This alone deserves all the praise he's been getting. My goodness. 

Yeah, I hope the cast and drama win more awards.


San's reaction at being told he needs to go back on ep 16 vs 17. 3 days later, I'm still crying.

I went back to watch that scene in ep16 and 17.  They filmed that scene twice with subtle differences in their micro expressions and movements.  Even Doek-Im’s smile is not as bright in 17 as it was in 16. San looked down and back up at Doek-Im when he said “oh…I will” in 16 but not 17 as if he didn’t want to look away from her.  They also did full body while she was wiping his face in 17 and gave it a diff vibe cause of a different view of San looking at Doek-Im.  Then when they walked to the gate, their expressions in that conversation too. It’s like Doek-Im knows and San is suspecting. T_T.  The details in this production is insane.


I went back to watch that scene in ep16 and 17.  They filmed that scene twice with subtle differences in their micro expressions and movements.  Even Doek-Im’s smile is not as bright in 17 as it was in 16. San looked down and back up at Doek-Im when he said “oh…I will” in 16 but not 17 as if he didn’t want to look away from her.  They also did full body while she was wiping his face in 17 and gave it a diff vibe cause of a different view of San looking at Doek-Im.  Then when they walked to the gate, their expressions in that conversation too. It’s like Doek-Im knows and San is suspecting. T_T.  The details in this production is insane.

Ahhh this got reposted, yes! The two scenes side by side.

Insane indeed. There's no moving on for the time being. 

Rainbows on ep 1 and 17 as bookends as well. 

Idk I think I see them more as two separate starting points - one for their tumultuous love story in life, and one for their blissful love story in death.


Rainbows on ep 1 and 17 as bookends as well. 

Idk I think I see them more as two separate starting points - one for their tumultuous love story in life, and one for their blissful love story in death. 

I like that…starting points.


I like that…starting points.

Right? I'm going to need a pillow to hug (and cry into) the whole time I rewatch it, with all these new nuggets 

San turned out to be much more like his grandfather than he'd hoped he would be. Honestly this character, for all his arrogance and rule-following, is one of the most tragic things I've seen


San turned out to be much more like his grandfather than he'd hoped he would be. Honestly this character, for all his arrogance and rule-following, is one of the most tragic things I've seen

T_T  patiently/impatiently waiting for the blue-ray and photo book.  One of the few dramas that I’ve been attached to like this.

The scene where she says goodbye to her old self…the tassels on her top are the colors of G4 hanbok.

The rainbow was a natural effect from the camera filter, not cgi. Dang everything just came together so perfectly