So wait, there are ice stones, plural?
What Park Jin's assistant said, what was shown today with the eunuch and earlier concerning Bu-Yeon's birth points to this? If you insert an ice stone into a person, it is inside of it basically animating the dead, and you have to get it out first from the body to have it back. Is Bu-Yeon sort of undead from birth?
Also, again, just think about all those petrified statues in the lake - their souls are still inside and can be revived with the ice stone?
Exactly according to whether Bu Yeon was born herself or did Bu Yeon's soul return to her body or not? Because as we know now, Bu Yeon died in the womb, only the body remained because the soul died. What if the soul has already been reborn in another body - Naksu? And Jang Kang brought someone else into Bu Yeon's body, maybe the shaman lady chose her body because Bu Yeon's soul had already been reborn? Or, as someone already suggested, it split into two halves, one stayed in Bu Yeon and the other was reborn in Naksu?