
Me! Me! Me!

I could probably host it, too. 

Great ^^

Let's do a roll call! How many would be interested in a marathon next weekend (23-24th of January), and what time zones are you in? I'm in  CET, so if I'm hosting it, it will be during hours when I'm awake. 

I suppose we could switch things up a bit and watch the Crunchyroll version, since it's complete now and also in really good HD (if that's possible to do via Kosmi), but otherwise I have the Irozukusubs episodes on my pc. 

I'm in  UTC+1 and I am in no matter what time . I got no problem if we'll be watching crunchyroll version, I also like the quality. 

Thank you Aprillen  for planning this ^^


Let's do a roll call! How many would be interested in a marathon next weekend (23-24th of January), and what time zones are you in? I'm in  CET, so if I'm hosting it, it will be during hours when I'm awake. 

I suppose we could switch things up a bit and watch the Crunchyroll version, since it's complete now and also in really good HD (if that's possible to do via Kosmi), but otherwise I have the Irozukusubs episodes on my pc. 

Aprillen have you decided the exact time you'll start hosting for tomorrow's  watch party??

Uh, sorry! Time flies... I guess I was waiting for more imput on the time zones, but since most people seem to be in CET or adjacent I guess we can start early? I still have to figure out how to stream the Crunchyroll videos, but that should be possible by sharing my browser or something. What do people think about 12 noon CET?

That's fine for me and Thank you again ^^

Okay, I just tested it with a friend, and I made it work, so keeping fingers crossed that Kosmi cooperates tomorrow! 

SO:  The next marathon will be on Saturday 23rd of January at 12 noon CET, in Udon's Chamber.
We'll watch episodes 1-7,  streaming the Crunchyroll version this time. 

On Sunday 24th of January, same time, we'll watch episodes 8-12 + the two specials. 

It's easy to join! Just click the link for Udon's Chamber above and then click "Launch", and you are in. No need to sign up; you will be automatically assigned an anonymous animal. 

Hope to see you there!

Thanks for coming today! We'll return tomorrow for episodes 8-12 + specials. See you then in Udon's Chamber!


Thanks for coming today! We'll return tomorrow for episodes 8-12 + specials. See you then in Udon's Chamber!

It was fun thank you for hosting ^^ see you tomorrow