She might just say the real owner is MuDeoki if they try to kill her

I'm afraid Jin mu might be the one to know the real truth or Naksu/Mu deok before any one else because of this.  And I think in the process of fighting against Jin Mu, Naksu will gain her powers.

Also, what if Naksu is being held off from her powers because of Mu deok? Cause Mu deok who is super powerful is also there in her body, so her powers might have been suppressed.  The lake where soul shifters gets discarded is only for soul shifters right? So when Naksu went inside the lake, she regained her powers cause Mu deok might have been suppressed there since it is the area where Naksu belongs. So in the future eps, I think Naksu will slowly regain her powers.

 Fujihara Tomomi:
Ehhh!! Can you send the link?

This was floating around several times the 1st two week on MDL on but usually got buried in the all of C-drama wars and ratings wars.  I found it very helpful in the beginning to understand the characters.

 Six Minute A0S Preview

3. Still not sure how Naksu is able to survive in MuDeok's body without going wild. The split  soul theory still doesn't have enough proof.

Jin Bu-yeon has been protecting Naksu's soul from the very beginning. Well, almost the very beginning - Naksu's soul was seeping out until she jumped in the lake and experienced a power surge.  I believe that   was JBY's power surge - not Naksu's.  it was JBY ("Mu-deok")  that stood on the beach and pointed the sword at Jang Uk.  Jin Bu-yeon could have kicked Naksu's soul out of her body long ago, but instead she has been keeping her "alive" (or at least her memories) and the burden of maintaining two souls in that "tiny body" has been immense.

It was also clearly JBY's soul that forced the mirror to crack (the jars on the floor mentioned "the blind girl" before the mirror cracked.  

And, of course, it was JBY that saved Jang Uk from Gil-ju's attempt to soul shift.

 Aurora Nebula:
The lake where soul shifters gets discarded is only for soul shifters right?

Just one lake.  It's Lake G. . . . . . .. .{I can't find the precise name right now].  The lake is huge, the water contains "energy" that mage's can harness and the country of Daeho surrounds it.  

Jin Seolran, the blind priestess, her name means an orchid that blooms in the white snow. It represents two seasons -- spring and winter. 

Buyeon and Uk need to come together to accomplish something great. Buyeon has a spiritual twin whose from Jangs. Like they aren't blood related, but their souls are destined to be together. And that's Uk. 

But with this set up, what could be the role of Naksu in the story?

A crazy thought occurred on me. 

What if Naksu was originally from Park family? I have no evidence to support this except (1) Danggu seems unfit as a successor. He isn't a leader, he doesn't have the guts of his uncle. (2) There's some bad blood between Naksu and Park Jin. So there might some plot twist involving them.  

Buyeon and Uk need to come together to accomplish something great. Buyeon has a spiritual twin whose from Jangs. Like they aren't blood related, but their souls are destined to be together. And that's Uk. 

This is what I said several weeks ago when I said I was on Team Jin Bu-yeon - but many people on MDL do not  like this concept because it means that Naksu and Uk are not meant to be together.  


This was floating around several times the 1st two week on MDL on but usually got buried in the all of C-drama wars and ratings wars.  I found it very helpful in the beginning to understand the characters.

 Six Minute A0S Preview

There were 2 scenes that haven't aired yet. One with Cho Yeon and Mu Deok having lunch together. Mu Deok's styling is still too casual. Maybe her identity hasn't been revealed yet, but it seems to be a new arc. Another one someone (his hair was long...PARK JIN?!?!) pointing a sword at Mu Deok.

Jin Seolran, the blind priestess, her name means an orchid that blooms in the white snow. It represents two seasons -- spring and winter. 

Ayayayay, YES!!! Winter and Spring!!! Even 200 years ago, they were pushing this ship hard. XD


This is what I said several weeks ago when I said I was on Team Jin Bu-yeon - but many people on MDL do not  like this concept because it means that Naksu and Uk are not meant to be together.  

Ohh wait...... Bu Yeon- isn't Naksu- ughhhhhh What have we done-

Bu yeon and Uk give me soulmate reincarnation vibes so I'm genuinely curious how this entire naksu angle works out. Technically, we're not even sure if the jin ancestor was actually the jin ancestor, it was during the peak of soul switching chaos so maybe even the jin ancestor housed another soul within her in that battle 200 years ago. Tbh tf was the man doing writing a love letter to a blind person  anyway. How was she going to read it had he sent it? Unless there was a Naksu in her soul and she was also just pretending to be blind? That would also explain why MD facilitated the soul switching with Naksu in the 1st ep. Plus, if she has the power to stop Uk's soul from switching, what's stopping her from removing Naksu's soul from her body? Maybe the fact that she knows this is meant to be? I'm sure MD knows the most out of all the mains out there. In the flashbacks, the Jin ancestor is wearing an eye band, maybe that's because the evidence of soul shifting will be in her eyes and that's why they wanted to keep them covered?

How was she going to read it had he sent it?

She can use her energy to read through it. Didn't they mention it?


Maybe, Bu-Yeon doesn't has ice stone but her divine power allows her to pull souls and energy around her. That's how she was able to maintain 2 souls in one body and able to pull Uk's soul.

Even two leaders couldn't destroy or cut it in half so the queen might have full ice stone.

I wonder if the ice stone has its own will or if it was Buyeon who started the storm. The only thing that keeps me hanging on this "Buyeon is the ice stone" theory is what the relics said. How do they know what happened with the ice stone if it was not Jinyowon's vault? They must have sensed the stone somehow.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

I think she can take control over the body whenever she wants to, she just doesn't do so. We can see her taking control over the body in ep 5(?) when Master Lee and Jang Uk were fighting. I wonder why she doesn't go back to the Jin Family when she arrived in Daeho in the first place or up until now (ep 1 when she was walking around, or maybe that was when she was walking back to the Jin Family's mansion, but got herself involved in Naksu's soul shifting) Even when she WAS in the Jin Family's mansion, she didn't come out to say anything to her mother. Does she have an altered motive? But So-Yi said she was foolishly kind. ugh!!! what is true, and what is not!?!?! 

She could have lost her memory. But she knows her uncle tried to kill her, maybe she's being cautious. Maybe she empathizes with UkieDeokie's goals and is silently waiting until they fulfill them. 


I wonder if the ice stone has its own will or if it was Buyeon who started the storm. The only thing that keeps me hanging on this "Buyeon is the ice stone" theory is what the relics said. How do they know what happened with the ice stone if it was not Jinyowon's vault? They must have sensed the stone somehow.

Ahh right, Jang Uk has the ice stone inside him too. Why didn't they react the same way? because he is a stranger to them?


She could have lost her memory. But she knows her uncle tried to kill her, maybe she's being cautious. Maybe she empathizes with UkieDeokie's goals and is silently waiting until they fulfill them. 

If she did lose it, how did she tell So-Yi that she was from one of the 4 powerful families of Daeho? She clearly remembers everything. Why didn't go back in the first place? Fear of Jin Mu?

 Aurora Nebula:

Also, what if Naksu is being held off from her powers because of Mu deok? Cause Mu deok who is super powerful is also there in her body, so her powers might have been suppressed.  The lake where soul shifters gets discarded is only for soul shifters right? So when Naksu went inside the lake, she regained her powers cause Mu deok might have been suppressed there since it is the area where Naksu belongs. So in the future eps, I think Naksu will slowly regain her powers.

One thing I forgot to mention after yesterday's episode is the scene where Lady Jin orders her servants to discard the broken relics into the lake. Since those relics were created thanks to the ice stone, I think there's this rule where you have to dispose into the lake everything related to the ice stone. Maybe it's a way to recycle the power? The water from that lake must have some healing/recycling powers.