I have an account but I don't remember my password and getting a new one kinda does not work, don't know why though. Too bad, I wanted to update it but I can't get in :D

Made is some months ago...still working on remebering all the animes i watched.
Man why didnt i find MAL and MDL sooner ? =.=

I have 3 friends on there :D ..Feel free to add me.
I'm actually new here at MDL and saw a familiar forum thread XD. Here's my MAL page: http://myanimelist.net/profile/jay729
I'm not having much time to watch anime and read manga, but... there it is: http://myanimelist.net/profile/hmpensa
TheStampede01 wrote: Kind of embarrassing huge list for me lol, should focus more on my studies


I must agree with you xD
Well mine isn´t that small as well...especially because I have added about only half of allmy MAngas there....
I'm relatively new here, but I've been on MAL for 4+ years now :P

But I'm trying to quit anime and slow down on manga.