I know what you mean! I really wanna see it, the video makes it look pretty close to the anime, but the fact that his voice is dubbed is the main thing I'm worried about in this drama
jeanie65jh wrote: I don't know if I can watch this! It looks interesting but I can't stand dubbing and ....why is Choi Si-won being dubbed by a woman? Or...is there really a man named Penny?

my thoughts exactly lol
Crazy4You wrote: The dubbing voice is actually "Kunda" who is apparently:

Ken / Penny
Commonly known as: Kun Da (Chinese: 坤達; pinyin: kūn dá)
Real Name: Xie Kun Da (Chinese: 謝坤達; pinyin: xiè kūn dá)
Birth Date: March 18, 1982 (age 29)

who used to be in the pop rock boy band Energy.

This is the dubber haha:

see now he's kinda cute why didn't they just cast him =P
ladyfaile wrote: see now he's kinda cute why didn't they just cast him =P

Haha I don't understand why they cast 2 Korean guys, is it cuz they're in Super Junior? And yeah he is cute, they probably could've casted someone like him haha. Especially if they're going to dub Siwon's voice =__=
yeah probably just trying to pump up the ratings by bringing in big names, but there are plenty of talented Japanese popstars who can act (or popular actors who can sing) that they could have brought in instead. or other Kpop stars who speak Japanese at least. JGS would have been good as Ren :D
wait it's a Tdrama nevermind.. i'm tired. pretend i didn't post that. :P
my point still stands though lol there are probably (i'm assuming, i know nothing about actors or singers from Taiwan) lots of talented actors from their own country that could have done a great job, or others who do speak the language well enough to not need a voice-over
orrrrrrrrrrr he could have learned the script phonetically and muddled through. asian actors do this all the time for english roles. maybe his pronunciations wouldn't be 100% perfect but it's better than dubbing over. to look half-decent he'd have to more or less know the script phonetically to keep it looking as natural as possible so how much harder would it be...

it makes me think of this cereal commercial i hate that plays all the time here. when it first aired the actors had british accents (their own voices) after it played for quite a while it suddenly had voiceovers with american accents, i guess the marketing dept or whatever decided they sounded too foreign. then it must have offended a bunch of people that they changed it cause now it's been voiced over again back to british accents (not the original actors voices though) they never should have messed with it, i would rather hear an accent than dubs, dubs are just irritating. or if they didn't like it at the start they should have refilmed with american actors. sure it'd cost more but it's worth it to not be annoying the hell out of your prospective future customers.
ladyfaile wrote: my point still stands though lol there are probably (i'm assuming, i know nothing about actors or singers from Taiwan) lots of talented actors from their own country that could have done a great job, or others who do speak the language well enough to not need a voice-over
orrrrrrrrrrr he could have learned the script phonetically and muddled through. asian actors do this all the time for english roles. maybe his pronunciations wouldn't be 100% perfect but it's better than dubbing over. to look half-decent he'd have to more or less know the script phonetically to keep it looking as natural as possible so how much harder would it be...

it makes me think of this cereal commercial i hate that plays all the time here. when it first aired the actors had british accents (their own voices) after it played for quite a while it suddenly had voiceovers with american accents, i guess the marketing dept or whatever decided they sounded too foreign. then it must have offended a bunch of people that they changed it cause now it's been voiced over again back to british accents (not the original actors voices though) they never should have messed with it, i would rather hear an accent than dubs, dubs are just irritating. or if they didn't like it at the start they should have refilmed with american actors. sure it'd cost more but it's worth it to not be annoying the hell out of your prospective future customers.

totally totally agree! I'm sure there is enough pretty in their own country to cast someone who looks great, can act, and speaks well enough to not need a dub it's a main role for pitty's sake!!


WOT?!?!?!?! seriously?? Brit>American>different Brit?!?!?!

::rolls eyes::
I've just watched the first episode, and I'm so glad the adaptation is close to the manga, but I can't help but feeling a little dispointed about Tsuruga Ren...so far I have the impression that the actor have one facial expression and...is he dubbed ?????

But the actress playing Kyoko is simply amazing, her acting is wonderful so far and I can't wait for next week...
I also can't wait for the subs....
Juniko wrote: I've just watched the first episode, and I'm so glad the adaptation is close to the manga, but I can't help but feeling a little dispointed about Tsuruga Ren...so far I have the impression that the actor have one facial expression and...is he dubbed ?????

But the actress playing Kyoko is simply amazing, her acting is wonderful so far and I can't wait for next week...
I also can't wait for the subs....

I've watched it, too and it didn't get me on my knees. I don't like the fact that the 2 main male leads are dubbed :/ Tsuruga Ren is played by Choi Siwon and second male lead by Lee Dong Hae. They are from Super Junior band. I'm not fan of chinese/taiwanese dramas but hmmm..... what couldn't I do for Siwon... :D
Ok so....how does a guy who doesn't speak Chinese play the part of a very good chinese actor ? He doesn't open his mouth, it's awful ! Seriously, this drama is great, but Come ON there Are good actors in TW why did they have to take Korean superstars ? ? ? This manga is famous enough, even with total nobodies in the cast it would have reached supra audience record !