Made this because the CM content was exceeding the allowed size of a discussion post in the original one. I couldn't add anything new anymore. So I have split the content to host the fancontent here. 

If something got copyright striked/removed please warn me so I can remove the link. Youtube links often get caught in copyright strikes. 

Fun CM hashtags: #チェリまほ音楽部 

Content is gathered from Youtube, Bilibili,  Vimeo, Tumblr, Twitter and Weibo. 

Fansubbers CM:

Good fanaccounts CM:

Fanmade video/photo content (warning! spoilers):

Emotional MVs:

Upbeat MVs:

Alternative storyline/AU MVs: 

Safe ones:

More explicit or dark ones (avoid if sensitive)

These are not the worst ones out there, I excluded some that were too much. 

Non-Cherry Magic fanvideos:

Other content:

Fans making pilgrimage to the CM holy sites (recommended tag: #チェリまほ聖地巡礼): 

Music scores and covers:

Funny content:

Reactions to CM:

Reaction videos of episode 11 CM (mostly Chinese):

Reaction videos of episode 9 CM (mostly Chinese): 

Reaction videos of episode 12 CM (mostly Chinese): 

Analysis of the episodes: 

English ones:

Chinese ones:

 Ethan Jacob:

Thank you!

No problem, glad it was helpful!