I dint watch the drama but i like the scene that she is wearing different from others 

That funeral is for fish lol



And in the process I dropped my ipad too…..not to worry though, no harm done, as there was this carpet on the floor…..otherwise there would have been this ipad in the pic and me wearing this red for my iPad’s funeral……..

hahaha .

Sorry it took so long for me to respond I literally had to have a doctor bring me back to life cause I died of laughter lmao, that's was too much

lol I think I saw the fish shaking it's head in the afterlife before the doctor brought me back

hahas i dint expect this reaction .

Sorry guys next time i will put warning signs like in movies before posting ;)



u mean to say…..it’s fish’s soul now in your body….we are speaking to fish it seems……

i think we need preist or shaman to bring our friend back

Drats the jig is up, back to the ocean i go.  Ariel isn't gonna like this one bit.