This Daum Cafe is running a survey to gauge interest in a director's cut blu-ray (maybe too early for some, but I don't need to be talked into buying Junho anything lol) 

Here's the link to the cafe:

Here's a link to a walk through for signing up and completing the survey (Emily is the bomb!):

To quote her: 

It is especially important for overseas fans to participate in these early surveys so that the team knows that there's interest in English subtitles to be included. 


Eta: this isn't a survey anymore, it's confirmed the blu-ray will be made, and the process to pre-order is the same as indicated above. 

Info on pre-order period and cost (it's pricey, omgosh)

The pre-order link will be available soon.


Info on pre-order period and cost (it's pricey, omgosh)

The pre-order link will be available soon.

Is that like $233??


Is that like $233??

Yes, it would be like Xmas, bday, three kings day, anniversary, etc.. present, all rolled into one. Apparently this is a normal cost for director's cut blu-rays...? 


Yes, it would be like Xmas, bday, three kings day, anniversary, etc.. present, all rolled into one. Apparently this is a normal cost for director's cut blu-rays...? 

I always have a hard time ordering from overseas because they don’t always come in a format that I can watch in the states.  


I always have a hard time ordering from overseas because they don’t always come in a format that I can watch in the states.  

Good call. I know they're recruiting English translators, so I hope that means it's multi-region, too. I hope it's mentioned in the pre-order site! 


I always have a hard time ordering from overseas because they don’t always come in a format that I can watch in the states.  

Here's more info from the cafe post. Looks like we're good in the states. 


Here's more info from the cafe post. Looks like we're good in the states. 


Here's also a quick description of the difference b/w director's cut and other versions. 


Here's also a quick description of the difference b/w director's cut and other versions. 

So we only have till Dec 27 for pre-order?  Going to be my XMas, B-Day, etc gift. ;p


So we only have till Dec 27 for pre-order?  Going to be my XMas, B-Day, etc gift. ;p

YOU KNOW IT! Yeah that's the pre-order period :) I don't know what's coming after that yet. 

The pre-order links are up on the cafe. Must join the cafe in order to access them. Feel free to ask for help if needed!


Is that like $233??

Btw with shipping it's up around $315 :')  

Faq excerpt re: payments and subs:

03  Will I lose money if the Blu-ray promotion fails?
- no! If the Blu-ray promotion is canceled,the amount paid will be fully refunded. 

Also, you can freely cancel your purchase on the site where you purchased the Blu-ray until it is produced and shipped.

06 Are  foreign language subtitles available?
- Unfortunately, it is expected that foreign language subtitles will not be available.

(on the question board someone asked about English subs and they were told they'd consider them but not to expect them. I'm going to sleep on this lol) 


Btw with shipping it's up around $315 :')  

Faq excerpt re: payments and subs:

03  Will I lose money if the Blu-ray promotion fails?
- no! If the Blu-ray promotion is canceled,the amount paid will be fully refunded. 

Also, you can freely cancel your purchase on the site where you purchased the Blu-ray until it is produced and shipped.

06 Are  foreign language subtitles available?
- Unfortunately, it is expected that foreign language subtitles will not be available.

(on the question board someone asked about English subs and they were told they'd consider them but not the expect them. I'm going to sleep on this lol) 

Hmmm…gotta think a both is now since most likely no English subs :(


Hmmm…gotta think a both is now since most likely no English subs :(

Yeah, I was so excited and now... womp, womp...