This discussion has been initiated with the idea of analyzing the various aspects in drama vs novel . Those whove read the novel can share their inputs.

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The han ting in the novel vs onscreen is so different(in terms of ji xing).

Han ting has been watching out for ji xing since episode 1 . They have the same office building , han ting is having small talk with ji xing in the lift, he's dropping her home in rain.

Doesn't look like he's ever moved on from her. Also from no angle it looks like him & Zeng di ever were a thing.

The one night stand in the novel was not a 10 year crush coming to fruition. It was heat of moment kind of thing. Their love story had a gradual build up.

But now,
Its gonna be a hell lot different.

This is so not the han ting we know.
He's cold and stern and definately not so approachable.

But in terms of events, they're sailing close to the book. So far(E3) its going great. 

The care that Han Ting extends to Ji Xing, initially, in the book is purely from the perspective of a professional looking out for another.  For example, at the dinner event, when he sends Ji Xing away in the book it's because he finds Zeng Di's action - bringing a young, pretty employee to cater to businessmen - unpalatable.  It had nothing to do with romantic interest.

The drama changes that structure by giving the leads a past.  And not just a past where they knew one another, but a past where Han Ting was once romantically interested in Ji Xing and clearly still has lingering, unresolved feelings for her.

As for Zeng Di, the drama has removed the cool, friends with benefits aspect of their relationship and replaced it with one of - she's the daughter of family friends.  Under both structures, she  hankers after Han Ting and will be jealous of Ji Xing.  The end point is the same whether in the book or the drama, in that regard.

Personally, I don't mind these changes.  I was afraid I would, but now that the drama's been released and I've seen through the first 2 eps how the changes are folded in and the story updated, I find that they work and make sense.  I love the book, and that cold/austere/hard Han Ting, but there is no way the first volume could've been adapted as is -- it's too slow of a burn for the small screen.  ;)


The han ting in the novel vs onscreen is so different(in terms of ji xing).

Han ting has been watching out for ji xing since episode 1 . They have the same office building , han ting is having small talk with ji xing in the lift, he's dropping her home in rain.

Doesn't look like he's ever moved on from her. Also from no angle it looks like him & Zeng di ever were a thing.

The one night stand in the novel was not a 10 year crush coming to fruition. It was heat of moment kind of thing. Their love story had a gradual build up.

But now,
Its gonna be a hell lot different.

This is so not the han ting we know.
He's cold and stern and definately not so approachable.

But in terms of events, they're sailing close to the book. So far(E3) its going great. 

One night stand with ji xing?


One night stand with ji xing?

Its news to you since you haven't read the book.

What Han Ting said about the difficulty in startup process and prediction of Ji Xing's failure is brutally true. Thus, it was quite unconvincing in the novel that HT still invested in her company just to avoid competition for his well-established startup. The drama added additional reason for drama Han Ting to invest in her company. That is he had experience with her, understood her compentence and will thus with his business experience and resources the company can survise and her business is somehow suppliment his business.

In the novel, competition with his cousin Han Yuan is one of the reason for his investment on JX's company. However Han Yuan did very conventional medical equipment. She did not have much experience in innovative tech. And she wanted to involve in running the startup.  She had been in charge of Dong Yang Medical for some time but there was no progress in the Doctor Cloud program. And at that point she was not in charge of the Medical & healthcare business. The company that Han Ting invested had 3-5 years ahead, the product passed test, got patent and prize in some events. So he and his company has much higher advantages over Han Yuan + Ji Xing. And because the novel emphasized on the competition aspect when decided to invest in her company, her company made similar product of his hidden company.
The drama made these two as compliment to each other which makes more sense to drive his investment. More reasons probably will be revealed in latter eps. I made this comparison based on the content of the first 5 eps