Deok Im as the moon in San's life

This…I always thought that this idea was interesting because it’s normally said the the King is the sun and Queen is the moon.  Though she wasn’t the queen of his kingdom, she was in his heart even if he couldn’t prioritize her. 

More details on the filming of the dumpling soup scene plus their reactions


More details on the filming of the dumpling soup scene plus their reactions

Awww…They were disa because it was their last scene to film which meant it was the end :(  We’re having a hard time moving on too.  

An analysis on the other poem featured in the drama, the one about the lover and the river


An analysis on the other poem featured in the drama, the one about the lover and the river

Love the description that the drama is the enactment of these classic poems.  Also, If you click on the poem, at the bottom there’s also context on where Yeongjo’s forbidden text came from.  it was an insult from the Zhou ruler for threatening to behead a Qi representative theta was late for the previous King’s death/mourning. 

Deok Im's calculation. Also replies qrt back to love language threads. Continuing to be thankful for these folks


Deok Im's calculation. Also replies qrt back to love language threads. Continuing to be thankful for these folks

Always thankful for these tidbits.  It just makes me hope there’s some family scenes or a few unaired scenes of their happiness.  


Another Great analysis

Omooo thank you! This is my Tumblr blog, anyway aaaccckkk :D I'm so shameless for releasing so much feels on that post haha!