What is the aunt hiding (per new trailer)? ?

Do Chancellor Jiang and Jiang Old Madam (Jiang Li's dad and grandmother) find out the truth that Jiang Li is actually XFF? If so, do they get angry, or are they grateful for XFF trying to honor the real JL?

What happens to Shen Yurong? How does he get punished in the end?

i am really wondering how the princess marriage with one of the li sons is gonna play out since it will probably be somewhat changed or censored, since gay content like isnt allowed in cdramas, idk if the pedo part will be changed too??? so i'm really curious how it will play out

Novel begins with XFF soul taking over JL body. In drama, JL dies & XFF assumes JL identity and becomes PM's daughter.

Q1: In Drama, XFF's father regains sanity and reunites with XFF and Xue Zhao. Is this the same as novel?

Q2: When will JI Shu Ran get exposed as scheming villain?  Ep.28: Her wrongdoings get exposed through medium. #29 Imperial Consort Li saves her ass. JSR gets locked up & later turns crazy..

Q3: How did Tong Er die in the novel?  Ep.28: Can't escape death after getting stabbed Front & Back!!!

Q4: What happens to Jiang Ruoyao? JRY doesn't appear anymore after #29. Ep.38 Father Jiang tells Grandma Jiang JRY is doing well in Yongzhou.

Q5: What happens to cunning scheming Jiang Yu Er?

Q6: What happens to Grand Princess in Novel? In Drama, she's once again being abandoned - by the love of her life. SYR wants her dead! 

Q7: What happens to Shen Yu Rong in Novel? Ep.40, XFF foils SYR's attempt to kill XH. Commits suicide to resist punishment for treason

Q8: Did JL's paternal cousin JJR succeed in pairing off with Liu Xiu? Ep.40 Liu Xiu leaves city with Jiang Family for Yongzhou.

Q9: Tong Er didn't die in novel. In drama, who else from Good guy camp die? Ep.40 Lu Ji & Wen Ji die tragically

No one is asking about leads ending. lol. I want to ask if they have a happy ending? Will ML and FL marry each other? Or is it a sad or open ending where one of the leads die?


No one is asking about leads ending. lol. I want to ask if they have a happy ending? Will ML and FL marry each other? Or is it a sad or open ending where one of the leads die?

Bcs it was answered so many times: HE, married, have daughter (spoiled by Duke, lol).


the Jiang family (grandma & dad) give the stepmother medicine/poison once they find out about her evil deeds.

the princess and the ex-husband get sued, incarcerated, and beheaded for their crimes

Wow...befitting punishment 

anyone knows what will happen to Jiang Ruyao?


the Jiang family (grandma & dad) give the stepmother medicine/poison once they find out about her evil deeds.

the princess and the ex-husband get sued, incarcerated, and beheaded for their crimes

Hello! Do you know who the Emperor wants Ali to marry (once she returns under the fake identity)? I read somewhere that he wants her to marry her ex! Why would he be against the Duke marrying Ali? And how does the marriage proposal happen in the book? Thanks :)


No one is asking about leads ending. lol. I want to ask if they have a happy ending? Will ML and FL marry each other? Or is it a sad or open ending where one of the leads die?

They are married and have a daughter if I remember right.


Hello! Do you know who the Emperor wants Ali to marry (once she returns under the fake identity)? I read somewhere that he wants her to marry her ex! Why would he be against the Duke marrying Ali? And how does the marriage proposal happen in the book? Thanks :)

I want to know the answer to this too 


How in the book Duke Su know the real Identity of Jiang Li? (In the book, it's a soul transmigration.)

In the book he's confused about how she is matured, brilliant and vengeful when she's supposed to be an abandoned 16/17year old; she becomes his pawn and they get close and she promises to tell him her secret after she completes her revenge/retribution plan. So after getting her father back and getting the Princess and SYR beheaded for crimes against Huaxinag, and the Xue family and clearing her name she tells hum about her transmigration. These happen along the hitting the drum plot; obviously the timeline and storyline has been changed n the drama.


Novel begins with XFF soul taking over JL body. In drama, JL dies & XFF assumes JL identity and becomes PM's daughter.

Q1: Did XFF's father ever regain sanity and reunite with XFF? Did he die in novel?

Q2: When will JI Shu Ran get exposed as scheming villain?  Ep.28: But show only loyal Nanny taken away for punishment.

Q3: How did Tong Er die in the novel?  Ep.28: Can't escape death after getting stabbed Front & Back!!!

Q4: What happens to Jiang Ruoyao?

Q5: What happens to cunning scheming Jiang Yu Er?

Q6: Besides Tong Er, who else from Good guy camp die in novel?

Q7: Do the 3 musketeers survive a happy ending or not? In promo trailer, they're in combat gear, presumably at war, and seem to be standing there helplessly being surrounded by enemies and fighting to the death. Did all 3 die in the end?

Q8: Did JL's paternal cousin JJR succeed in pairing off with Liu Xiu? Do they have a HEA ending in novel?  

Many thanks in advance for sharing. Much obliged! ???

Novel Answers:

Q1. Yes; healed by Situ's poison treatment.

Q2. The fallout in the book is worse and more decisive: it becomes public knowledge that Ji Shuran killed Ye zhen zhen, Jaing Yue and framed Jiang Li. Jiang Li pretends to be possessed by 3 ghost- YZZ, JY and Ji Sharon's lover (dead in the novel) [and I think also the dead baby] and cries out about being murdered. Concubine Hu kills herself in protest and they are forced to kill Ji shuran even with the pressure from Conosrt Li and the Ji family.

Q3. Tong didn't die in the novel

Q4. She is blinded by the princess. She runs away from home and ends up shacking up with the 2nd Li, sees unspeakable things in their house and is taken to the Princess' dungeon and blinded [I think her tongue was also cut out]. She was rescued by the Duke's people.

Q5. She died in backyard dram at the Zhou's. I think he killed her.

Q6. I don't remember any good peeps deaths in the book.

Q7. The novel saved all its venom for the villains. Every possible bad thing happens to the bad guys and the goods guys come out with only a little wear and tear.

Q8. They are not a love match in the novel. He leaves the capital with the rest of the Jiang family because novel emperor was out to get them as he was setting his own court and getting rid of the late Emperor's and opposing faction's people.

Disclaimer******: 1. As far as I remember 2. Completed the novel with poor translation 


Do Chancellor Jiang and Jiang Old Madam (Jiang Li's dad and grandmother) find out the truth that Jiang Li is actually XFF? If so, do they get angry, or are they grateful for XFF trying to honor the real JL?

What happens to Shen Yurong? How does he get punished in the end?

They never find out. They leave the capital and are somewhat estranged from her; she never warms up to them(all the Jiangs, even Rui) like in the drama and favours the Ye family and Xue family and of course the Xiao's (the Duke's) family instead. The truth is known only to the Xue's and the duke. She publicly takes Magstr Xue as her "Spiritual" father/teacher/moral father or something.

Hi  DefyingDestiny  , thanks very much  for the info. It's unfortunate the drama differs from novel in Tong Er's case. Not surprised though about the Emperor. In novels and dramas, this almighty figurehead is always depicted as ungrateful and/or merciless and will even get rid their own loyal supporters after ascending the throne, sometimes because of inferiority...