I thought the same while watching the episode! Now, who is it?? I don't think we heard of any Choi before she mentioned that family to Jin Mu. Do you guys remember anything? I need to do some re-watch.
Lmao, it's okay, lol. There's no mention of the Choi Family after the duel episode so far.
-Or i thought about that lady that lost her son in the very first scene, that Jang Kang killed. He was soul shifting people so we dont know...
We only heard his given name, not his surname, so it's a mystery. But he could be a Choi too.
Uh, I've changed my mind. After reading MDL and Reddit today, it's clear that many Naksu fans are determined to close their eyes to anything favorable to JBY's potential relationship w/Jang Uk. I'll just read everyone's ideas here.
Oof, well so far, Jang Uk x Naksu is the main cp for most of us lol. Of course, people would be upset too. But that goddamn gentle smile- *arghhhhh* she's too pure.
Everything is leading to these characters, in their own special situations, to find a new use for the ice stone.
I hope things go this way too.