
It's just a possibility. I don't think she did. 

Let's hope so, lol. I'm tired of the amnesia trope.


It took me some time to figure it out.  In the edit box, click on the "link" icon (it also says you can do ctrl+K.  Type in the url block and the "text" box.  Hope this helps.

Ahhh thank you I didn't notice when it's right above my eyes the whole time lmao!!!


I really think she lost her memories. She spent 10 years alone in other city...even if she knows of her uncle but it doesnt seems logical... She must have lose her memories. and maybe her powers? 

Still, it remains a mystery for now.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

OHH!! I just re-checked it, and my brain concluded that Jang Gang sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk lol. Now my theory with Bu Yeon sacrificing herself is back again, wth -,- Btw did Bu Yeon born with the ice stone, or did she somehow get it inside her body later in life? The relics said she's the ice stone, so it must be before she went missing when she was on the boat holding the stone with Jin Mu, right? But the scene with Jin Mu he said she was able to find it with her power when it was sealed by Jang Gang 10 years ago. Did she pull it out of her body? no way, right? she still has the power to go into the Soul Realm. If she just had to pull it out, why bother going to an isolated place like that? ughhhhh my brain!!!

Jin Mu took her to the lake. Maybe Jang Kang sealed the ice stone at the lake. She can sense energy and all...so she could unsealed the ice stone. But then she didnt want to give it to Jin Mu. And then he got it and she fell in the lake. It was my understanding.  

But its unclear if she  also got some ice stone with her, if Jin Mu got it all....i think its just one? 

 Fujihara Tomomi:

OHH!! I just re-checked it, and my brain concluded that Jang Gang sealed the ice stone inside Jang Uk lol. Now my theory with Bu Yeon sacrificing herself is back again, wth -,- Btw did Bu Yeon born with the ice stone, or did she somehow get it inside her body later in life? The relics said she's the ice stone, so it must be before she went missing when she was on the boat holding the stone with Jin Mu, right? But the scene with Jin Mu he said she was able to find it with her power when it was sealed by Jang Gang 10 years ago. Did she pull it out of her body? no way, right? she still has the power to go into the Soul Realm. If she just had to pull it out, why bother going to an isolated place like that? ughhhhh my brain!!!

The relationship between Buyeon and the ice stone it's still a mystery. Let's see what we already know:

1 - 20 years ago Jang Kang knew where the ice stone was (probably Jinyowon since Seolran created the place to store everything malicious people created using the ice stone);

2 - After using the ice stone to switch back his soul with the king, he sealed the ice stone and hid in a different place before fleeing Daeho fortress;

3 - 10 years Jin Mu used Buyeon's energy detecting powers to find where Jang Kang hid the stone. We don't know if the tornado/storm happened due to the attempt to unseal the stone or whatever. 

But its unclear if she  also got some ice stone with her, if Jin Mu got it all....i think its just one? 

The camera showed him holding the ice stone in one piece, and there wasn't anything glowing in the water when the camera panned down too. Maybe she was born with it is the best answer. She was able to sense her other "self". The reincarnation theory is possible, as she too is blind like Seol-ran, so it wouldn't be a baseless theory.

We don't know if the tornado/storm happened due to the attempt to unseal the stone or whatever. 

Bu Yeon was holding the ice stone, so they already unsealed it, right? But why tf would Bu Yeon create a tornado with it, and give Jin Mu the opportunity to have it for himself when she denied his request of giving it to him. Maybe it was ice stone's doing yes.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

The camera showed him holding the ice stone in one piece, and there wasn't anything glowing in the water when the camera panned down too. Maybe she was born with it is the best answer. She was able to sense her other "self". The reincarnation theory is possible, as she too is blind like Seol-ran, so it wouldn't be a baseless theory.

But "she was born with the ice stone"? I dont think its possible.  The ice stone was sealed by Jang Kang. So its clear an object. Dont you think? Ok, maybe it could be transformed into some energy and got into her but she was not born with it. 

And even if this reincarnation theory is right( i hope not) the Jin leader at that time dont have the ice stone inside her. The Seo master also sealed the ice stone. 

 Fujihara Tomomi:

Bu Yeon was holding the ice stone, so they already unsealed it, right? But why tf would Bu Yeon create a tornado with it, and give Jin Mu the opportunity to have it for himself when she denied his request of giving it to him. Maybe it was ice stone's doing yes.

yup, that's why I was questioning if the ice stone has its own will or not. 

 Fujihara Tomomi:
There were 2 scenes that haven't aired yet. One with Cho Yeon and Mu Deok having lunch together. Mu Deok's styling is still too casual. Maybe her identity hasn't been revealed yet, but it seems to be a new arc. Another one someone (his hair was long...PARK JIN?!?!) pointing a sword at Mu Deok.

Also, the dining scene seems to be at Chwiseonru.


yup, that's why I was questioning if the ice stone has its own will or not. 

I hope we can get our answer soon!!! ughh back to 6 days left until another ep upload.


But "she was born with the ice stone"? I dont think its possible.  The ice stone was sealed by Jang Kang. So its clear an object. Dont you think? Ok, maybe it could be transformed into some energy and got into her but she was not born with it. 

And even if this reincarnation theory is right( i hope not) the Jin leader at that time dont have the ice stone inside her. The Seo master also sealed the ice stone. 

emm.... I see, then it must have gotten into her for some reason when she was young. or simply because she was born powerful enough to do everything we have seen so far?


But "she was born with the ice stone"? I dont think its possible.  The ice stone was sealed by Jang Kang. So its clear an object. Dont you think? Ok, maybe it could be transformed into some energy and got into her but she was not born with it. 

And even if this reincarnation theory is right( i hope not) the Jin leader at that time dont have the ice stone inside her. The Seo master also sealed the ice stone. 

Maybe Seolran had the same divine power Buyeon has. And maybe that's what attracted the ice stone to Daeho in the first place. There must be something to do with this innate power of them.

 Fujihara Tomomi:

emm.... I see, then it must have gotten into her for some reason when she was young. or simply because she was born powerful enough to do everything we have seen so far?

Maybe she is really powerfull indeed. 

Jin Mom said she can sense energy or something like that, so she is powerful. Bu is this enough to Protect Uk from the soul shift?  We must have more hints. lol 

One thing i want to bring its about the Queen:  This last conversation with Jin Mu it makes clear to me that our theory about she being a soul shifter could be right. She talks about the Crown Prince as if he is not his son. Is he not? She seemed to me indiferent about him. Did you all noticed same ?  And who could she be??


Maybe Seolran had the same divine power Buyeon has. And maybe that's what attracted the ice stone to Daeho in the first place. There must be something to do with this innate power of them.

Ohh cool theory, yes. It's possible too.  Btw, they didn't explain why the last ice stone didn't melt yet lol.


Maybe Seolran had the same divine power Buyeon has. And maybe that's what attracted the ice stone to Daeho in the first place. There must be something to do with this innate power of them.

Ohh This could really be! 

So  Seolran and Buyeon could have the same divine power ( and blindness, as cause or as effect).  << Lets keep this! 


Maybe she is really powerfull indeed. 

Jin Mom said she can sense energy or something like that, so she is powerful. Bu is this enough to Protect Uk from the soul shift?  We must have more hints. lol 

One thing i want to bring its about the Queen:  This last conversation with Jin Mu it makes clear to me that our theory about she being a soul shifter could be right. She talks about the Crown Prince as if he is not his son. Is he not? She seemed to me indiferent about him. Did you all noticed same ?  And who could she be??

YEAH, WE NEED MORE HINTS!!! yes, the Queen does seem to be too dissatisfied when she talked about the CP, maybe because it's her Asian parents' energy *cough*. Yes, she seems too indifferent to talking about him.