
Jin Bu-yeon has been protecting Naksu's soul from the very beginning. Well, almost the very beginning - Naksu's soul was seeping out until she jumped in the lake and experienced a power surge.  I believe that   was JBY's power surge - not Naksu's.  it was JBY ("Mu-deok")  that stood on the beach and pointed the sword at Jang Uk.  Jin Bu-yeon could have kicked Naksu's soul out of her body long ago, but instead she has been keeping her "alive" (or at least her memories) and the burden of maintaining two souls in that "tiny body" has been immense.

It was also clearly JBY's soul that forced the mirror to crack (the jars on the floor mentioned "the blind girl" before the mirror cracked.  

And, of course, it was JBY that saved Jang Uk from Gil-ju's attempt to soul shift.

That is seriously the most believable theory I've come across so far. I'm pretty sure this is the way it's gonna go.

Who is this Master Lee who comes at the right time to help Uk-Mudeok?

My theory:

He knows it all. He's lived for a long time, and maybe searched a lot for the ice stone. He also knows Mudeok is helping Uk.

I think:

Master Lee asking Uk to be his student, he will train him to be strong and UK will intern help Naksu get her powers back idk how ..but then Mudoek might have the ice stone.

Master Lee can then obtain the ice stone from them, and seal the ice stone once and for all.

Master Lee's goal according to my theory: Help Uk and Mudoek, get the ice stone, seal it.

End of ice stone and Alchemy of Souls sorcery story

 Fujihara Tomomi:
Ahh right, Jang Uk has the ice stone inside him too. Why didn't they react the same way? because he is a stranger to them?

I know we're all talking about Uk having the stone inside him bc of the photocard spoiler, but maybe he doesn't have the stone inside him yet. Maybe someone will seal it in the future.

 Fujihara Tomomi:
If she did lose it, how did she tell So-Yi that she was from one of the 4 powerful families of Daeho? She clearly remembers everything. Why didn't go back in the first place? Fear of Jin Mu?

She didn't say anything to Soyi. Soyi was bluffing with the guards. I mean, if she knew Mudeok was from the Jin family then she wouldn't go after her in a brothel. She would go straight to Jinyowon looking for her.


A crazy thought occurred on me. 

What if Naksu was originally from Park family? I have no evidence to support this except (1) Danggu seems unfit as a successor. He isn't a leader, he doesn't have the guts of his uncle. (2) There's some bad blood between Naksu and Park Jin. So there might some plot twist involving them.  

She's a Cho. There's no bad blood between them. Park Jin is suspicious of her bc of Jang Uk.


One thing I forgot to mention after yesterday's episode is the scene where Lady Jin orders her servants to discard the broken relics into the lake. Since those relics were created thanks to the ice stone, I think there's this rule where you have to dispose into the lake everything related to the ice stone. Maybe it's a way to recycle the power? The water from that lake must have some healing/recycling powers.

Ahahah, you made it sounds like a dumpster full of recycled products lol XD

I know we're all talking about Uk having the stone inside him bc of the photocard spoiler, but maybe he doesn't have the stone inside him yet. Maybe someone will seal it in the future.

It was confirmed in ep 9 when Jin Mu was talking to the Queen, they said Jang Gang sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk instead of talking it to master Hwansu, and ruling the world instead

She didn't say anything to Soyi. Soyi was bluffing with the guards. I mean, if she knew Mudeok was from the Jin family then she wouldn't go after her in a brothel. She would go straight to Jinyowon looking for her.

Hmm.... Now that you mentioned it, she said she's "the mage" from one of the 4 families instead of a daughter..... Bu Yeon really cherishes that blindfold too, it's from her mother after all. She wouldn't give it away easily, right? But So-Yi said Bu Yeon was foolishly kind.... emm..... Did Bu Yeon really lose her memories?

the jin mother mentioned something about buyeon's possible "power loss".

 she said that being away from jinyowon could have impacted buyeon's abilities (except the power to open the vault, which is why they use it as a test to identify the real buyeon). but jin mother explains that if her daughter indeed lost her powers, she will gain them back very quickly by staying in jinyowon. 

maybe if in future episodes mudeok has a prolonged stay there (maybe when that scene with jin choyeon and her having a meal happens?), she will get some of her energy back ? that is of course if buyeon actually lost some of her abilities. we don't know yet if buyeon has lost her powers or if she is just holding them back. 


the jin mother mentioned something about buyeon's possible "power loss".

 she said that being away from jinyowon could have impacted buyeon's abilities (except the power to open the vault, which is why they use it as a test to identify the real buyeon). but she explains that if she indeed lost her powers, she will gain them back very quickly by staying in jinyowon. 

maybe if in future episodes mudeok has a prolonged stay there (maybe when that scene with jin choyeon and her having a meal happens?), she will get some of her energy back ? that is of course if buyeon actually lost some of her abilities. we don't know yet if buyeon has lost her powers or if she is just holding them back. 

Yeah, I hope we reach that scene sooner or later. Still, we don't know lol. She clearly used her power to save Jang Uk from the soul shifting. How much power does she currently have rn? If it's just that, then it's already powerful, how much her real potential can be when it's all returned?

maybe if in future episodes mudeok has a prolonged stay there (maybe when that scene with jin choyeon and her having a meal happens?), she will get some of her energy back ? t


Naksu has lost all of energy/power.  It disappeared - somewhere? (even Master Lee was puzzled).

On the other hand, Jin Bu-yeon's power is still there.  She saved Jang Uk from soul shifting.  It was her power that broke the mirror.  

 Fujihara Tomomi:
It was confirmed in ep 9 when Jin Mu was talking to the Queen, they said Jang Gang sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk instead of talking it to master Hwansu, and ruling the world instead

No, they didn't say he sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk. They said Jang Kang sealed and hid the ice stone and blocked his son's energy gate. Those are separate things. 



Naksu has lost all of energy/power.  It disappeared - somewhere? (even Master Lee was puzzled).

On the other hand, Jin Bu-yeon's power is still there.  She saved Jang Uk from soul shifting.  It was her power that broke the mirror.  

So many questions, ughh. My brain cells can't keep up hahahha. Btw I forgot to ask you sth. How do you tag someone in here lol? I tried using @ but it doesn't appear in blue (when you click it, it will lead to the user's acc), and how to tag the link and put a title over it as you did with the trailer.

 Fujihara Tomomi:
Did Bu Yeon really lose her memories?

It's just a possibility. I don't think she did. 

 Fujihara Tomomi:
ow to tag the link and put a title over it as you did with the trailer.

It took me some time to figure it out.  In the edit box, click on the "link" icon (it also says you can do ctrl+K.  Type in the url block and the "text" box.  Hope this helps.


No, they didn't say he sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk. They said Jang Kang sealed and hid the ice stone and blocked his son's energy gate. Those are separate things. 

OHH!! I just re-checked it, and my brain concluded that Jang Gang sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk lol. Now my theory with Bu Yeon sacrificing herself is back again, wth -,- Btw did Bu Yeon born with the ice stone, or did she somehow get it inside her body later in life? The relics said she's the ice stone, so it must be before she went missing when she was on the boat holding the stone with Jin Mu, right? But the scene with Jin Mu he said she was able to find it with her power when it was sealed by Jang Gang 10 years ago. Did she pull it out of her body? no way, right? she still has the power to go into the Soul Realm. If she just had to pull it out, why bother going to an isolated place like that? ughhhhh my brain!!!


It's just a possibility. I don't think she did. 

I really think she lost her memories. She spent 10 years alone in other city...even if she knows of her uncle but it doesnt seems logical... She must have lose her memories. and maybe her powers?