#韩廷是许凯第一个霸... - @中影小水的微博 - Twitter (weibo.com) 

Xu Kai's Han Ting in "You Are More Beautiful Than Starlight" and Yao Zhiming in "Chenghuan Ji" are both returnee bosses, but the two roles are very different, Yao Zhiming is more down-to-earth, and Han Ting is more extravagant. Let's talk about the differences between the two characters:
1. Original family and personal personality:
 Yao Zhiming's family has experienced ups and downs and had good times, but Yao's father's imprisonment and his own abandonment made him fall into hell for a time and had deep pain. Grandma's wisdom and care are the source of warmth in his heart. He has a very sensitive and afraid side, and a more rebellious side. 
Han Ting's family is very strong, but they never consulted him and directly arranged for him to study abroad within three days. He will be more well-behaved and obedient on the surface, but he will also be more ambitious and strict with himself and others. 
In addition, as soon as he returned to China, he had to fight with his cousin in the company, which also shows that his big family pays more attention to interests and is not emotional. He will be influenced by his family, and his goals and interests are clear, but he still has a warm background and longs for warmth. 
2. Career and interpersonal relationships in his career:
 Yao Zhiming actually relies on his personal diligence and intelligence to climb up, he comes from the bottom, and he will use some gangster techniques to score himself, including a disguised smile on the spot. He is not a typical positive character, he is like a stray cat and has a wild style of play. He has made it to the middle and upper level of the hotel, and he has the side of self-confidence and ease, but there are still many constraints. He will declare "friendship" in the business field, and only he knows how true or false the friendship is. 
Han Ting is the one who stands at the top of the crowd at almost all times, he has better resources, and he has a bigger plan. He has not struggled to survive, and in the crowd, he is naturally a leader, and he is used to giving guidance and guidance, and he is not very good at taking care of other people's feelings. 
In the competition, he is also good at planning and moving, holding high and fighting. Like the board, he came prepared and domineering. For cooperative opponents such as Zhao Gongzi, he also has no hint of pandering. He just plays the game well and plays cards. In his eyes, there is only profit in the business field, and there is no "affection", and he makes no secret of this. 
3. Dress and character behavior
 Yao Zhiming has suits and leather shoes, but more often, he doesn't wear a three-piece suit in the workplace, just a simple suit + shirt, or even a shirt. He was also not strictly dressed in suits, and he often sat at his desk reclining or even half-reclining, and his shirt was a little wrinkled. During meetings, sometimes he even speaks standing up, and his eyebrows are dancing with his subordinates. In life, there are overcoats, but they are also relatively casual. He doesn't care so much about what others think, and he cares more about whether he is comfortable. 
Han Ting always showed rigor and nobility. Most of the time they wear suits and leather shoes, meticulous suits, shirts, ties. The color scheme of the tie and shirt is also carefully matched, delicate, neat and tasteful. Occasionally, on the outside, the coat worn is also very fit, and the inside is still a suit and tie. This person really doesn't let up for a moment. 
When he is in a meeting, he sits upright at the table, sometimes with his hands on the table showing a sense of oppression, and sometimes his hands are very straight in front of his chest. In the office, he always sits upright. When he goes out on the street, he is also calm and steady. The habit of self-discipline that he has cultivated over the years has made him young and old. 
4. Emotional RelationshipsYao
 Zhiming is not easy to really invest in a relationship because he is not so easy to trust people. During the ambiguous period, he won't even think he's in love. If you find yourself in love, you will resist and still want to keep your original track. But when he is really invested in the relationship, he will be more enthusiastic and less rational. 
Han Ting has a sense of distance from everyone, he himself is very good, it is not easy to fall in love with others, if he falls in love with him, he will be very clear. But he was too proud in his heart, and he didn't reply to a text message, so he thought he was rejected and didn't bother anymore. When we meet again, we don't even pretend we don't know. 
After he reunited with Ji Xing, it was obvious that his heart was still throbbing, and he couldn't help but care about her, but he was always very reserved. I want to be with her, and I feel like I'm talking about official business. Even if he gives gentleness, thoughtfulness, and protection to girls, he also has a mask of rationality and restraint, for example, to give advice to girls. 
Although Han Ting and Yao Zhiming are very different, I believe that they both grew up in love, and Yao Zhiming gradually grew into a warmer and more tolerant person with a family in his heart in his interactions with his family and lover. Starlight has only aired a few episodes now, and we don't know Han Ting's growth path yet, but I believe that he will also learn to make himself more relaxed and open in love, and the bowl of wontons he misses, the ordinary and dazzling girl, will make him go down to earth. 
Xu Kai distinguished the two roles well and played them well. Let's continue to watch Han Ting's story!

Xu Kai explains at great lengths how YZM and HT are very different


this is his interview about Han Ting vs. Yao Zhi Ming during the fan meeting in on 4/7/2024


Thanks for sharing xukai's thoughts on both his characters yzm and ht. They both appear similar on the surface but are quite different ^^

love the break down @whoissilmoy !