Well, I've being watching Jackie Can movies since I was a kid too and... Is he really retiring from action movies? i can't believe it, but I can understand, I always hear that he always hurts himself while doing action movies and almost get really serious injuries. But I'll really miss new action movies where he plays the main role. I can say that he's unique. I've watched almost everything single movie he was in and like almost every one, including the cartoon which I miss watching.
my dad introduced me to martial arts film since when i was a wee little kiddo, reason y i love jackie chan (just one of the few martial artists i admire)... i remember watching one of his classic movies, he was very young and it was not a comedy and don't remember the title.
I need some help and since this is the jackie chan forum this might be the best place. I don't know how the conversation started but about a year ago i vowed to make Jackie Chan appear for my friend's 18th.
So I'm planning to make a cardboard cut out this is where the problem lies.
I can't find a picture of Jackie Chan standing and facing the camera properly (I've looked for ages) and I thought I might ask for help :)
@seung225 , I guess he semi retired now, da bones cant take any more damage @ the age of 61 :) still imdd has listed him for some action hbo,dunno whether that go through since he has no policy of an stunt double and yeah Jackie chan adventure was a blast for me too

i still see him in the wildlife ad on crunchyroll every once in a while

@_VIP_ - maybe some of these might help ?
