by Biba_23, September 8, 2013

Masters Sun Episode 7 Recap
Aigoo, this episode gets a little heavy-handed (literally) but all ends well... ish... for almost-- I’mma stop  and let the Recap commence, here we go!

Scene 1  opens with this playing in the background: (For reading accompaniment, and the feeels this Epic-ly heart wrenching ost gives me)

We last left Joong Won and Gong Shil in the furniture store. Realizing his position (inches away from her sleeping face) he, in Joong Won fashion, wakes Gong Shil by slapping the back of her hand.

Gong Shil wakes scared but relaxes at Joong Won’s presence next to her, basking in the relief his presence brings, all the while manhandling nuzzling cuddling his arm. She says that she wishes she could sleep next to him a while longer, but  Joong Won reminds her of her “plans” with Candy Kang.

Joong Won (with stony face in place) heads out first. Aww jealous Joong Won is jealous.

Gong Shil reaches Joong Won waiting outside, and offers him one of a pair of fans the furniture store owner handed her on her way out. Omo couple fans? But the Sassy Won refuses to be “paired” with her in anything couple-ey.

He  refuses to give her a ride, reminding her that it’s her fault he almost got shot that day and he’s too tired to give her a ride to her date with Kang Woo.  Suuure, that’s why you don’t wanna do it.

He establishes a “Tae Gong Shil Zone” and insists that their relationship, like the zone must be strictly practical, and that his mouth ears and eyes aren’t required for their agreement. “You scare me more, Tae Gong Shil.” He drives off with Sec. Kim. (Seriously Sad)

Joo Joong Two! I mean Scene 2:

Gong Shil gets to the theater and runs into Yi Ryeong leaving the theater.  We find out via flashback that Kang Woo told Yi Ryeong that he was basically doing a background check on people close to Joong Won (i.e. Gong Shil) because his employer’s looking to protect him.

Gong Shil rushes inside, apologizing for her tardiness, but Kang Woo’s mood seems off due to his encounter with Yi Ryeong.
Seems like the double agent life is getting rough on him.                   LUCKYYYYYYY~

Cut scene to Joong Won in his apartment with Sec. Kim, who learns that Joong Won not only told Gong Shil about his super-secret-trauma-induced dyslexia, but trusted her enough to let her read the details of a document he signed,

Well played Kim. Well played. But then he speculates that the date is probably going swimmingly if she hasn't called to check on her boss. To which the Sassy Won becomes the Sour Won. Sec. Kim leaves.

Joong Won goes to bed but can’t sleep. Wonder why? Someone you like on a date with someone else?

Really? A park by the Han River light-show Bridge that’s in like EVERY romance movie/drama ever? The one only visited by couples at night?… okay Woo, whatever you say… ^^

We find out that Gong Shil actually almost drowned in the Han River in an accident involving her sister and fried chicken. Of course this is when we run into Mr. Afro Ghost Runner, who follows them until Gong Shil agrees to give him his last race.

Unable to lose the ghost, she asks for drinks from a distant vendor to preoccupy Kang Woo, and then gives the ghost his race.

Ghost satisfied  Gong Shil rushes to find Kang Woo and they go to watch the light show.

But Joong Won feigns disinterest, insisting that this is a business call about the show she was supposed to have watch with Kang Woo.
She thanks him for calling, to which he tells her to get los-- hang up.  Awww. This phone call was sooo cute!

Speaking of cute we next find ourselves in the room of the two brothers and crazy creepy doll from the park.
Seung Joon seems to get worse in the night so his brother, wakes Gong Shil to look after him while he rushes to get their mom. Mom rushes in and takes them to the hospital. On the stairwell the ghost kids give up the idea that Seung Joon can join them. Gong Shil spots them and chases them back into the doll’s room.


The next day Gong Shil brings the doll of apparent death with her to Joong Won’s office. He automatically offers her his arm when she mentions the kid ghosts, but when she doesn’t need it, he quickly recovers and tells her to *wave hand in face* “get lost."

JW:Tae Yang, WTH?? 

He confronts her. Asking her why she’s putting something dangerous in his office, when he almost got shot yesterday. And why she doesn’t have the common decency to inquire about his well being after such an event.                                                                huh.. when you say it like that…uhh..                                         Nice save.

When he asks why she didn't go to Kang Woo. She says she doesn’t want to trouble him,  D’oh! And she was doing so well![b] [/b]
He tells her to get lost. She takes the doll, but leaves the pills. As she leaves the office Sec. Kim gives her  a yellow file on the missing necklace and Hee Joo to help her.

Back in her ghost room office, she places the folder in her desk drawer and proceeds to interrogate the doll. Yelling at it the exact moment Kang Woo enters. He calls her out on talking to inanimate objects but dismisses it as imagination and creativity.
Okay, this kid is clearly smitten beyond reason. “Having a nice conversation with your coffee” Yep totally logical leap.

Later in Joong Won's office, Sec. Kim’s cough becomes unbearable. The solution: Gong Shil take over Sec. Kim’s duties for the day. 

She talks about her past. Since Gong Shil's been able to see ghosts, she began ignoring the the news. She proceeds to tell Joong Won about an artist who won an international prize by stealing his dead friend’s work. Before she spills the beans however, he tells her he’d rather be ignorant and appreciate the news point blank.
In Uncle Joo’s office we find out that Joong Won seems to hate his father. Switch to Aunt Joo’s coffee meeting with Yi Ryeong and we learn about  the rumor that Joong Won’s father might have failed to pay the ransom, and therefore gotten Hee Joo killed. What kind of father indeed. 

Enter mysterious father:

Aaand it’s totally the guy who’s been feeding Kang Woo orders! Dun dun dun! Turns out Poppa’s got suspicions that Joong Won did  see the culprits of his kidnapping but is keeping his mouth shut. 

Switching back to the security room at Kingdom, Kang Woo becomes aware of Gong Shil’s new position as fill in secretary. He continues to watch her on the monitors. And so too, do we tune into our main couple’s activities.

Gong Shil is in awe over how much work Joong Won actually does. They enter a board meeting. As the meeting goes on, it becomes apparent that there is a ghost in the room haunting Gong Shil. Joong Won pulls another (more subtle) knight in shining army move by walking over to her and putting his hand on her shoulder. But when the meeting stalls due to his out of the ordinary actions, he simply ignores them. LIKE A BAUCE.

Back in his office, she apologizes for putting him in an awkward position ( So the girl CAN learn!) but he shrugs it off (LIKE A BAUCE) saying that he was doing his part to uphold their bargain so it was nothing. She seems to have done a satisfactory job because he then allows her to touch his golden telescope.

Gong Shil jumps back. Joong Won thinks it’s a ghost, so she kinda fudges it and says no but that she's just remembering the ghost from the meeting.

She clings to this concept of Joong Won as concrete to give herself a way to calm her growing feelings for him. She apologizes for his concrete status and dubs him marble. Annoyed that she completely missed the point, he stomps over to her and effectively traps her against the wall. Omo! xD

What a guy gotta do to get a girl to understand? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xDD

They proceed to the mall floor. Where they are being watched by Kang Woo. Yi Ryeong spots him, and tries to strike up a conversation.
But in his spite Kang Woo calls Yi Ryeong out on her crush for him (Oh Snap!) and calls her uglier in person then in her photos. (Double Snap!) Leaving her baffled.
At the childrens’ day event we see this child go up to his mother to crying about his bag. Instead of consoling the child, or trying to help look for the bag she coldly tells him to go find it. Meanwhile, the creepy doll’s been activated and as the kid searches for his bag, the ghost kids find him.  *Shivers* I don’t like where this is going.

Gong Shil sees the the boy with the doll and his mother are leaving the mall and fears for the boy’s safety. She seeks out Kang Woo, who helps i.d. the women as a current employee of Kingdom, handily getting her the woman’s address. He suggests they go get the doll together after work, but she declines, insisting on leaving immediately. Confused, Kang Woo worries about her new job. Suspicious yet lover boy?

Gong Shil goes to Joong Won to tell him her plans, but he makes her call the home first. The answering woman is just as rude to Gong Shil on the phone; denying the existence of the doll and criticizing them for her son’s lost bag before hanging up. 

Joong Won advises her against going and refuses to be dragged along.

At the child’s home  the woman takes an umbrella to the child’s back as punishment. The doll can be seen crying in the corner as the boy is brutally beaten. It seems as if they’ve swapped one terrifying idea (of a possessed clown doll) for another, more horrendous one (child abuse).

Back at Kingdom Gong Shil is sulking in her office when Kang Woo enters with the child’s missing bag. He offers again to go with her after work to and to also buy a better doll for the boy as an exchangeShe goes through the bag absentmindedly wondering if the mom will let her in if she has the bag. She flips open his drawing tablet.

Up in the CEO’s office, Joong Won and his aunt are discussing buying from a globally recognized native Korean artist. Unfortunately, Gong Shil’s words about the phony artist keeps him from agreeing to buy anything and in his frustration he seeks her out.

He barges into her office but finds that she is gone. He comes across the child’s drawing tablet.

The scenes go back to Gong Shil sneaking into the apartment and walking past a broken umbrella left on the floor. She spots the doll housing the ghost children and asks them where the little boy, Chang Min is.

Okay guys I’m a sucker for little kids so these scenes were particularly heartbreaking. PSA: Child abuse, heck ANY abuse, is NOT cool. But props to the drama people for dealing with the issue seriously.

The woman comes and yanks him away but Gong Shil wrestles Chang Min back, injuring herself in the process. As she leaves she meets Joong Won heading towards the apartment with a set expression on his face. Seeing the injured boy he takes him from her and together they go to the hospital. Once the boy is being treated they head outside.

So the doll wasn’t evil after all, but rather  the final guardian for the children who fell through the cracks.

But the saving of Chang Min allows the children to pass on peacefully. 

Back at Kingdom Kang Woo passes by a stand selling dolls based off the dinosaur character Dooly. And because they’re dinosaurs or Gong Ryeongs, the Pink one is punnily named Gong Shil. HA! Okay Hong Sisters I see you ^^.
(Somehow the idea of a grown Kang Woo still watching cartoons like Dooly makes me smile xD)

Symbolism not lost on Dooly Kang Woo, he immediately buys one of each. He goes into her office acting cuter than an excited puppy and places the Gong Shil doll inside her desk drawer. He notices an odd yellow file but in his good mood ignores it.  Can he get any cuter??

Before Gong Shil and Joong Won can leave the hospital, they are arrested by cops sent by Chang Min's mom. Gong Shil tenses up but Joong Won nods calmly and they follow the police to the station. Sec. Kim runs into Aunt Joo and Yi Ryeong on his way to get Joong Won out of jail. 

As they wait for Sec. Kim Gong, Shil tries to reassure him that the situation isn’t all that bad. That she’d already been put there multiple times before, even offering to get him the decent soup available to the detainees. But Joong Won doesn’t even blow his top! (I call that progress) Sec. Kim stops by the hospital. LOL ROFL
(And just when you think Sec. Kim can’t get anymore awesome, he lightly whacks the woman on her forehead.) 

Kang Woo finds out from Yi Ryeong that Joong Won is in jail and rushes away before Yi Ryeong can ask if he wants to go together. This girl just keeps striking out.
Sec. Kim gets to the jail and gives Joong Won an update. And it seems like Gong Shil isn’t getting bail. Desperately Gong Shil tells him of a scary ajhumma ghost next to her. Joong Won stoically offered his arm, but then quickly leaves her in the cell.

Outside (so she was let out) Gong Shil thanks Joong Won but he stops her when he notices her injury. Getting angry he commands tells her to follow him to the hospital. As they’re leaving though, Kang Woo (and Yi Ryeong from a distance) spot them as they drive away in Joong Won's car. Oh no!

Kang Woonded goes back to her office to take back the doll, when he remembers the file. Frustrated and confused over Gong Shil, he has no qualms about digging into the file. Upon finding pictures of Cha Hee Joo and the necklace he thinks back and comes to the conclusion that Gong Shil was a threat all along and that he had foolishly been played.

Gong Shil and Joong Won are walking through a park after she gets treated. In a giving mood he even accepts her offer of the “couple” fans without complaint. When she grabs her head in sudden pain, his face is instant worry and he grabs her hand before she looks up.

She tells him it was just a side effect of her injury but points out that he gave her his hand, instead of the “Tae Gong Shil Zone.” He throws in the towel; 'because his body has already been ruined, she can continue using it.' Unsure Gong Shil is reluctant in case he changes his mind. But he’s adamant, telling her to think of it as a reward for her job well done.

He then basically confesses that he’s already “gone all the way” with Gong Shil and that she has her place by his side. He won’t fight “it” anymore. He offers her his hand. She reaches for his cheek instead. Asking if he truly feels nothing when she touches him like that. He responds by asking her if she truly thinks he’s just a bunker made of marble.
                He drops his fan.                                             Grabs her hand.                           And places it over his heart!! Omo! <3

“You know that it can’t possibly be true.”

Commence squeals of joy! 
