also question, how does everyone line up their pictures so perfectly i'm struggling, can you let me know?
I put mine in tables, but it isn't necessary. Choose pictures with about the same proportions so that they can stretch or squish to the same size and not look weird. Use the Change Size (four sided arrow) button when you pick a picture to set the width and height so they are all the same. If you enter a number, that is the pixels it will adjust the size to. If you do only height or only width, I think the other adjusts based on the original dimensions, so if you want them to all be the same, do both, but it may be fine not to depending on the situation. Mess around a little until you get the size you want, save and view the profile every once in a while to check. I use two tabs so if you make a mistake you can undo it without closing the settings tab but refresh the other to see the results on your profile. Resize the window to see how the pictures adjust.
If you put a percent sign after the numbers, it will stretch/shrink the picture to be a percent of the cell (if in a table) or the screen. I think if you put 100% for the height it just defaults to a proportional size, but width with take up that much of the screen or cell width.
They will resize depending on the viewer's screen, which you may or may not want but it is somewhat unavoidable. Try out different combinations and see what works. Double check the fonts and alignment and that you don't have any extra spaces around the pictures. Also check the Display (star button) and make sure all are on the same setting (inline puts them in the same as text or other pictures, while break text starts a new line that you can format separately from the text). I usually choose break text so I can change the alignment, etc. but try them both and see the difference for yourself. I still haven't found a combination that looks perfect on every screen. Like on mobile, unless it is viewed in Desktop mode on the browser, some of the pictures don't size right, no matter what I do to the settings. I have settled for what looks good in most situations. Good luck!