they were too rough on Gong Shil, who Tweedle 1 is SURE in a relationship with SS. (Aw a confused Kang Woo reminds my of a Reply 1997 YYJ, but I digress)
Up in SS’s office, Gong Shil thanks SS for helping her out even though he says he didn’t believe in any of it. He tells her that it wasn’t like that, and that it was purely revenge for a sleazebag that went to Giant Mall behind his back, his Kingdom.

He also mentions what he saw when his infernal GPS took him back in the hospital that garnered the suspicion of said sleazebag. To which Gong Shil reminds him that there are other forces at work around them. SS is thoroughly spooked and even jumps and stares at a spot Gong Shil fearfully looks towards. Yep, hook, line, and sinker SS can’t ignore the fact that he believes.

Struck by inspiration Gong Shil thinks that if she can alert SS of the presence of Hee Joo (dead kidnapping girlfriend) then Gong Shil will be valuable enough to stay by his side. She giggles away out of his office while SS is lost in thoughts of possibly meeting Hee Joo again.
We come to a scene now between SS’s aunt and uncle. who discuss the day’s events. Seems that the aunt was the rich wife in their relationship. She warns him against leaving her like the Sleazebag did, and that if he even thought about it he'd be done; to which his corny reply is (in English) “I see only you” and “never.” (honestly was not expecting these two to be cute, lol)

Downstairs at the Cafe, Tweedle 1 invites Gong Shil and Cafe Eunni to the security guards’ after-work-staff-dinner (hwe-shik). Gong Shil hesitantly agrees after her Eunni convinces her that Kang Woo will be there and that she won’t have to drink any alcohol.

One hwe-shik later she’s gotten a headache from one accidentally alcohol laced coke. Oh Tweedle 1...
As the dinner winds down she mentions to Kang Woo, that, the reason she doesn’t drink is because she sometimes becomes a different person. He tries to reassure her that it is normal and happens to every body, but she insists.

Back in his office, SS is reminiscing about Hee Joo.

Joong Won and Hee Joo on a jungle gym. He asks her if the reason she likes him is for his wealth and she hesitates. He’s offended and calls her out on it only to receive the response that, had she not hesitated he’d have been more insulted. Implying that basically, it was because of his money. He gets angry and adorably starts stomping off until she calls him back, punning his name (Joo Joong One, two, three). Super corny but seems to be a weak spot of his.

End Flashback.

And with that, present day SS has had enough and decides to go home.

Stumbling a distance away also heading home is a slightly drunk and VERY tired Gong Shil. She spots him, separated by the entrance glass doors... and Ghost Hee Joo. Awww Maan~

In other news, Kang Woo is updating his Phone on Gong Shil as a person of interest with regards to SS. Though he doesn’t look super happy about it..


Possessed Gong Shil goes to SS’s house.

Seeing her at his house with his nerves already wracked sets him off on a tiff and he doesn’t notice Gong Shil’s lack of fear. Not even his Fabio-approved-sleeves can calm him. 
Just as he’s about to leave her standing outside, she recites those same corny lines only Hee Joo would know.. He turns to confront her, asking what she is.

Full circle she reminds him of his message to her at the beginning of the episode.

"I'm that Bad Women you hate."

El Fin.
